SC2 lives off nostalgia?


New member
Apr 20, 2010
Traun said:
PurpleSky said:
It really bothers me that people consider games like Starcraft 1/2 to be superior to a next generation RTS such as World In Conflict/Company of Heroes. Starcraft 1 was a great game when it came out in 1998, but when people keep saying shit like "Starcraft is the best RTS" I facepalm.

Really? A game with basic RTS mechanics (though it lacked que-build back in the day) is superior to 3d graphics, complex combat, and tactical depth? I really like Age of Empires 2, classic RTS, but do you know what? It isn't as good as Homeworld 2 (I have heard the first one is better) or Opposing Fronts, I know difference between nostalgia and game that is still good.

On the other end of the spectrum we have games like Stronghold: Crusader and Battlezone, games that perfected a niche (and would eventually have inferior sequels) and have yet to be de-throned. The difference between these games is that the former no longer can claim originality in their gameplay, while the latter can. Battlezone has a completely functional and easy-to-use system that combines RTS and TPS gameplay, with Stronghold having a castle sim and RTS hybrid that keeps it from bogging down and becoming stale.

You need to do new shit if you want to stay fresh, and you need to perfect something to stay superior in the future; or else it becomes a game that lives on nostalgia.
Not my own words, but I agree entirely,you?

*Yes,I am really set on becoming "that guy" that hates one particular game,it shall be SC2 for me, don't know why, maybe I hate Blizzard for asking monthly subscriptions -edit-(WoW)*
Ok, I will throw the stone here. Did you really quote /v/? Did you really took something of 4chan and posted it?

Simply put - Starcraft 2 is unique. After years of trying to rip off Starcraft people finally gave up. So today, before SC2 a RTS game that was macro and micro balanced didn't exist. I kinda wish it did, Starcraft gave me what I wanted.

And also - Starcraft 2 smooths out what Starcraft 1 started. There are small problems, but there is enough time for them to be fixed.
What's /v/? *giggle*


Senior Member
May 9, 2010
megapenguinx said:
Proteus214 said:
So, my question is why aren't games like Age of Empires, Battlezone, and Homeworld practically international sports?
I have to agree. Although I love Age of Empires, there seems to be something more to Starcraft that isn't present in other games.

I think the closest you have in comparison to it would be Worldcraft 3 (which I always wondered why no one played that competitively).
WC3 is actually played fairly competitively ( ) but Starcraft took the trophy by already having a dedicated fanbase the time WC3 came out.


New member
May 29, 2010
I do like SC2, I also like SC1. But I do agree that it lives of nostalgia. I also don't believe it could have been any other way without a lot of hate from SC1 core fanbase.

Also, @quote in OP, Homeworld 1 was a lot better than Homeworld 2 in terms or storyline and tactics. In terms of UI and gameplay mechanics though, Cataclysm was far superior. HW1 to HW:C is my favourite example of innovation while keeping the fanbase by keeping everything similar but new. HW1 was a brilliant game, but the UI and game mechanics had a few flaws. So HW:C continued after HW1 finished, keeping to the story as it likely would have went, with a sub-group of the main race with totally different units but the old ones still in play by friendly NPC's, with the UI based off the first one but refined to be pretty much faultless. And they released this a year after the original. So SC2 has been a bit of a let down in terms of time taken to make it and innovations, but it doesn't make it a bad game.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I never played star craft, war craft..or any thing by blizzard, I just now got starcraft...and its very simplistic I'm having a hard time playing it with 648x400 or whatever resolution it uses, its simplistic sprites and its old hat rts abbilities, not when Im used to empire earth 2 and supreme commander.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
So do you hate cars because they have wheels or doors OP?

You don't just innovate just for the heck of adding something new into your game, no additional value is added in that way.

Innovation is a response to a certain need: man wants to have a cart that moves over terrain, man sees round objects roll better so man invents wheel.
Subsequent inventions make the wheel rounder and make the ride smoother.

It's the same thing for Starcraft; the formula in SC1 was already very well done for the content of that game, so they polished it up and made the ride smoother.

How someone could have expected a completely new game from a sequel in the first place is also beyond me and I'm sure they would have received an equal amount of counter QQ (well deserved) for that game not being Starcraft at all...


New member
Jun 3, 2010
In my opinion, starcraft 2 is a really good game. It's polished, the story is good, it has many jokes, but the important thing is the gameplay: it's really, really well done.
Why would I care if it doesn't re-invent the wheel? It's FUN!
Yes, it has problems, especially the bnet 2.0 thing ( no chatrooms? WHAT?!?!) but on the whole I see no reason to downrank the game.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
sure stracrft2 didnt do anything new but what is did was shine evrything in the rts genre to a shie. it is hard to find a game with this much polish and with races that are balanced without being mirrors of each other. each race has its advantages and disadvantages but they equal each other out. that is why sc2 is an amazing game


New member
Oct 9, 2009
I haven't really played StarCraft at all, and I generally dislike RTS.
Yet StarCraft II still sucked me in and had me sit through the single player campaign, which is rare for me these days. And I've had some good fun on lately.

It doesn't have all the gimmicks of other RTS games because it doesn't need them, it just works, and it's as simple as that.

Seeing as I never really played the original StarCraft but love the sequel, I'll dare say that nostalgia has nothing to do with it. Maybe for some people it's a factor, but it is still a very solid game on its own.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Starcraft 2 doesn't live off nostalgia.
That's like saying baseball lives off nostalgia.

Starcraft is a sport.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Now let's just say it does thrive off of nostalgia and a large fanbase, nothing out of the ordinary right?

To put it simply "no sh*t" of course I could be wrong, or am I right? I will answer this question with another question. Why are you surprised? You said it yourself, as what is hapening with Starcraft 2 has happend with World of Warcraft and many predasesors before. Therefore we can conclude that this is a waste of time, or is it not?

What I am saying is that the question you seek is not the question you asked, but the question that I will ask for you now. Is there a solution to this redundant mess we have repeated year by year, rather does the majority really perfer simplicity over complexity, redundance over change?

Answer that for me and you shall have your answer, good day sir.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
TylerC said:
I really like StarCraft II and I never even played the first one (don't hurt me). They do a good job of folding the story into fun gameplay. And I'm not saying this as a person who doesn't enjoy/hasn't played their far share of RTS games.

JeanLuc761 said:
hyperhammy said:
Dudemeister said:
I never played Starcraft but I love Starcraft 2. Thread terminated.
This this this this this and this
I'm with these two.
Looks like I got ninja'd
I think the reason most people are saying this is because they never played SCI they don't care if SCII is too much like the first or not. But what I dont understand is that SCII succeeded as a sequal because it was able to live up to the the reputation that the first SC had all these years later, bringing with it new and more interesting techniques as a game, making it more than able to compete with any other modern RTS.

So basically I'm saying is that I think SCII doesn't need nostalgia from the first game to convince people to buy it. And I don't think many people who bought it cared about nostalgia anyway.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I'm at a crossroads on Blizzard...

There are new units in multiplayer and the single player is great. My problem becomes the very fact that the multiplayer is the same thing with newer graphics.

If I look at Company of Heroes, that was great because it really forced a mobile way to fight. If there were a few new elements to the multi, I probably wouldn't complain. But after 10 years, the only true incentive to play the multi is to compete at a game that's been played for Ten. Years! What would have worked was to incorporate a few of the campaign modes into the multi so they aren't two separate things. For example, if you could have an upgrade so you don't need an SCV to mine Vespene, I would have been happy to do that.

If the other two races could get a sampling of these mods, I would have welcomed that diversity. As it stands, I have no interest in playing this game since I already have SC1.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I mean...uhh if it's fun then people who love it win and people who hate it nothing matters then really

generic or basic? maybe originally it wasn't?

idk I don't play RTS games really but I speak just for most game series really