Scariest/creepiest/most unnerving sequences in any game


New member
Sep 15, 2008
The bit quite early on in Dead Space where you're walking down a corridor and you see a man banging his head on a wall over and over and as you get quite close he does one last whack and his neck snaps and he dies...that was pretty unnerving to play as it's all you can see as it's so dark and he is bathed in light and it's the continual banging until you hear that crack.
Oct 2, 2010
Darkgoosey666 said:
You see now im very scared, im on the first few missions of HL2 and people are telling me the ravenholm part is scary. And i dont do scary. i mean fuck the first zombie scared me.

just how bad is it exactly?
It's a tricky question. I don't see Ravenholm as really being all THAT scary, so much as somewhat scary in an awesome way. It also doesn't leave so much to the imagination that average players will be horrified at length.

If you "don't do scary", though, do expect to jump a little when the undead break into the energy drinks xD

Actually, I think I might call it more "awesome" than "scary", though it has heaps of both. You'll understand why I mentioned the former attribute pretty early on in the mission!

A BigCup of Tea

New member
Nov 19, 2009
SconnieHack said:
Resident Evil 2 at the part where the licker jumps through the interrogation room window. Full volume + alone in the house = wringing urine from boxers.
This, Or the first time you encounter nemises in resi 3 (scary shit!!)


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Pretty much every minute of Resident Evil 1 and 2. Where that crawler thing jumps through the window in 2 terrified me when I was younger.
I could never actually play the games back then either, it shit me up too much so I always had to watch a friend play it.

I recently bought them both and it still freaks me out. Anything zombiey does. It's getting overdone but that doesn't stop them giving me the jitters.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
"Nah, I'll be able to sleep anyway" -Me, looking at the thread name about twenty minutes ago.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
The Overlord DLC for Mass Effect 2.
From the very beginning, the computerized noise the "AI" makes sounds a lot like screaming. As you progress, it sounds more and more human as you realize it is saying "MAKE IT STOP". Then at the end, when you realize the horrible truth about this AI...

God. I had to take a break from the game for a day after that. And I really like Mass Effect 2, so taking a break is not normal for me. It was just that disturbing.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
It's been said a few times, but any given segment from Amnesia gives me the heebie jeebies. I recall two moments particularly well:

The first occured when I had to find the antidote for the poisonous fungus. After doing the slightly upsetting sequence where you have to drill into a cadaver's skull to get at the aforementioned medicine, then inject it into yourself, I glanced up at the door in time to see the thing explode into splinters and standing there is a grotesque monster with a sodding great machete for a hand and a horrible gaping wound where it's face should be. It was the first time I had honestly squealed in abject terror from any form of media, either game book or film.

The second occasion was much simpler but all the more terrifying through it's immediacy. This was towards the end of the game, and I was creeping through a large cavernous hall full of pillars. Suddenly the music started to turn to that horrible metal scraping sound they use when a monster has spotted you. I started frantically looking around and didn't see anything so I hedged my bets and just legged it forward. I sprint headlong into it's welcoming arms and I nearly wet myself. Goddamn


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Every level in Corridor 7: Alien Invasion always made me feel uneasy. The enemies which liked to sneak up on you, coupled with the creepy sound effects made it a classic unnerving FPS back in its day.

Also, Condemned: Criminal Origins had a bunch of parts that were unnerving to me.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Darkgoosey666 said:
You see now im very scared, im on the first few missions of HL2 and people are telling me the ravenholm part is scary. And i dont do scary. i mean fuck the first zombie scared me.

just how bad is it exactly?
It's pretty freaky at times with a few jump-out moments. But that's all that might scare you. Any atmosphere the place tries to create goes to all hell when the game pulls it's usualy trick of saying "You look like you're having fun, so here's a physics/jumping puzzle to fuck with the game-flow and make you miserable. Enjoy!".


New member
Feb 22, 2009
either the bear sequence in condemned 2 or the most obvious one in my min, 3 words...silent hill 2...just all of it.

For the record also, ravenholm was timid people, TIMID!

Snarky Username

Elite Member
Apr 4, 2010
The Choir part in Amnesia. Basically, the room is huge, but covered in this immense fog. Also, there's a weird fleshy red substance on all the walls. You get lost in it really easily, and there's a giant... thing stomping around. It's very easy to get lost too. All in all, the scariest part of the game for me. Not to mention that Iron Maiden part... I nearly wet myself.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Darkgoosey666 said:
You see now im very scared, im on the first few missions of HL2 and people are telling me the ravenholm part is scary. And i dont do scary. i mean fuck the first zombie scared me.

just how bad is it exactly?
Well, there are two additional varieties of zombie in addition to the standard ones. There are fast zombies which can climb buildings. There are also poison headcrab zombies. Poison headcrabs reduce your health to 1 when they bite, although the lost health does regenerate. Both will probably freak you out a bit.