Science project ideas for mentally disabled students?


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Attention all STEM nerds and ethuiasts of the Escapist forum! I would love some ideas


I have been volunteering at a organization for almost 9 years, helping individuals with mentally disabled children. I climbed the ranks (not really sure it's the right phrase to use) throughout the years, and currently serving as its director for the past few months. The organization spends time with them every Saturday, engaging in various activities such as arts, music, P.E., etc.

As a Director, I was allowed to introduce some new ideas, and one of them were doing quick science projects. Nothing too hard so that the students can follow, and nothing too easy to have them spend at least 30 min. The volunteers who have been paired with each students help out.

While I call them "students", their age varies; we have seven years-old, then some around age of 13-20, mid 20s, and even early-mid 30s. So the projects should be able to be engaging for all ages.

The problem/task:

For the past few months, the projects that we did were:
  • Making a fire extinguisher with a plastic bottle, straw, vinegar, and a baking soda; Using chemical reaction to generate CO2 gas which travels through the straw to put out candles
  • A vibration-powered robot with some batteries, wires, cellphone vibrator motor, switches, and toothbrush heads, using the vibration to make the robot move
  • Making electro-magnet with a nail, copper wire, and a battery by wrapping the nail with the copper wire then connecting both ends to battery.
  • Making a homopolar motor using copper wire, a battery, and noediyum magnet; Just stack the magments on the minus side of the battery, bend the wire around, ensure the wire is making contact with the plus side of the battery and the magnets.
  • Gas launcher with a cup, ballon, water and dry ice; Puncture a hole at the bottom of the cup, cut a ballon and wrap it around the top, pour some water in and insert dry ice to create smoke, and pull and release the ballon to launch a puff of gas clouds
  • Egg parachute using foam cup, plastic bag, string, and cotton. How they design the parachute was up to them
These were all something I've done in the past or I looked up on youtube and knew they were a good, 30 min exercises. Some stuff I decided to prepare at home, because I knew their wouldn't be enough time or have proper tools at the office I.E. For the robot, I had to cut and strip wires for the switches and the motors.

I need few more Ideas, as we're currently on summer break but will be back in session starting September. The silver lining is that I only have to prepare for this every other week, so I don't need to constantly look for ideas.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Just some spitballing:

* One common exercise is to build a tower as high as possible using only limited materials (typically straws, tape and rubber bands).
* The first week of university we had an exercise that was to create a vehicle that would, when dropped into water, go to the bottom, stay there for a short while, and then return to the top. Though that was for engineering students, not for mentally disabled students.
* Maybe something with redirecting a laser with mirrors?
* If you have a lot of mirrors, you could try to put them in a parabolic shape and create something that concentrates the ray to a point (I remember an old pop science book that suggested one might fry a potato that way) akin to Archimedes' heat ray.
* Attaching a propeller to an engine and constructing a boat powered by said propeller, seeing who can create the fastest boat.
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Aug 9, 2024
How about a simple solar oven project? Use pizza boxes, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and black paper to create an oven that can melt s’mores or chocolate. It’s hands-on, demonstrates solar energy, and can be engaging for all ages
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