Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I've read findings like this on a number of occasions. Indeed people have criticized the music industry for a while on these merits, songs trying to drown each other out, and of course how the industry keeps repackaging the same basic product, and doesn't take the time to cultivate talent through failures anymore and help them grow as artists. You wind up with one boy band/girl band or Bieber/Timberlake/Debbie Gibson/Britney Spears, etc... you farm them until they seriously flag, then drop them for someone almost exactly like them with the same basic sound and a style for the new youth, perhaps setting up a comeback tour or whatever. On top of that while there are tons of performers, there aren't that many songwriters, and apparently new talent finds itself locked out in many cases. Some guy like Elton John, Billy Joel, or countless others writers tons of songs for differant people (and gets big bucks off of it usually), they have distinctice styles and do the same basic things in many cases, especially as they are getting older. While I'm just using names randomly, your typical studio would say rather buy something jotted down on toilet paper by Elton John during a paticularly vigorous dump (and listed under a pseudonym or whatever), than risk a new writer in many cases (while there are execeptions). A lot of people will argue that this is just because the people of previous generations were so much more talented, it's actually because music has become the kind of product where risks aren't appreciated so the big labels stick with a formula that makes money. Every once in a while you see something come up from the "indie" scene, but that's an exception, rather than the rule, and in many cases an elevated "indie" is quickly forced into doing what everyone else is.
At any rate, like it or not, this is all a common rant about the music industry, and you see people talking about how everything is the same all the time. I'm pretty sure I've read things with people breaking down Bieber, Britney Spears, and others who were/are "hot" and comparing them to those who came before. Britney is kind of a has been now, but she was one of the big people pointed fingers at as a "product" as opposed to an "artist".