Sea Kittens?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
*walks into a room* "mmm something smells abit sea-kitteny in here" I genuinely want this to happen now i'd love to order sea kitten from the local chippy...seakitty XD.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
TheDeadman said:
Yes it is.
But I think it would be ok to kill the fish to survive, than hurting it for fun.
Not hurting it, killing it, than throwing it away.
While I do agree with you that killing an animal only to throw it away is a waste I must inform you that, that is not what fishing is all about and it is most definetly not what fishing as a sport is all about. While I'm sure that there are people who catch fish only to gut them and then throw them away, these people are very much in the minority. Not many people spend around an hour (sometimes more, sometimes less) waiting to catch a fish and then only kill it and throw it away. Sometimes you have to throw a fish away but if you have to throw a fish away then you have to throw it away alive.

So basiacly what I'm saying is... people don't catch fish just so they can hurt them. Too much time goes into catching fish and eventually people will get bored of trying to catch one just so that they can hurt on it and go and do other things. If people catch a fish for sport and not for food then usually they let it go. Not only is it good sense but in some instances it's the law. And most people don't catch fish just for Sport, usually people try and get a meal from the experience as well.

Fire Daemon said:
TheDeadman said:
I just think that animals are better than humans.
Do you mind if I ask why? I see this a lot and no one bothers to explain their logic behind it.
Well humans have started wars, killed each other because of nothing and destroyed the planet (which is not just our planet. We share it wich other creatures, which we have to take care of)
Animals would never do that. Sure animals kill to, but they do it too survive. Humanity is killing millions (even more I guess) of other animals, most of them suffer and die in horrible pain. This effects our planet. All those animals we kill, the toxic waste we throw away and the oil we take out of the earth effects our environment. And we don't even care.
If you're going to say, that we have to, no we don't. There are other ways to live and to support our citys with power without killing the earth. But we don't use them, because it's expensive.

And I ask you to watch Earthlngs.
Maybe than you'll understand what we do to the animals.

(I don't know if i'm aloowed to post the link, but...)
Some animals do live rather shitty lives on farms, I'm not disputing it. While I've only seen cows and asheep in large open pastures and chickens in a free range environment I have heard of the way animals are treated in large ranchs. Yeah, that does suck but people need to eat and food needs to be made. if it isn't then the bottom line is that people starve.

And mankind has started many wars over it's history but do you really think that if given our level of interlect other animals wouldn't do the same? There are some rather disturbing videos on the internet (I'm not going to put them up here) of different species of monekys fighting and eathing each other. One rather disturbing image is of a monkey eating another monkey's arm while said monkey is still alive. There are also videos of Merekats (sp?) fighting other Merekates over some burrows. If given the chance to evolve to a high order of intelligence I think it's rather likely that different species would start wars and would fight each other.

But then would they stop being animals and become human? Is "human" a level of intelligence, the level of intelligence that we are now at? I suppose if you view humanity as not a single spieces but as a level in the evolutionary history of our species then maybe yes. What I'm saying here is that every species could (if the circumstances are right) achieve the level of intelligence of a human. Every species had the potential to get to where we are now, just that we got here first. However it is possible for say Lions to develop a detailed social structure (they have in a way), develop simple communication and invent simple technology. Their structure is not suited for the use of technology (as compared to a monkey) so it would take them longer to become "human" but over long time and with the right circumstances they could become human (or very similar in all aspects but looks).

My thoughts don't come across well on the screen (especially at this hour) but what I'm trying to say here is that all animals, all living creatures, would behave like us if they could. Some do.

I must look like a loon.

Boy, this kind of got off-topic. Best for me to leave now.

And theres nothing wrong with providing links as long as they don't link to porn or disgusting/disturbing images or videos. If you think a link isn't bad enough to upset someone but might get them in trouble at work say "Not safe for work" before the link, just so peole don't get a suprise and then get banned,


New member
Nov 4, 2008
I just thought of prawns and get seriously fucking confused. What are they? Sea tortoises, or some weird kitten/snail crossbreed but snails are cute. ARGH!


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
nathan-dts said:
Sennz0r said:
I really hope PETA doesn't recruit your average American when it comes to intelligence, or else my worries for that country's future have just increased dramatically.
Your country already has no future; your too overpopulated with imbreding trailer trash who are overpatriotic aswell as the dipshits who campaign for stupid and moronic things.
I should be offended but he's really right... I have to move to Canada...

Sea Kittens... makes me want to pick up fishing.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
might have been said but what about fresh water fish? bog kittens? and some fish are just too ugly to call kittens


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Sennz0r said:
I really hope PETA doesn't recruit your average American when it comes to intelligence, or else my worries for that country's future have just increased dramatically.
Don't be silly sir, the PETA recruits the greatest American mind so we can ensure excellence.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
jim_doki said:
*grabs rod*

thats it! im going Sea Kittening. who's coming with?
*Grabs Explosive harpoon*

FUCK THAT. Lets go Sea Elephanting.
*Grabs blocks of C4*

Ready to Sea kitten!


New member
Dec 7, 2008
PETA is retarded because they are so extreme on their position... so is madd and any other organization that uses stupid overly ridiculous campaigns to try and reformat human behaviour so drastically. Fishing is neccesary as is some mild amount of drinking and driving lol. now im gona go club some baby seals while driving around impaired


New member
Nov 16, 2008
so who else signed the petition as retarded as it sounds im agreeing with PETA on this one because seriously SEA KITTENS how could you lose with a name like that.

MSORPG pl4y3r

New member
Aug 7, 2008
W.....T.....F??? No realy WTF? I dont know mutch about PETA exept their animal maddness rivals Sonic's fanbase. I dont know mutch about then but this is all I realy need to know isent it? Just bloody mental, and did they realy try to make Ben & Jerries use human milk in Ice-Cream?

smallharmlesskitten said:
Excelcior said:
I think we'd better hide PETA from the aliens. If I were to fly to some distant planet, and saw this kind of pure, raw stupidity, I'd blow up the planet...
No, wait, the galaxy...

Seriously, how do they come up with these things? What's next, calling rats 'bald-tailed mice', because 'rat' sounds so negative? Calling sparrows 'mini-hawks', because sparrow makes you think of an unwashed pirate? While we're at it, lets call dogs 'furry pals', because we wouldn't want anyone to think about doggy-style, now would we?
"Oh yeah bra...We totally did it furry-pal style last night"
HAhAHHAHahaHAhAaahAAAA!!!! Oh gods, that made me laugh so hard!


New member
Dec 26, 2008
This calls for each and every one of use to buy PETA one of these and send them ASAP.

Also, we should replace every instance of the word 'fish' on the box with 'sea kittens'.