This is really stupid. -Very- stupid.
Asians generally don't believe in mental illnesses. When one actually manifests, it's usually blamed on 'low willpower' and 'weakness'.
I'm not saying this kid was mentally ill, but the chances are, it could've been. Internet addicts usually have preexisting conditions, for example.
So being ignorant in mental health, she sends her son into a concentration camp to 'beat confidence in him'. Ignorance killed your son, ma'am.
Asians generally don't believe in mental illnesses. When one actually manifests, it's usually blamed on 'low willpower' and 'weakness'.
I'm not saying this kid was mentally ill, but the chances are, it could've been. Internet addicts usually have preexisting conditions, for example.
So being ignorant in mental health, she sends her son into a concentration camp to 'beat confidence in him'. Ignorance killed your son, ma'am.