Second Chinese Teen Killed in Internet Rehab


New member
Jan 3, 2009
This is really stupid. -Very- stupid.

Asians generally don't believe in mental illnesses. When one actually manifests, it's usually blamed on 'low willpower' and 'weakness'.

I'm not saying this kid was mentally ill, but the chances are, it could've been. Internet addicts usually have preexisting conditions, for example.

So being ignorant in mental health, she sends her son into a concentration camp to 'beat confidence in him'. Ignorance killed your son, ma'am.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Akalabeth said:
Why are all you dorks blaming "china" when you should be blaming "three individuals at the camp". Did you miss the part where the police where investigating, because this sort of crap is AGAINST the law in China?

Seriously people, it's not like Guantanamo Bay where it's government sanctioned like the United States.

xXAsherahXx said:
Oh china, you and the way you are the worst country on earth. With all the pollution in the world, terrible laws, and the way you discourage every type of human unlike what you perceive to be the Aryan race.

I don't hate the Chinese, just the government of china. I just want to make that clear.
Is this a government-run school? If not, what does the Chinese government have anything to do with the death of this individual?

eljawa said:

I think its time we embargo them for their crimes. also to boost jobs in the US and other places that are not china
Considering they own most of our debt, wouldn't we be screwing ourselves more?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
but maybe the government should be more concerned with the way its youth is being treated in these brutal camps instead of how much fun they're having killing virtual dragons.
In China the government decides whats right, not the people. People who disagree with what the government thinks soon finds themselves standing in front of a tank or firing squad.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
wow china really thats ur best excuse and i pray i dont end up in one of these camps when i visit during spring break


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
The scary thing is... chinese kids are so addicted they actually need enitire camps dedicated to gaming-rehab.

And then of course there's the fact that they're killing eachother in those camps... So, any word yet on the motive?


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Brotherofwill said:
xXAsherahXx said:
Oh china, you and the way you are the worst country on earth. With all the pollution in the world, terrible laws, and the way you discourage every type of human unlike what you perceive to be the Aryan race.
Aryan race? Erhmmm....what?

How exactly is it China's fault for these camps? It's a 'discipline camp'. All discipline camps are the same, doesn't matter where they are. I'm not trying to defend the beating of people, it makes me sick, but saying "silly China" when someone is beaten to death is a little absurd.
I wasn't really talking about the school, just my commentary on China.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Lightslei said:
voetballeeuw said:
That's messed up. What do they actually do at those camps anyways?
The decent ones or the fuckups like this one?
Please tell me that's not real.

There are so many levels of wrong with that I don't even know where to start.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Orenji said:
Lightslei said:
voetballeeuw said:
That's messed up. What do they actually do at those camps anyways?
The decent ones or the fuckups like this one?
Please tell me that's not real.

There are so many levels of wrong with that I don't even know where to start.
That's completely real. Would it also surprise you if I told you VGA (Video Game Addiction) and IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder) aren't approved by the APA (American Psychologist Association) for treatment while Asia and parts of Europe have already approved them? That means treatment like reStart [] have to be paid out of pocket.

Doing your research on this is scarier then most people think.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
WanderFreak said:
Nice double standard we got going on here. Bomb one country to implement democracy, but trade 100 fold with another that will never see democracy and kills kids over the internet.
It's China's master plan. To kill us all over the internet. They can wipe out the rest of the world and never have to move a single soldier... or... that wasn't what you meant was it? :p


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
41 said:
fletch_talon said:
I wish China would just completely sever ties to the outside world. I'm usually the one to argue with people yelling "censorship! George Orwell saw it coming! Don't sacrifice freedom for safety!" like paranoid fools. But even I find the Chinese government's lust for control disgusting.
I hope you are joking, otherwise you seriously need to do some research on global economics and imports/exports. If China suddenly disappeared the worlds economy would likely collapse.

Your ignorance astounds me sir.
I've got a little bit of info that might come in handy in any future conversations both online and IRL. When someone says they hate something, and that they wish it did not exist (or wish it a similar fate). Its not meant to be taken seriously.

For example:
I wish mosquitos were extinct

This statement is a way of expressing hatred towards mosquitos, most commonly due to their habit of causing irritating "bites". It does not take into account the large degree of damage caused to ecosystems thanks to a rather substantial link in the food chain disappearing.

So long story short, I'll continue being ignorant about global economics, but if you take the advice above, then you'll benefit by being a tiny bit less ignorant about social situations and hyperbole.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Optimystic said:
Akalabeth said:
Why are all you dorks blaming "china" when you should be blaming "three individuals at the camp". Did you miss the part where the police where investigating, because this sort of crap is AGAINST the law in China?

Seriously people, it's not like Guantanamo Bay where it's government sanctioned like the United States.

xXAsherahXx said:
Oh china, you and the way you are the worst country on earth. With all the pollution in the world, terrible laws, and the way you discourage every type of human unlike what you perceive to be the Aryan race.

I don't hate the Chinese, just the government of china. I just want to make that clear.
Is this a government-run school? If not, what does the Chinese government have anything to do with the death of this individual?

eljawa said:

I think its time we embargo them for their crimes. also to boost jobs in the US and other places that are not china
Considering they own most of our debt, wouldn't we be screwing ourselves more?
nah dude, like...we need the jobs overhere anyways, on many moral grounds we cant stick with china. As for the part of us screwing ourselves...Fuck china. we could continue to pay them back but we should stop borrowing, from them anyways


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Apocalypse Tank said:
Am I the only one who was impressed that the mother used "you will study IT there" as a lure?
The kid wanted to study information technology...
Well, you know, computers are against budha and are something made by foreigh devils, so anything related to computers must be erradicated.

*irony off*


New member
Oct 6, 2010
But it is not correct that it is only the second death. According to Fornits he is number 4.

That leaves the world without treatment for Internet Addiction Disorder, which is an illness not official recognized before year 2012 where the next version of DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is expected on the market. Last year China banned the use of Electro-shock therapy to treat patients with this illness.

In the United States three facilities are marketing themselves as treatment facilities in relationship with this illness. One is Gulf Coast Academy belonging to WWASP (Best known because they had schools closed down in 4 countries on suspicion of child abuse), Monarch school in Montana and ReSTART in Seattle. But should this so-called illness be treated at all? Does the world not need persons living who are living with their computer all day? In Denmark they have a firm where they test software. The employees are people suffering from another illness in such a degree that is makes them unable to drive to work themselves. (Asbergers syndrome). They are driven to work and place in an office which have been photografed so everything is lying in its place. Then they start testing a software product. Their methodical approach based on their illness makes them work hard, for a long time and precise and the firm is going rather well.

I believe that parents worries too much and they sometime base their parenting on their childhood where computers were not around. It can go very wrong as this story shows.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
JordanMillward_1 said:
That mother deserves to have no son, the way she lied and manipulated him. It's just a shame he had to die to teach her that lesson.

I hope the people who killed him rot in jail, and I hope his mother wakes up sweating at night, crying about what she did.
Well, agree with you that the mother has made a big mistake, and surely she had paid the price, but i think this case should be look through Oriental vision. Maybe she just wanted her son to be more "manly" in Chinese standard.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Now my original country of heritage is just fucked up.
Through the years I've tried to defend it when people made jokes about Chinese dictatorships, Now i cannot.