Second Silent Hill Movie Finds a Director in the Fog

Stoic raptor

New member
Jul 19, 2009
Hey guys.
What if they actually stick to the story, and do it good?
And what if they do the 3d right?
And what if I am riding on false hope?


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I don't care that it's in 3-D or even if it sucks. I just want the damn sequel already.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
I loved the first movie. One of the best game to movie adaptation i have seen(though it could do without Sean Bean.

Reading the idea for the second movie just creeps me out, it just sounds terrible.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I hope they focus more on giving it the same oppressive atmosphere this time around. There were too many human characters. I want the main character to be isolated with out anyone to help her but herself. Any people she encounters should be unreliable or potentially dangerous and few and far between.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
did anyone else read the name and think "michael ba- HOLY SHIT!"

quantumsoul said:
I hope they focus more on giving it the same oppressive atmosphere this time around. There were too many human characters. I want the main character to be isolated with out anyone to help her but herself. Any people she encounters should be unreliable or potentially dangerous and few and far between.
lets see about... 1 person helped the main character the rest wanted her to be burned because she was an evil witch. like a 200 to 1 ratio.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Wouldn't it be better if - you know, Sean Bean goes to Silent Hill to look for his missing wife and daughter? What else was the ************ doing in the first movie?

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
3D yay!

I love it when a film has 3D in the title it's so helpful to me, means I know exactly what film to avoid.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
StarStruckStrumpets said:
thethingthatlurks said:
Come on, the first movie was that bad. For a movie based on a game I mean. You had an interesting plot, creepy effects, and a completely batshit (not in the good way) cult. Granted, the story wasn't following the game verbatim, but at least it wasn't as awful as it could have been.
That being said, I share your gratitude as far as not featuring James goes. Some things are never meant to happen, and a Silent Hill 2 (the game) movie is one of them.
I watched the first movie, and it wasn't terrible. As a fan of the games, I can't help but get pissed off at them totally running wild with the story and shoe-horning Pyramid Head in there so fans of the game actually had a reason to watch the movie.

I'll still watch this movie, but my concerns were that they'd totally butcher Silent Hill 2's story, characters and setting. They aren't, so I have something to be thankful for.
how many people do you know that say "that movie was that bad"? I am pretty sure he meant wasn't that bad.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
Ekonk said:
Wouldn't it be better if - you know, Sean Bean goes to Silent Hill to look for his missing wife and daughter? What else was the ************ doing in the first movie?
Being filler since it didn't have any male character in the original script. I mean those scenes really take the pace out of the movie. Ok it does explain a few things but still the movie wouldn't have been worse without those scenes

Syrus Vikeruce

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Mackheath said:
SnootyEnglishman said:
I have 3 questions.

WHy are they making another one?

Why is James Sunderland not the main character?

How will Pyramid Head be fan serviced into this one?
Because the fans love it.

Because they know better.

...Good question.

OT: Uh...Silent Hill similar to the Expendables? Fuck that; its a horror franchise, not a mediocre action film.

If anything I want it to be a cross between the Grudge and SH3.
Good luck on that.

American horror for the win guys! *Sarcastic thumbs up*


New member
Oct 31, 2007
thethingthatlurks said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Thank FUCK they aren't touching James and his story. If they did, I would actually gather an army and raise his production office to the ground.

I can safely say I have no further worries. This movie can suck all it wants, I have no attachments to Harry or Heather Mason.
Come on, the first movie was that bad. For a movie based on a game I mean. You had an interesting plot, creepy effects, and a completely batshit (not in the good way) cult. Granted, the story wasn't following the game verbatim, but at least it wasn't as awful as it could have been.
That being said, I share your gratitude as far as not featuring James goes. Some things are never meant to happen, and a Silent Hill 2 (the game) movie is one of them.
You, sir, are mistaken. The Silent Hill movie is "Star Wars Prequel" bad. And that isn't in the sense that it is simply clearly inferior to it's predecessors. They missed the point of the series in every sense of the word in service of only kind of being reminiscent of the atmosphere(like the aforementioned prequels). As a generic horror movie, it was pretty bad. As a supposed translation of Silent Hill to the silver screen, it's fucking awful.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Hm...I was kind of hoping they would resolve the storyline with the girl being possessed, and she and her mother being trapped in the "Silent Hill" world. Hard to imagine they've been there for nearly a decade, but I suppose it would work...


New member
Apr 19, 2009
I quite liked the movie. I had to understand something right out of the gate; the Silent Hill series has a deep and carefully connected mythos, and I knew 1) that however good they may be in every other area, the new games would likely never catch on to that, and 2) that the movie will have 0 connection and can almost be forgotten that it's related to my favourite game series.

Now it's on that second point that I will dwell. See, I went into that movie with nothing more than the atmosphere on my back... and I didn't need it, because the movie created its own. Most of the monsters were rebuilds of the creatures from the games, with carefully constructed costumes (not CG, which I am glad for), inhuman walking and twitching that they needed acrobats for. The new monster designs, working from a new base principle? Holy freaking moly, they were GENIUS. If I had never heard of Silent Hill, I'd be holding them up as the best "creature feature" designs of all time.

The storyline made sense from a movie perspective. I've seen much more convoluted movies; it seems hollywood hipsters love them. The setup was better than I expected, but still not superb.Daughter has nightmares and sleepwalking in which she sees a rusted nightmare realm continuously burning and keeps talking about Silent Hill, a town she has never been to. In a last ditch effort to cure the girl's dangerous sleepwalking, her mother takes her to this place in the hope that it will be the cure she needs. Through a series of events, mostly the town being completely blocked off due to a dangerous mine fire, the two end up in the Otherworld from the games.See? That's not so bad.

The acting was good, the story was OK, and the effects friggin' made it. What do people hate so much? It has nothing to do with the games in my mind; it's just an interesting coincidence. You know what else? The mine fire angle is something I wish had been included in Silent Hill 1. Stick that in your rusty pipe and smoke it.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
"Constantine meets The Expendables." Yet another example of people not understanding Silent Hill, but quality of films too.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
When a director feels the need to say something along the lines of
"Constantine meets The Expendables."
Then you know the movie is going to be shit and nowhere near what you may hope it will be.
But I never played the game, though I may get 2 for my PS2. My only real experience was the Silent Hill campaign for Left 4 Dead which I've heard many people say is a pretty decent representation.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I kind of want to see Jame's story...but at the same time, I saw what they did with the first one, and that wasn't pleasing. Silent Hill 1 was perfect and shouldn't have been fucked with. I am interested to see a Pyramid Head in the movies.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
im a tad worried about this, not as much as a gamer since im easily scared and i hate being scared and thus my expirence with the silent hill franchise was 10 min of walking around before i burned the disc to send it back to hell, but the only reason the silent hill movie was worth watching was its unique look, which i really liked, other than that there was not much to keep you interested, and while i did enjoy how the visuals clearly told you where you where in the town its not something i imagine being able to work again, but having seen a bit of a LP silent hill 3 i can still hope that they keep the enemies, because i really did love the design of those.

And from what i have gathered about silent hill 2 (the game) its all about guilt, loneliness and sexual frustration, something i think a guy coming out of jail for vehicular manslaughter (btw manslaughter sounds so much worse than murder) would be able to understand and maybe even use to make the movie great.

but oh well, despise me being a complete coward and hating 3d ill still go see the movie, since i have always wanted to understand the story of silent hill without playing the games.