Self-rightous ads...


New member
Jul 8, 2008
wgreer25 said:
HuCast said:
Its not just the people-its the media, the politics and the whole society. Nobody is responsible for anything anymore, its always "the others" fault. Who benefits from this? Insure companies, lawyers and corrupt politicians.
Hit the nail on the head. And you know, it is someone's right to throw thier health away and smoke, because I'm pretty sure that everyone one with half a brain knows that smoking is very bad for you. However, your bad health and second hand smoke does effect me. If you lived a healthier life (no smokeing) insurance rates wouldn't be so damn high and our heal care system wouldn't be bogged down with idots intentionally poisoning themselves.
What he said. This is especially true in countries with universal health care. Smokers who've gotten sick because of it put a strain on a fixed budget, stretching the funds thinner for everyone who needs it.

The_Heretic said:
Im a smoker and i know damn well when im in the hospital with lung cancer i'll have no one to blame but myself
That's admirable, but keep in mind that the hospital bed you're lying in could have been occupied by someone with a non-preventable disease.


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Apr 8, 2008
I have no problem with people who want to smoke or people who don't. What I have a problem with is people who think that they are better than everyone else because they don't. The people behind The Truth strike me as those types of people and their commercials are extremely insulting. It's like they think everyone else is so stupid, that the only way they can get their message across is through brightly colored cartoons and musical numbers.


New member
May 28, 2008
so when someone makes fun of something u like they are bad? Have a sense of humor? The commercials are stupid, they had alot better ones, basically without the singing. But they can do what they want, if it's bad then it doesn't work and that's what u want right? No reason for u to care too much


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May 28, 2008
MrMisfit said:
I have no problem with people who want to smoke or people who don't. What I have a problem with is people who think that they are better than everyone else because they don't. The people behind The Truth strike me as those types of people and their commercials are extremely insulting. It's like they think everyone else is so stupid, that the only way they can get their message across is through brightly colored cartoons and musical numbers.
BTW usually it's people who smoke that think they are better than people who don't, just ask everyone in my highschool.


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Dec 4, 2007
Yeah, emperordude, smoking fills your lungs with a bunch of chemicals. How many different chemicals do you think are in the soda you drink, the food you eat, or even the air you breathe?

And to all the people complaining that smoke kills you and others, shut up. There is no proof at all that second-hand smoke is harmful. Yeah, smoking can cut your life short by a few years. Look at how short a car can cut your life. How many teens die every year in car-wrecks on average? I wonder how many people were hit by those cars. Cars can kill you and others pretty damn easily, should we stop driving?


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May 15, 2008
vdgmprgrmr said:
Yeah, emperordude, smoking fills your lungs with a bunch of chemicals. How many different chemicals do you think are in the soda you drink, the food you eat, or even the air you breathe?

And to all the people complaining that smoke kills you and others, shut up. There is no proof at all that second-hand smoke is harmful. Yeah, smoking can cut your life short by a few years. Look at how short a car can cut your life. How many teens die every year in car-wrecks on average? I wonder how many people were hit by those cars. Cars can kill you and others pretty damn easily, should we stop driving?
I smell logical fallacy!


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Jul 23, 2008
i know the school system quite well and i must say it's ludacris the boundaiers they push in order to make you think your the most evil person in the world for smoking in stead of a fair unbiased education so the people can make the right choice for themselves.

Also who decided your doing the wrong thing by staying to your self if you drink, smoke, or do other such activities. as long as no one is harmed other than who chooses to be nobody should care.(note i don't mean meth, coke, or crack, i mean pot and it's a kitten compared to the other drugs)


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Dec 4, 2007
Was it the use of "a bunch of" instead of numbers, the non-proportional statistics, or the second sentence. I wasn't really trying very hard.


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Jul 7, 2008
Haliwali said:
I work in a store that sells tobacco. We don't sell to minors. The only way a kid could get something is through an adult, who would be knowingly breaking the law. Also, throughout my childhood I have rarely seen a tobacco product or ad aimed, marketed, or suggested in any place a kid would see it.
Where do YOU live? I would pay rent to live there when I have kids to raise.

McDonald's isn't a nicotine delivery system. You can't exercise to negate the effects of substance addiction. Comparing obesity accusations at McDonald's isn't a valid comparison to the tobacco industry.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Thank you for saying it. Big Tobbacco must be paying for these ads, because they are not making me want to stop smoking.


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Jul 23, 2008
TheNix said:
BTW usually it's people who smoke that think they are better than people who don't, just ask everyone in my highschool.
I think you'll find that the opposite is true just about anywhere else, because high school is, and has always been, a poor example of social structure. If there's any smugness coming from high school smokers, it mostly comes from defying the established "authority," who says "follow the rules or else." The thing is, though, when high school's over and said authority is removed, that smugness suddenly loses its edge, and dies out (hopefully, that is; if kids still try to use smoking to look cool post-graduation, that's really pathetic). Besides, all this falls under the dynamic of underage smoking, which is a totally different issue altogether.

It's very different in the adult world; smoking is more about personal gratification. Taking a quick break from a stressful job, enjoying a party, simmering down after some real steamy sex, and of course, satisfying a physiological dependence. No delusional superiority there. That's what I've experienced in my short time in the adult world, though, so somebody else may know better.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
vdgmprgrmr said:
Yeah, emperordude, smoking fills your lungs with a bunch of chemicals. How many different chemicals do you think are in the soda you drink, the food you eat, or even the air you breathe?

And to all the people complaining that smoke kills you and others, shut up. There is no proof at all that second-hand smoke is harmful. Yeah, smoking can cut your life short by a few years. Look at how short a car can cut your life. How many teens die every year in car-wrecks on average? I wonder how many people were hit by those cars. Cars can kill you and others pretty damn easily, should we stop driving?
Holy shit, is this guy serious?
Nov 28, 2007
Darth Mobius said:
panthrjd said:
I think it all comes down to the lawsuits -- it all started going downhill (to my memory) when that woman sued McDonalds for spilling coffee on herself "because it was hot" and didn't say so, that essentially due to asinine lawsuits, we have to be treated like children now. But more generally, you can thank good ol' Political Correctness for the public's inability to take any responsibility for their own actions anymore.
If you elect Darth Mobius for Escapist President, I promise that asinine lawsuits like that will be punishable by DEATH! VOTE DARTH MOBIUS FOR A MORE INTELLIGENT FUTURE!
If you are going to knock lawsuits, make sure you know the full story. As mentioned earlier, the issue wasn't that she spilled the coffee on herself, but that the coffee was way too hot, hotter than it should have been. The full story. []


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Jul 24, 2008
I live in the state of WA, and a couple years ago there was an initiative to ban smoking in all public locations, as well as within 25 feet of any entrance. To me, these felt like two completely different issues. I don't care if businesses allow smoking - I can avoid them. Keeping smokers away from entrances, however, was enough to make me vote yes by itself. I was attending a technical college at the time, and it was impossible to enter the building without walking through clouds bad enough to obscure vision. In summary, I don't care if you want to kill yourself, as long as you keep it away from me.

And on topic, those TRUTH ads have gotten bad enough that I'll frequently change the channel or simply turn off the tv if they come on.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
TheNecroswanson said:
Dan-o-mite said:
The_Heretic said:
Im a smoker and i know damn well when im in the hospital with lung cancer i'll have no one to blame but myself
That's admirable, but keep in mind that the hospital bed you're lying in could have been occupied by someone with a non-preventable disease.
Yes, but I paid my insurance, thus I got the bed. The bed I'll be laying in was paid for by me, unlike the other person who would have been here for free. :p
My point was about universal health care. That said, I wasn't saying that smoker's don't have a right to medical care. Of course if you're paying your medical insurance, you should get your bills paid when you need it. But not being in the hospital helps everyone else seeking help, whether they paid their insurance or not.

Not to mention the point that was already brought up, that people drawing on their insurance means higher insurance rates, which is worse for everybody, especially those that could no longer afford it.