Sex and violence!


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Why are you confused about this?

Watching lots and lots of violence will have no effect on you. However, seeing even a small amount of sexual content will affect you forever. Besides, all of your sexual "needs" are to be with a single person. Not from an edless supply of people who may or may not exist.

I don't understand why anyone would ask this. It's like asking why someone can throw a baseball, but can't flip a tank.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Lugbzurg said:
Watching lots and lots of violence will have no effect on you. However, seeing even a small amount of sexual content will affect you forever.
I'm not sure whether or not you're joking, but just seeing a bit of a sideboob on the telly isn't something that's going to warp your mind and stay with you forever. You're more likely to have a nightmare after watching Saw than Porky's. Little boys don't suddenly turn gay and start fucking their best friend in their ass just because they searched "dick" on Google Images without "safe search" on.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Realitycrash said:
They're puritan in the US (due to way back in the beginning there were a whole lot of religious immigrants fleeing persecution in Europe) so sex isn't alright, but violence is (but really, I never got that. What, it's more sinful to lust than to slay?). In Europe, it's the other way around, because...Well, because we are saner?
Really, I can see violence being bad, and having bad influences. But sex? More sex on TV/in movies might lead to..Uh..Kids having sex earlier? That's really the big issue here, if it can even be proven to be true?
actually the puritans weren't fleeing Europe to escape persecution they were moving to america so they could persecute.

ot: I've also find it strange how parents are OK with a game in which you slaughter thousands of people but the moment sex or nudity is involved they suddenly don't like it, even though sex is more natural than slaughtering people for fun.

Geo Da Sponge

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May 14, 2008
Princess Trollestia said:
I would trade violence for sex any day, why world why can't you let me have more sex on the Tele-unit?
Do you mean sex on the Tele-unit, or sex on top of the Tele-unit?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Arfonious said:
Why is violence so accepted in media and society in general when sex and nudity is not?
I mean violence is an alomst objetively bad thing while sex is a necessary and good thing.
Puritan settlers for starters.

Recall your American history. How were the first groups to settle the USA? Oppressed religious groups, which at that time meant extreme Christian groups, like the Puritans. They were groups that were very "anti sex" and were unwelcome in Europe.

All this has led to a strange sort of trickle-down effect where even non-Christian intellectuals in the USA are often uncomfortable with sex. Sex ends up being hidden and taboo - people like porn, but hide it and you can't talk about sex in casual conversation. Or, if you do, it tends to be insulated in some way - like "girl talk" or "guy talk" where only members of a single gender talk together about the opposite gender.

American society seems to getting better in past several decades, but it is a fairly recent and fairly slow process to change 300+ years of American social norms. It doesn't help that England's Victorian era did much the same thing to England's take on sex (although for a shorter period of time - and they seem to be recovering faster than us, probably because the era didn't last as long), and England is the main cultural exchange with America lately due to the language being the same.

So yeah, to get back to your question, the lack of sex is caused by outdated social norms which were in turn caused by various cultural and religious issues of the past 200-400 years. As to why violence is okay, let's look back at those same Puritan settlers.

They were in the process of taking the land of the Native Americans at that time. How did they conquer America? Violence. They used guns. They killed the Native Americans and those that they didn't kill they pushed further and further West.

So those Puritans were anti-sex, but they needed violence to survive. Later, those same settlers used Violence to rebel against England and free themselves, founding the USA. America was built out of violence, which was further glorified by the by WW1 and WW2 (neither of which took place on American soil, and both of which America was the winning side of).

Thus, in the American culture, sex is viewed as bad (thanks to the Puritans) and violence is viewed as good (thanks to a history of war, particularly Victorious war during the World Wars and the Revolutionary War).

Toaster Hunter

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Jun 10, 2009
This is America, where owning enough firearms to equip a small army is vehemently defended, yet a process that put us all here is a forbidden taboo. We're just not good with logic.


New member
Jan 21, 2012
For all the talking about how sex is stigmatized in American culture try he following experiment: Walk up to two random people. Tell one that you slept with a stranger and the other that you murdered someone. You're way more likely to be sexually active than violent, and you're way more likely to be influenced by sexually explicit material than violent.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Weird quarks like these exist because the United States has millions of special interest groups with a million opinions on every subject. Most of the groups are uncomfortable with sex, so the more main stream entertainment tried to limit it as much as possible.

I am not sure why violence is so much more tolerated. I think in general whenever a dramatic story is being told its harder make that story without a little violence, while most sexual story lines are easier to imply rather than show.

Also, in this world I think we're more likely to see acts of violence in public, but rarely see public sex.