Sexuality in gaming, your stance?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Speaking as a 16 year old girl, if your female characters 'need' to be sexualized, so do your male characters.

If you're going to do one, you sure as hell better do the other - and vise versa. But with the new wave of 'feminism' crashing over the internet it seems like game developers should take the time to look at social media of females/tumblr and examine what makes a male character sexy or attractive to women. (we've already had an absurdly long talk that not all women, in fact most women, don't really like incredibly ultra hulky muscular guys right? Right. Okay.)

Especially since there's this stigma attached that it takes a-lot to get a woman off - at least in comparison to a guy. If it takes more to get a girl off - as the 'stereotype' seems to go (I do believe there was an actual scientific experiment on this and it was found out to be true on average buuuuut I can't be bothered to look for it) - then these guys should be some of the most overly sexy and attractive men in the history of all artistic creation.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Phrozenflame500 said:
rumdumconundrum said:
What, you didn't notice all of the
character development and DIGNITY that Miranda was presented with? All of the work and camera angles Bioware used to make her seem
believable and well rounded?
Perhaps well-rounded, but certainly not believable.

But yeah, Miranda's the perfect example of a character that they slap giant boobs/ass on and then uncomfortably stick them front and center on in every frame.

It wouldn't be so annoying if they made her sexualization a noted part of her character, but it's how they're so passive about it that bugs me.
Perhaps my sarcasm wasn't apparent. I was agreeing with you.

I do love how one of my friends pointed out that she's genetically engineered to be "perfect in every way", yet she's got buck teeth. Always found that amusing.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Angelblaze said:
Speaking as a 16 year old girl, if your female characters 'need' to be sexualized, so do your male characters.

That is a VERY good point. If game developers are going to say "hey, we listen to the community", they're going to have to listen to the FEMALE community as well, because they make up a fairly sizable chunk of gaming demographics.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Yuuki said:
And most companies don't give two shits about people outside their audience. This is exactly my point, people on high-street will see Cammy as a hooker but then those people aren't the ones who are buying/playing Street Fighter. Their opinion about Cammy is irrelevant, because the fighting game community absolutely loves her. That's what matters.
That's why I said there are many majorities, each majority representing it's respective demographic, market or community which is supporting said developers (and inversely whom developers cater to). Not all developers do this mind you, a lot try to branch-out to various demographics and a wider audience. Try to see the big picture.

FYI Cammy is 1 out of 40 SSFIV characters, the overwhelming majority of whom look fine.

And please stop with the "uh if you think so" as if I'm stating my opinions, these aren't opinions. They're facts. I'm yet to state my opinion in this thread lol.
So, basically, it's fine if characters are completely sexualised, as long as the audience remains a circle jerk and completely unattractive to anyone outside of it.


Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I dont care either way to be honest but as usual it all depends on the game and what they are trying to go for if they are trying to create a character that could conceivably exist in our world and focus more on the story and characterization side of things then I would expect them not to be massively sexualised.

If they are going the hollywood route I would expect more sexualisation. For games where the character dosent get a chance to have their story and personality fleshed out in cutscenes and long scripts and instead has to speak through their actions and design I would expect more outlandish designs as otherwise they would come across as pretty boring.

I have no problem with more sexualised characters or more non sexualised characters. A good character is a good character and those that make them should be allowed to design them however they want, then we can decide whether we like them or not. I can enjoy both if done well.

I dont think people should feel pressured to make a character that is sexualised or non sexualised purely because thats the way the wind is blowing atm.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
The Lunatic said:
So, basically, it's fine if characters are completely sexualised, as long as the audience remains a circle jerk and completely unattractive to anyone outside of it.

Correct. Many communities and demographics work this way. For example I have nothing to say to a console gamer who insists that PC gaming sucks, his opinion is irrelevant to me. Similarly my opinion about console gaming is irrelevant to him. We exist in self-sustaining communities (or "circle jerk" as you call it).

As an outsider you're 100% allowed to fling all your criticism at said sexualized characters...just don't be surprised if little or no change occurs. There are strong core markets that will keep giving it a reason to exist, keep fueling it. Otherwise sexualization simply wouldn't exist. There's a reason it came around in the first place, there's a reason it flourished, there's a reason it's invading/leaking into so many things.

Realize and accept those reasons first, then you can criticize. I've met several Escapist members who have seen the big picture, understood the reasons and continued to stand firm with their opinions/criticism - and I respect them for it (e.g. Rebel Raven).


New member
Mar 19, 2013
ccdohl said:
I don't play games for sexy characters. I play games for totally different reasons, so I usually get annoyed with characters being overly sexualized in games. It is just a waste of time for me.

Put on some clothes, Ivy, you do nothing for me.
That's totally fine, because Ivy does some things for other people. It's good to express your preferences though.

It's developers' decision which way they wanted to take Ivy, and they wouldn't have gone "wrong" either way IMO :)


New member
Mar 19, 2011
As long as it isn't too in your face, I'm perfectly fine with most things. I mean, if I want to go watch something overly-sexualized and exploitative I'll go watch Kill la Kill. Just google image search it and you'll see what I mean.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
It depends on the tone of the game, I hate games (I find JRPGs and such particularly guilty of this) that try to present themselves seriously, and then have their female warriors running around with giant breasts in tiny armour, because it breaks any sense of realism that they're trying to build.

Even games like Skyrim, which are comparatively less boob orientated still get it kind of wrong. Real female suits of armour looks almost identical to males, because separate boob cups are an easy way to shatter your sternum if you get struck on the chest.

Maybe it's just me, but I find characters with personality to be far 'sexier' in games, than a screen full of flesh.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Blatant overdone sexuality is a turn off for me in games. Makes them cheesy. That being said I feel like some people take it way to far. RPS recent interview with that blizzard dev in which he was forced to apologize for something ridiculous. Equating cleavage with misogyny is just plain dumb. At the end of the day its the developers choice what they want to put in that game and its my choice to buy it or not depending on how I feel about the content but trying to strong arm creators into conforming to a politically correct world view held by a very vocal minority is wrong. Trying to shame them will not change anything.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Sexuality, as in the acknowledgement that certain characters are innately sexual beings (as are most real people) with varying degrees of interest, as well as varying orientations/preferences... I'm down with that.

Sexy characters, as in both male and female characters who can be considered sexually attractive by either convention or unconventional standards in addition to having their own personalities, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.... awesome, sign me up.

Sexualization, as in characters who exist primarily to be objects of sexual desire and whose individual personalities and innate "human" dignity are rendered secondary or nonexistent by this condition... Not my thing.


New member
May 12, 2011
Well sexuality is a part of human life, so it's only natural that it should turn up in video games. In saying that, if it's the lowest form of schlock simply being appealing to 12 year olds, then I want that as far away from my games as possible.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
ccdohl said:
No doubt. I don't play as Ivy, so it doesn't really affect me much. I guess as long as there is a solid game underneath the sexualized characters, I shouldn't really get annoyed.

Unfortunately, I think that particular game series has been less and less solid ever since SC2. But that's a topic for a different thread.
Hmm digging through the SC roster it's hard to find a female character that ISN'T wearing sexy/revealing clothing (except maybe 1 or 2, depending on perspective), but after looking at the males I noticed a ton who are like 50-70% naked as well. I guess they're at least consistent :p


New member
Aug 17, 2011
this is strangely relevant to me right now, as I had just picked up Dragon's Crown during black friday.
I dunno, I have no problem with the oversexualization of women in video games and such, then again, as an Asexual, my opinion probably isn't a very good one to judge here. The way I see it, Oversexualization is kinda like overacting. Sure, if 80% of all male actors were shatner level hams that chewed the scenery like Brian Blessed at a Pro Wrestling Buffet, I could see people complaining, but there will be many who do enjoy it.

basically, what I'm saying is, I know just as many people who will say "I love them giant titted women in video games" as the people who say "Ugh too much adolescent sexuality grow up game dev plox." Who is right here? neither really, if you ask me. different strokes and all.

All the complaining about giant tits and succulent asses in gaming just further reassures me that Persona 4 is the greatest game ever, and I'm ok with that


New member
Jan 2, 2012
A lot of the sexualised characters are females and these characters are designed to pander to a male audience. Game companies and devs have a tendency to leave the female gaming audience out despite women making up a 47% part of the gaming sphere at the consumer level. Things like Ivy's poor attempt at a top, Bayonetta and Miranda's catsuit are part of the pandering (even though I think Miranda has a decently well rounded out character, once you leave her sex appeal aside). Whereas characters like Nilin, Lucy Kuo and Faith (while generally attractive) have their appeal lie in their actual character and personality (and the development thereof).

Most game characters don't need the blatant sexualisation to pique peoples interests, and game devs need to listen to that.

I've been a gamer for 17 years, I have definitely noticed the changes in the gaming community, some good and some bad, but it still needs a lot of work.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Are those first three even game characters, or is that anime? Anyway, I get what you're saying, but "sexily" characters with faces that resemble an eight-year-old's just creep me straight out. My disdain for anime style in general is showing through, I'm sure.

But yeah, there's a time and a place for it. I've seen sexuality done well, but it's usually done in the shittiest way ever. I also don't believe that overtly sexual character designs are needed to sell a game. Overall, I'd like to see more variety within the range of sexy to totally monstrous, because sexy all the time is boring and predictable.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
The examples called "sexy" look like kids. I can't help but be put off by that.

I'm not saying Ivy gets me off, mind.

Caiphus said:
If it's immersion breaking or inconsistent, then it can tend to be a bit of a problem. See: Chainmail bikini.
I honestly don't understand how this breaks "immersion."

I would prefer more practical armour, but that's not an "immersion" issue.

rumdumconundrum said:
That is a VERY good point. If game developers are going to say "hey, we listen to the community", they're going to have to listen to the FEMALE community as well, because they make up a fairly sizable chunk of gaming demographics.
Yes, but as I'm sure you know, "we listen to the community" is full of crap in general. When it comes to something like this, it tends to be more "we think you're all walking penises with wallets, have some BOOBS!"

Besides, pandering to women is pandering. Pandering to men is...Umm...Different? Somehow?