Sexy character designs done right


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Dragon Age: Origins. All the armors... Even the fetish collar on the female leather ones.

Dr. Thrax

New member
Dec 5, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Bayonetta, baby!
Loves Bayonetta, Okami avatar..
Y'know, if I didn't know better I'd say you're trying to go after my own heart, Daystar.

I absolutely love Bayonetta, she's still got this whimsy while being serious at the same time.
She knows she's hot stuff and she uses it to her own advantage and doesn't let anyone - angel, demon, man or woman, even the fucking Creator - push her around.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Colour Scientist said:
Is this specifically for sexualised characters or just characters who you happen to find sexy?

I'm going to pretend it's the latter.

Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite, just in case that isn't clear.

I totally had a bit of crush on him, I think it had a lot to do with his voice too.
Someone send colour a soundbite of booker screaming ELIZABETH! lol

My vote goes to....

mona sax! Ive been playing through all of the max payne series here lately. Currently plowing through number two and I forgot about how badass the moments where you play as her are.



New member
May 5, 2010
I've been a fan of Sylvanas Windrunner. I dunno, thought she was a pretty good complete character. I also have a thing for boots.

And because I can't quote, I take issue with the OP. Samara is a problem because she has a deep V top which is too much for the Puritans that inhabit the Mass Effect universe, but then promptly nominates Booby McTitstrap and its okay because everyone else in the game dresses like a bad 80s whore too?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Both Bigby and Snow from The Wolf Among Us. Snow has that sophisticated sex appeal down to a tee, and Bigby is just a raw slab of beefcake. That first time you see him with his shirt off... Holy fucking shit!

Not that there's any intelligent design or deeper meaning to it or anything. Just two very attractive people who wear practical attire.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
For me, modesty is more attractive than gigantic earth-shaking boobage, so Yuna would be my choice.

This one, not the cancer that is the sequel's design.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Liara T'soni from Mass Effect. I mean, yes she was clearly put in there to be 'romanced'. Which became all the more apparent after ME1. But still, she wasn't just ass and boobs on screen either. She barely wears revealing clothes, is very smart, and independent when need be.

As for some of the others in this thread: I still see several 'boob window' outfits in there. An outfit is a 'boob window' outfit when having the chest area (partially) open looks out of place. In my opinion at least.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Samus (and her most recent incarnation) seems like a pretty good character design. It's logical that she'd need some sort of tight-fitting bodysuit to wear underneath her clunky armor (with similar situations being found consistently throughout media, including Fallout and Iron Man) and usually she's hidden away in her Varia suit anyway. When it comes time to shed the armor, her Zero-suit doesn't impede her ability to continue kicking alien ass. With her hair kept in check as a ponytail, her design is sleek and sexy, but practical.

(from another thread about phone backgrounds.)


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Slightly off-topic, but I'm not really sure what is the difference between a sexy character done "right" versus one done "wrong." My understanding of a sexy character is a person that causes sexual attraction towards them, which could come from any sense-based features on them, actions they do in the game, or interpretations and likes/dislikes in people observing the character. So, I'll just assume I can post whatever game character here I find sexually appealing.

On-topic: Man, this is a harder question than I thought to find a female character I liked sexually. I guess the closest one I could think of would be "Epona" from "Ys: Origins []". I remember her because she just struck me as having good chemistry with the first character I was playing as, Hugo Fact. Their dialog with each other both hilarious to read, serious at certain points, and tragic in other parts of the story. As for her attire, I could see her being sexually attractive, though I might be more attracted to her witty personality than looks.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
A sexy character done right is any character you find sexy. So, most of the Senran Kagura girls, the Sorceress and Amazon from Dragon's Crown, the DOA girls etc.

A sexy character done wrong is a "sexy" character who leaves you cold. So for me that'd be Bayonetta and... Hmm. Not sure beyond that.

Beyond personal taste, there's no right or wrong way to do or present "sexy".


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I know most people hate them because for whatever reason people seem to think their breast are ZOMG HUGE!!! But if you look at the official in game models their quite well proportioned and sexy to boot :)

the problem with "sexy done right" it's that its all up to interpretation. I find these particular girls sexy however that's only me perception. I'm sure hundreds of other people think I'm crazy for various reasons, but that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to like whatever they want. So the whole "done right" argument is driven by personal preferences as their isn't one definitive rule to measure sexyness for everyone


New member
May 15, 2013
someone said Bayonetta... i must counter with the male variation...

=w= mmm.... yes... OG Dante had the smexy~ course his brother was a looker too~

better yet, TWINS!! twice the sexy for the same price~

i'm assuming this threads just for 'sexy characters done right' and yea, these are my boys =w=

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Well, The Witcher 2 had some great female designs, particularly Triss and Saskia. Triss just has one of the best outfits ever, and Saskia wears proper armor, minus a gorget. She makes up for it by wearing a coat of brigandine underneath.

I won't say the same about Philippa Eilheart and her lesbomancy though. But Philippa was a manipulative asshole, so I don't feel bad about it.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
Well, The Witcher 2 had some great female designs, particularly Triss and Saskia. Triss just has one of the best outfits ever, and Saskia wears proper armor, minus a gorget. She makes up for it by wearing a coat of brigandine underneath.
Triss is a good character, but I have a minor dislike towards her because I chose more warm-hearted Shani over her in the original Witcher and
that didn't reflect in any way despite importing saves. (There was also a funny bug, where an in-game history book said that I had saved the princess Adda [like I did], but another text [in character profiles, maybe] said I had killed her.)

But for Witcher 2, I have to go with spicy Ves. Bonus points for her because she
helped to save Geralt's life in Iorveth's route despite Geralt chose to help the elves and that has some bad consequences to Ves.

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
I would have to go with my best girl - Mitsuru Kirijo. Persona 3 outfit. The Ultimate Arena outfit while nice is a bit ridiculous.



New member
Jun 17, 2010

We've already gone over why in about a million other threads - but mainly just his voice. Same voice actor as Fenris...

Sigh....and this is why I'm not allowed to post in threads like this. But like....can I find his design sexy? Can I like the *idea* of him and not necessarily the fact that he's an evil, traitorous bastard? I only say that because of the whole sexy criminal thing that happened a couple days ago and people can't see when a girl is just saying a guy is hot and nothing past that.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
You know...what is wrong about sexy characters? Must every one dress practical and conservative in an otherwise, impractical and impossible world?