Shadow of Mordor 2 Shadow of war


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Ezekiel said:
TheFinish said:
SoM was pretty fun overall, but the story itself was "bleh" at best (to the point where I found the DLC stories way more enjoyable)
I considered getting the DLC, but the impression I got from other people is that it's a waste of money. This makes me reconsider.
All you need to know is that you get an actual proper boss fight against Sauron.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
MHR said:
It doesn't help that the DLC never goes on sale. I adore the game and I'm not paying 10 bucks just to kill orcs in a sandbox like I'd been doing all along.
You can find this game and all of its DLC for like $5 all the time. It goes on sale every seasonal sale across the key sites and sometimes for no reason.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I liked the first game well enough, to me it felt like the improved and natural progression that Ass Creed should have taken. So I'm cautiously optimistic for this game, I'll keep a close eye on it and if reviews are good I'll get it.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Shadow of Mordor 2: More Shadow of Mordor.

That nemesis system needs a fresher home. Tolkien-esque fantasy has been done up the wazzoo in the gaming medium. But with freedom of movement still given. Mad Max or Batman would've been great with it in, plus as WB being the same publisher, it shouldn't be too much trouble getting permission, surely?


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Xsjadoblayde said:
Shadow of Mordor 2: More Shadow of Mordor.

That nemesis system needs a fresher home. Tolkien-esque fantasy has been done up the wazzoo in the gaming medium. But with freedom of movement still given. Mad Max or Batman would've been great with it in, plus as WB being the same publisher, it shouldn't be too much trouble getting permission, surely?
Why would they do that? If they wanted to make it like Batman they would put out another Arkham City. Oh wait, they do.

For that matter, how would they even do the nemesis system or branding in Batman? How many times are going to beat up the Joker, make sure he's good and thrashed before you let him go, and then beat him up again later that evening because he's still being bad but thought of a way to stop you from jumping over him?

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
MHR said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
Shadow of Mordor 2: More Shadow of Mordor.

That nemesis system needs a fresher home. Tolkien-esque fantasy has been done up the wazzoo in the gaming medium. But with freedom of movement still given. Mad Max or Batman would've been great with it in, plus as WB being the same publisher, it shouldn't be too much trouble getting permission, surely?
Why would they do that? If they wanted to make it like Batman they would put out another Arkham City. Oh wait, they do.

For that matter, how would they even do the nemesis system or branding in Batman? How many times are going to beat up the Joker, make sure he's good and thrashed before you let him go, and then beat him up again later that evening because he's still being bad but thought of a way to stop you from jumping over him?
What? I wasn't talking about making SoM more like batman. Just having enemies in Batman that learn his tricks a bit better than what they did. It kinda had some weak version in Knight. You took what I said to a weird literal extreme. I was only mulling on how the technology could benefit other IPs with some tweaking.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
Shadows of Mordor 2: MOAR SHADOWS

Okay so the first game was pretty great. Killing the orcs did start to get repetitive but I have some tolerance for that and I finished the game before getting too bored. Helped that I set a goal of controlling every orc with a rank in Mordor and was pleased to see it work out.

But it's one game I've felt has little to no replay value for me because of how reptitive it was. The second game will need something fresh to make it worthwhile.

Also the story always makes me facepalm


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Yeah I'll agree it's a bit repetitive in nature, even frustrating when you're trying to run away from hordes just to save yourself the time. The Nemesis system is great in creating grudges, and kept me coming back for more, to finally put down that son of a ***** who got the lucky shot on me and mocked me for it. But I thought it was a great game. Sure, the environments could use a little more variety, but I gotta say this: at the time I played it (around halfway through last year), I was really, really sick of open world shit, and was just not in the mood. I only played it because of my friends and the internet recommending it so strongly, but I don't regret it one bit. Even played through the DLC, and did quite a bit of the side stuff, getting damn well near 100% completion, which I never do.

So yeah, I'm hype for a sequel.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Xsjadoblayde said:
MHR said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
Shadow of Mordor 2: More Shadow of Mordor.

That nemesis system needs a fresher home. Tolkien-esque fantasy has been done up the wazzoo in the gaming medium. But with freedom of movement still given. Mad Max or Batman would've been great with it in, plus as WB being the same publisher, it shouldn't be too much trouble getting permission, surely?
Why would they do that? If they wanted to make it like Batman they would put out another Arkham City. Oh wait, they do.

For that matter, how would they even do the nemesis system or branding in Batman? How many times are going to beat up the Joker, make sure he's good and thrashed before you let him go, and then beat him up again later that evening because he's still being bad but thought of a way to stop you from jumping over him?
What? I wasn't talking about making SoM more like batman. Just having enemies in Batman that learn his tricks a bit better than what they did. It kinda had some weak version in Knight. You took what I said to a weird literal extreme. I was only mulling on how the technology could benefit other IPs with some tweaking.
Oh, ok. Well I had no idea how. That was all I could think of. Part of the charm of SoM was that regular nobody orcs could rise in power. The random thugs in Batman don't really fit this profile, otherwise the whole city would be crawling with minor lame-ass villains.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I'm pretty damn excited, the first game occupied me for a whole month with the fantastic nemesis system. Just upgrade that a bit and you got me day one.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
MHR said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
MHR said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
Shadow of Mordor 2: More Shadow of Mordor.

That nemesis system needs a fresher home. Tolkien-esque fantasy has been done up the wazzoo in the gaming medium. But with freedom of movement still given. Mad Max or Batman would've been great with it in, plus as WB being the same publisher, it shouldn't be too much trouble getting permission, surely?
Why would they do that? If they wanted to make it like Batman they would put out another Arkham City. Oh wait, they do.

For that matter, how would they even do the nemesis system or branding in Batman? How many times are going to beat up the Joker, make sure he's good and thrashed before you let him go, and then beat him up again later that evening because he's still being bad but thought of a way to stop you from jumping over him?
What? I wasn't talking about making SoM more like batman. Just having enemies in Batman that learn his tricks a bit better than what they did. It kinda had some weak version in Knight. You took what I said to a weird literal extreme. I was only mulling on how the technology could benefit other IPs with some tweaking.
Oh, ok. Well I had no idea how. That was all I could think of. Part of the charm of SoM was that regular nobody orcs could rise in power. The random thugs in Batman don't really fit this profile, otherwise the whole city would be crawling with minor lame-ass villains.
The whole city is crawling with minor lame-ass villains.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I really liked the original, everything except the lame characters and pointless story was pretty good. I understand what was going on though, and what I'm looking forward to isn't Shadows of Mordor 2: Shadows of Moreerdor.

I always saw this as more of a tech demo for the nemesis system. They had the idea for it but to get it in front of enough eyeballs they slapped the batman punchup on an IP with a huge built in fanbase, farted out a movie tie in level story, and tossed it to the wolves.

And it seemed to go down fairly well. So I'm not really all that interested in the sequel, what I want to see is that nemesis system used in... a new IP with a good story. Maybe on a game in a different videogame genre. Give me more dynamic enemies in most games and I'd be pretty happy.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Not interested. The combat was lifted wholesale from the Arkham games, so I saw no need to get the first game. If the sequel is more of the same, then I am definitely not touching it.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
First game was not very good. they need to make it more than assassins creed in lords of ring to be good.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
I would actually rather a spiritual successor with fuck all to do with Middle Earth (SoM just doesn't fit, tonally, imo) and a greatly expanded, more varied nemesis system that completely replaces any conventional mission structure and turns the whole game into one about territory control. Hunting down orcs can be really fun and you can get some sweet player-driven stories out of it but the missions are almost universally dull as fuck. There's no point playing the story past the point where you get mind control abilities because the plot is shit and the mission design is by-the-numbers as can be.

I liked SoM well enough. It was always fun having powerful orcs come back for round two or twelve thousand but the game was easy enough that I very rarely got to die and have the story play out that way unless it was a bullshit orc who was immune to basically all the damage Talion could dish out and had to be killed by his mind controlled buddies. I think the Batman combat system is a big part of why. It's a really good combat system but it loses all of its depth in one on one encounters. The whole nemesis system thing makes you want to have duels but the structure of the game and crowd-focused combat system make that nearly impossible and disappointingly easy on the rare occasions you get to do it.
Sep 14, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
First game was technically impressive and it had solid gameplay mechanics that were well constructed. Yet I found it incredibly dull. I never even got around to visiting the second area of the game because I got bored so quickly. Orks and uruks just weren't that much fun to kill and the world felt empty and depressing. I just didn't want to spend time there. I don't actually have a problem with gameplay. It's R rated Batman basically.

My problem is with the entire setting. The world is just dull and so are the enemies. It is a repetitive game that doesn't have much to offer aside from killing orks and uruks. And some might argue that Batman games are repetitive. However, unlike Shadow of Mordor, I enjoy being Batman and beating up people in Gotham so I don't mind that aspect of Arkham games. I just don't care about the protagonist in SoM and I don't care about killing orks and uruks. It does nothing for me.
this, the nemesis system was cool, the gameplay is solid enough, but dear god, the rest of the game is severly lacking, it was difficult for me to get 30 minutes into it without wanting to put it down because it was so lacking in every other category.

if the sequel takes the nemesis system and actually attaches a fun game/story to it, then I might actually buy it full price and play through it.