Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter Finishes Big


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Pretty awesome, I never played anything related to Shadowrun but I've heard stories and the world sounds pretty interesting. 2D? I like the sound of that.
Apr 5, 2008
The old 16-bit Shadowrun game on the SNES was one of my all time favourite games back in the day. It had atmosphere, great story and was a great universe to be in and explore. Hacking, levelling up and combat were interesting and I hope the anything new follows in this vein. Whoever thought Shadowrun should be a multiplayer fps deserves to be shot.


New member
May 16, 2011
Awesome, so the PC owning kickstarters are helping to fund the tablet and mac version. With any luck they'll make an iOS version, sell it for 69p, and make a fortune. Benefit to original kickstarters is nil, but hey ho, that's not what kickstarter is about, is it.

Why doesn't every company do that? - get funding by holding game development to ransom... pay twice as much for the game, 2 years before it's released, before it's even developed, or there will be no game. I feel like slapping the gaming world across the face and telling them to snap out of it. This can't be the future of game development, we can't be expected to pay more, in advance for every fricken game and get nothing in return but a cheap t-shirt and some effort from the website designer. It's not even a proven idea yet! Stop throwing money at your screen or we'll be expected to throw money at our screens every damn time.

Gah, sick of kickstarter, I wish people would just make games then let people buy them, like the old days, like the PC gaming industry that people neglected and are now so bloody desperate to go back to.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
a "2D, turn-based, single player" videogame.
...And this is where I cream my pants, ladies and gentlemen. I just hope they make it deep, complicated and challenging enough, and not just the same hand-holding that's plaguing games at the moment.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Was the 'train wreck' Shadowrun reboot mentioned in this article the one that had that avidly homophobic developer on the team? I know this has nothing to do with this project but I'm just curious.
Jul 22, 2009
I actually liked the 2007 game D':

I'm still looking forward to this, and I appreciate that the last game failed as a Shadowrun title, but as a competitive online shooter, it's one of my favourites...


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
La Barata said:

I LIKED the 2007 one....
GamesB2 said:
I actually liked the 2007 game D':

I'm still looking forward to this, and I appreciate that the last game failed as a Shadowrun title, but as a competitive online shooter, it's one of my favourites...
More than one person played the 2007 game? More than one person admits to playing the 2007 game? More than one person likes the 2007 game?

This does not compute.

I never actually played the 2007 game. My favorite digital version of Shadowrun would be the one for the Genesis myself.

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
vxicepickxv said:
La Barata said:

I LIKED the 2007 one....
GamesB2 said:
I actually liked the 2007 game D':

I'm still looking forward to this, and I appreciate that the last game failed as a Shadowrun title, but as a competitive online shooter, it's one of my favourites...
More than one person played the 2007 game? More than one person admits to playing the 2007 game? More than one person likes the 2007 game?

This does not compute.

I never actually played the 2007 game. My favorite digital version of Shadowrun would be the one for the Genesis myself.
Well, I got it for about $3 used at EB Games, and I honestly enjoyed it. The magic and gadgets, especially the teleport spell, added an interesting new angle to the regular shooter model.

I guess it's a matter of personal preference.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Gardenia said:
Andy Chalk said:
a "2D, turn-based, single player" videogame.
...And this is where I cream my pants, ladies and gentlemen. I just hope they make it deep, complicated and challenging enough, and not just the same hand-holding that's plaguing games at the moment.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome.

I wish I had known about this Kickstarter, because this is one I would actually have funded.