Shamus Plays WoW #3: Into the Bandit's Den


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Good thing he took care of the virgin stuff, cause he sure as hell won't find one in Goldshire


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Oh god Goldshire. >.>

also, how is this going to go once Cata hits? the line you're basically following is going to shift a lot.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Museli said:
"I suppose you could just not turn in these quests and store all your heads in your vault."

Sadly, you'd soon run into the limit of 25 active quests. Dropping a quest would usually destroy any quest-related items, so your cranial museum couldn't grow any larger :(
You feel 25 severed heads is too small an amount...?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Lol, loving this.

Someone said 2 issues?

I've only seen it's an imps life so far...did I miss one?


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Formica Archonis said:
Museli said:
"I suppose you could just not turn in these quests and store all your heads in your vault."

Sadly, you'd soon run into the limit of 25 active quests. Dropping a quest would usually destroy any quest-related items, so your cranial museum couldn't grow any larger :(
You feel 25 severed heads is too small an amount...?
Yes, because a collection is judged on how many and how important/expensive the items in it are. But you could get more than 25, there are quests are require more than one head like the one for the channeler heads from ZG.

Edit: Also, there are heads that begin a quest. Ex: Onyxia's Head


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I wish I could do the head-in-the-vault thing, but since you can only have 25 quests in your log at a time, and as soon as you abandon a quest the item you collected for that quest gets destroyed, you could only have 25 heads, maximum.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Neptunus Hirt said:
The heads-in a vault thing sounds like fun. I'll do that if I ever sign up for the game again.

I'm left wondering about the demon's secret that has never been told to any mortal. Was that just bait for the bet, or might it be something that turns up in a later installment?

We can only speculate.
its kinda hard seeing you have to keep the quest open. So you can only have about 30 severed heads(ive never done it but you know how quest items work)


New member
Nov 9, 2009
direkiller said:
its kinda hard seeing you have to keep the quest open. So you can only have about 30 severed heads(ive never done it but you know how quest items work)
Hm. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I played, but I recall having kept a few quest items without having to have the quest in my log. There was some item, as I recall, that could transform you into a furbolg. I'm pretty sure I canceled that quest, because I kept that item until I stopped playing.

But perhaps I'm wrong.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Spectere said:
I remember rolling my first character and dying several times at low levels because I wasn't used to the aggro radius on the hostile mobs and the fact that hunters are basically useless in melee.

I think they went a bit too far in the other direction, honestly, but at least the handholding stops a bit when you get out of the cozy newbie areas.
During my exciting 2 weeks of attempting to play WoW (very early after release), it wasn't an enemy aggro radius per-se that bothered me. It was them respawning out of thin air with me in their aggro radius. There's something about walking through an empty field and then having 6 boars teleport in and swarm me that says "don't waste your time on this game."


Aug 12, 2009
Formica Archonis said:
You feel 25 severed heads is too small an amount...?
I feel it's a little small from a collection point of view. Obviously, a regular day can be got through with only three or four severed heads, maybe a couple more at the weekend. You know how it is.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
lol goldshire. Also I'd like to point out that you're playing after the nub friendly patch. Before patch 3.3(I think) enemies like those bandits did attack you on sight.

So far the article has been good this one was a little lackluster though. Still had its laughs though.

Also you can abandon a quest and keep the quest item(severed head in this case).


New member
Oct 2, 2009
I was too curious and ran it through Thottbot. These are all the heads I could find:

Hex Shrunken Head
Big Bad Wolf Head
Head of Onyxia
Stuffed Shark Head
Magtheridon's Head
Mimiron's Head (the mount, but yeah, a head)
Belt of Preserved Heads
Belt of Shriveled Heads
Belt of Shrunken Heads
Belt of Tiny Heads
Ingvar's head
Nefarian head
Ossirian head
NElf Head
Gor'tesh' s head
Bouldermok head
Pamela's doll head
Stormwatcher head
A talking head (WTF?)
Harvester's head
Garrick's head
Zalazane's head
Minshina's skull (not quite a head, but...)
Raptor head
Barak's head
Samuel's Remains (icon is a skull, so we must assume a head is involved)
Melenas' head
Nissa's remains (more questionable, as the icon is slime)
Blackened skull
Thurman's remains
Gregor's remains
Devlin's Remains
Rattlecage Skull
Ivar's head
Dargol's Skull

-So that's what I found. I'm sure there are more.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Ah, the virign sacrifice. I already wanted to add an entry to the Evil Overlord list on this. I figured, if you're evil enough to sacrifice people and the only requirement is 'virgin', why not take an extremely ugly 7 year old boy? Not only is it much easier to find one of those that's still a virgin, compared to the usual 25 year old gorgeous woman (the kind where you know that, if she really is a virgin, it's certainly not due to a lack of trying of every male that lived in a 20 mile radius). But there's also a much smaller chance that the hero will spoil the qualifications. [Obligatory joke] Unless the hero is a catholic priest perhaps. [/Obligatory joke]

But I must admit, these sacrifices rarely explicitly state it's supposed to be a human either. The hero won't even be legally allowed to stop the Overlord, as long as he does it in a butcher shop that's up to health regulation standards.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Heads in a vault? Nah, you should see the skeletons in my closet. *pa-dum-tsh*

I really collected heads in Ultima Online. Even more than that. Hearts, too. You can rost those and eat them to increase your Necromancy. I even got a lot of my own heads. Which is really, really weird even if you ignore the fact that I collect useless heads.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Thottbot has been outdated since Burning Crusade, I compiled this list from wowhead (appropriately :p) and came up with the following 142 obtainable heads. Seeing as some are drops and/or quest starters it is possible to have more than 25 at a time, but the meat and bones of the list (so to speak) are quest-only drops, I'd be surprised if your collection could exceed 40 significantly. Still, that's two frostweave bags worth of heads :)

A Shrunken Head
A Talking Head
Aldaron's Head
Ambassador Malcin's Head
Apexis Guardian's Head
Archeologist's Shrunken Head
Artorius's Head
Athrikus Narassin's Head
Barak's Head
Baron Longshore's Head
Boss Grog'ak's Head
Caliph Scorpidsting's Head
Channeler's Head
Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle's Head
Chieftain Zul'Marosh's Head
Chok'sul's Head
Dar'Khan's Head
Darkreaver's Head
Defiant Orc Head
Epoch Hunter's Head
Falconcrest's Head
Fardel's Head
Felendren's Head
Fenwick's Head
Firebeard's Head
Gallywix's Head
Gan'zulah's Head
Garrick's Head
Glommus's Head
Glrggl's Head
Gobbler's Head
Gor'tesh's Lopped Off Head
Grimscale Murloc Head
Grom'thar's Head
Gurok's Earthen Head
Gurubashi Head Collection
Hairy Herring Head
Harvester's Head
Head of Alexi Barov
Head of Argelmach
Head of Arugal
Head of Balnazzar
Head of Bangalash
Head of Baron Rivendare
Head of Baron Vardus
Head of Bazil Thredd
Head of Cho'war
Head of Deepfury
Head of Forgefiend Razorsaw
Head of Gammothra
Head of Gath'Ilzogg
Head of Grimson
Head of High Cultist Zangus
Head of Jammal'an
Head of Kael'thas
Head of Kel'gash the Wicked
Head of Kelris
Head of Krom'zar
Head of Lathoric the Black
Head of Magus Rimtori
Head of Nagaz
Head of Nefarian
Head of Onyxia
Head of Ortor of Murkblood
Head of Ossirian the Unscarred
Head of Overseer Maltorius
Head of Ramstein the Gorger
Head of Rend Blackhand
Head of Targorr
Head of Tel'athion
Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer
Head of the Corrupter
Head of VanCleef
Head of Weldon Barov
Hetaera's Beaten Head
Hetaera's Bloodied Head
Hetaera's Bruised Head
Hex Shrunken Head
Hezrul's Head
Human Head of Ras Frostwhisper
Ingvar's Head
Ivar's Head
Kenata's Head
Khan Dez'hepah's Head
Khan Jehn's Head
Khan Shaka's Head
Klinfran's Head
Knucklerot's Head
Kurzen's Head
Lar'korwi's Head
Lescovar's Head
Luzran's Head
Magtheridon's Head
Marcel's Head
Marez's Head
Mechazod's Head
Melenas' Head
Mimiron's Head
Mirefin Head
Muckrake's Head
Mug'thol's Head
Murloc Head
Nazan's Head
Nek'rosh's Head
Nezzliok's Head
Ol' Sooty's Head
Omokk's Head
Ordanus' Head
Or'Kalar's Head
Otto's Head
Pamela's Doll's Head
Pickled Murloc Head
Prospector Anvilward's Head
Raptor Head
Ribbly's Head
Sack of Murloc Heads
Sarilus Foulborne's Head
Serena's Head
Severed Night Elf Head
Shadow Lord Fel'dan's Head
Shadumbra's Head
Shrunken Head
Simone's Head
Socrethar's Head
Solenor's Head
Stormwatcher's Head
Stuffed Shark Head
Targ's Head
Thaelis's Head
Tharil'zun's Head
The Head of the Hand of Kargath
The Head of the High General
The Hexxer's Head
Thule's Head
Valroth's Head
Vejrek's Head
Verog's Head
Vile Familiar Head
Worg Master's Head
Wrathtail Head
Zaeldarr's Head
Zalazane's Head


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I've never kept heads, but do admit to having a pernicious rogue on Wyrmrest Accord server that keeps what he pick-pockets; I have a bank vault full of old lint, used tissues, worn wallets and other odds-and-ends I've found in the pockets of everything from random bandits on down to murlocs.

Great series, keep up the good work! I hope you've got a novel in the works, Shamus. I've been a fan of campy fantasy ever since I read Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures, and this stuff really fits the bill.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Shamus Young said:
Shamus Plays: Into the Bandit's Den

Making bets with demons is usually a bad idea.

Read Full Article
This series is great. I love it. Been readings since you started with Champions Online and I think its getting better and better. Thumbs up for your story development!!


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I'm going to go ahead and don my super-nerd cap here:

Actually, the bandits in Northshire USED to be hostile, but Blizz has long since put training wheels on near every part of the game, so now almost nothing is hostile until around level 8-ish,
And even then only a few mobs here and there until you get up there,

Keep in mind this information is from leveling a Draenei to 10 today, since I just started playing again to prep for Cat,
The game really feels like WoW-lite, which i'm not really against, considering the giant time-sink WoW is already, leveling a character a year or two back was alot more painful and time-consuming