I really appreciate the way that my friend group treats money.
I've seen so many posts online about friend groups deteriorating because someone owes someone else $100 and won't pay them back, ruining relationships. So many comments of people saying "never lend money to friends, money hurts relationships and makes you resent people if they don't pay you back." So many posts about people being upset about splitting the check evenly at a restaurant even if they personally only had a salad, etc.
No one in my friend group cares about any of this stuff. When we go out to dinner someone just pays, and we rotate who volunteers, and no one really keeps track of who spent what. We just chill because we love each other and know that no one is trying to take advantage of anyone else.
I just spent months trying to pay back a friend of mine $3,000 that I owed him from an international trip we took together earlier last year. I literally had to chase him down and shove money into his hand because he kept refusing to take it. Insanity. I love my friends.