Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Our Maths teacher when I was 16 injured herself and we got a completely fucking useless substitute for the rest of the year who couldn't teach to save his life. I ended up with an E that year, finished the next year with a two-year average of a C. I had to have gotten an A in the second year to balance that with my first year E. Shows what a good teacher can do.

Also, during my last semester of University, I was given back an assignment I 'failed' by a student-'teacher' who really couldn't speak English well enough to be teaching University-level Philosophy. Given my average was a good 25% higher than the grade she gave me, and the fact that she very nearly cost me my grade in doing so, I really don't feel she could teach worth a damn.


New member
May 17, 2010
Well, there was the Spanish teacher who ran off halfway through the year because she decided that she couldn't handle teaching... Love getting the newly-qualified ones at A-level.

Perversely, it was kind of a good thing, all things considered.
Feb 19, 2010
This Time the school got pissed off with my Atheism & decided to make religious studies Required. even if your Muslim or Buddhist, you MUST learn Christianity.
& Fucking,god, the religion teacher is a total *****. she blots & blots of how all other religions are wrong, and Christianity is the way to go, and we must all live like jebus. so we all have to die when we are 29?
anyway, i don't do jack-shit in religion, so i just bring out my doodlig copy and draw stuff. i always get detention, but always to miss religious studies, she thinks it's a punishmnt to not hear verses of the bible for an hour. After detention a few weeks ago, she got in a biug argument over religion, luckily my favorite teacher( my german teacher) came to bail me out.
That guy is AWESOME.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
We had lab lessons with a medical doctor once. One of the most unfriendly (and, to be honest, stupid) people I met yet.
We had to use a microscope to observe some cells (onion skin I think. High science there!) and draw them (or actually, draw what we were supposed to see according to the textbook, as he didn'T accept other observations).
Since I'm nearsighted, and we were using stereo microscopes (with two oculars but one single objective), I took off my glasses. It'S hard enough to focus anything with these microscopes when my eyes are directly on them.

After my second (unsuccessful) drawing, he told me to get away from the microscope so he could have a look. Note that my glasses were right next to the microscope and when I got up I took them and put them on again.
He had a look into the microscope and immediately complained about the picture being unfocused.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I've had some bad teachers over the years; I had this one sadistic guy in primary school who got kicks from making kids cry; he'd tell you to do something (i.e. hand out maths textbooks) and then rage at you for doing it, saying that you were wildly doing things. The teacher for the other half of the year hated him with a passion; she actually "took it outside" with him and told him that if he told off another pupil from her class, she'd [I have no idea what she said, but he left her class alone for the rest of the year]. Problem was I was in his class and although he was a jerk to everyone in his class, I was one of his favourite targets; eventually my mother threatened to lodge a formal complaint and he acted all surprised as if he had no idea what she was talking about. There was one girl who actually developed clinical depression and would go home from school and go straight to bed; her parents lodged a formal complaint claiming he had made their daughter feel suicidal; at 8 years old FFS! It wasn't just the kids though; the other teachers all loathed him and from what I gather, they ignored him in the staff room. At the end of the year (his first year of teaching) he was "politely" asked by the headteacher to go and find employment elsewhere.
Add to his sadism was the fact he talked very slowly and never got anything done (he'd blame our "disruptiveness" for that).


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I did a year of college before Uni, I was looking forward to starting the course.

Of course the lecturers were off for 10 weeks at the start of the course, then when they eventually appeared they ended up being useless anyway.

My programming lecturer was a bit odd, he'd come over and type some code into our game, fart, and then leave.

Which left a very smelly room and a broken pile of code -.-


New member
May 21, 2009
I had a creationist as a biology teacher. She tried to teach evolution along side creationism and kicked me out for saying that it was a load of horse shit, I didn't go back to her class the rest of the year, so I had to go before the school administration because there was an attendance policy which made it so you lost credit after missing 12 classes, I got full credit for the course and her fired (you cant teach creationism in American schools) because it made them investigate the class, which turned up multiple corroborating stories that she was teach creationism.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
I have two stories, the first is back when I was in Year 9, before G.C.S.Es. I was in Art class, now I was never very good at Art, I was better at words and computers than my hands, and my Art teacher picked on me multiple times. The first time was when she realized I wasn't very good at Art and she knew I wouldn't be taking it for G.C.S.E, when I put both my hands under the desk in order to pull up my bag and get supplies she would make a stupid masterbation joke, I had social issues, self-esteem issues, and confidence issues, so I just went bright red and couldn't respond. She would do that at the start of every lesson. It was very frustrating. She knew I liked a girl, because I would be trying to talk to her and everything and in the second lesson she paired me with her.... and THEN made the masterbation joke... I think she also paired me with her so the girl could see just how bad I was at Art, because this girl was pretty damn good at it, and was planning on taking it for her G.C.S.Es (I was paired with her for the whole year, not just one lesson). She also liked to make me do my horrible presentations first, she made me answer all the questions, I'm not sure if she thought me being bad at Art was me insulting her or something but, I never hated Art until after that year... needless to say after that year my confidence was blown and I never spoke to the girl again...

My second teacher is one for this year, I can sum this whole tale up in three words: He is old. Basically my class is the result of a lot of people taking a class they didn't think anyone would be interested in. So they didn't have enough teachers to go around, so we had two proffessional teachers, and one teacher who doesn't know what they are doing. This teacher was fine at the start of the year, when we was doing coursework, we could just do our own thing, but now he has to teach us. The past five lessons have been the same lesson, word for word, it's driving me insane, I could be doing something constructive during that hour and a half, like revision, or hitting myself in the face with a hammer, anything would be more constructive than listening to him repeat his life story as if it has any relevance and how funny it is that women can now vote and 'Mad Scientist' was a term he made up! And I still have 3 more lessons with him! Argh!


In an unsuspicious cabin
Jul 22, 2009
There was this art teacher who once sent a note to nearly ever parent because "we" were talking during class. And by "we", I mean a very small part of the class. One of the girls she didn't write a note to later admitted to being talking. There was also the time she said that anyone chewing gum would have a "lack of material foul".


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Erm. Either I have a terrible memory, am very forgiving, or don't have any bad teachers.