Sharia law and the Escapist.


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Nov 12, 2008
bushwhacker2k said:
cuddly_tomato said:
bushwhacker2k said:
While I respect trying to respect differing cultures, I think we could all rest a little happier if every retard who follows this religion dies and the religion with him.

How can such stupidity exist in this day and age? >_>
You just called every Muslim on earth a "retard" right after claiming you "respect trying to respect different cultures". If you think Christians, Jews, Atheists, and Pagans haven't all commited similar attrocities in the name of their particular religious system then your knowledge of the topic has a few holes.
Yeah, I spoke a bit harshly, didn't I? Sorry about that, I meant every retard who thinks stoning is okay because his religion tells him so.
Thank you. :D I absolutely agree with you there. The fundamentalist mindset of "I am right, therefore everyone who thinks differently is wrong" is destructive on every single level. Absolutely no good ever comes from extremism, hatred, and dogma.


New member
May 15, 2009
Glad to see that after all these months you're still a naive moron Therumancer.

Therumancer said:
It's like this, the whole world is shades of gray. We could argue about who is right and wrong, but it all comes down to perspective. Nobody wakes up in the morning and goes "gee, I feel like being really evil today". Like most things this ultimatly comes down to "us or them".
Bullshit. That's just an excuse people like you make for themselves so they can go to sleep at night. Yes, the world is full of shades of grey, but what you're proposing is still evil. You're talking about genocide just because you don't like a bunch of people.

If we go back to who is at fault for what, we'd go back towards like the Crusades with Muslims deciding to take the Holy Land for themselves,
One group of Muslims who, by the time the first crusade actually made it to the Holy Land, had been overthrown by a nicer group of Muslims who offered peace with the crusaders. The crusaders then promptly slaughtered them and all the jews. So if anything it's the Christians fault for being bloodthirsty savages back then again and again. Yet, I don't see you proposing we kill them all for their long history of crimes against the world. Why not? Because most happen to be nicer and the wackos aren't as prompinant as compared to the whackos in Islam.

The bottom line is that I see things as having gotten to the point where a peaceful resolution is impossible.
And what exactly is your experience in foriegn affairs "Mr. Ambassador?" What makes you more qualified to make that judgement call then the people who get paid to deal and comment on this.

We just keep going this way, they are just going to keep picking at the US, until eventually they get some suitcase nukes and we start losing cities or whatever.
Yes, because suitcase nukes are sooooooooooo easy to get. Where the fuck are they supposed to get these hypothetical suitcase nukes? Did Russia open up a Nukes R Us or what? It would be a fucking mircale and a half if they could get one working.

At that point we might use our military like it's intended to be used, but it will be too late.
Oh sure. Somehow these terrorists are supposed to sneak multiple suitcase nukes into the US from countries that don't have the cabability to even make regular nukes (with two exceptions). And then this hypothetical scenario somehow cripples the US....

Tom Clancy you are not.

Also, for the record the US is simply the dominant globally power/leader of the western world. We're the big target, if we go down, or fall from prominance, the Muslims will just go after someone else. See the issue is basically Islamics against non-Islamics, the US is just the current face.
Except for all the muslims living in the US and Western World.

People are short sighted and don't want to see it while the US is acting as the official meat shield, but in the end everyone else is on their hit list as well.
No, see people know how crazy these terrorists are, but they also know the reason they got this way was because the US went into the middle east and started fucking around with things. So yeah, it's the US' fault that this is all happening and now everybody has to help clean up their mess.

As far as slotting off the rest of the world, generally speaking I don't care.
Naturally, because you're an idiot.

In the end everyone gets upset with the US anyway because we're the big boy, and they know we aren't going to do anything about criticism.
We hate you because you tend to be dicks about everything. Also because of country music.

Everyone hated the brits when they were in charge too, and frankly every dominant power (France, Germans, Spanish, Romans, etc...) got their turn it's just most existed before the information age and/or were a lot more aggressive than we were. Bad things to say about Rome? Committ sedition? Well guess what, you and your entire village/country/region has just gotten itself wiped out. Go running around England saying "gee, I think we'd really be better under French Leadership, our king is fink" and you've got a noose with your name on it (and you didn't even have the internet to broadcast it, all you'd need is 10 people to hear you and one of them to tell a local constable).
Of course all these scenarios took place centuries or even mellinia ago, and so can't accurately be compared to the modern civilised age.

We won't lose Japan as a trading partner unless we're very stupid. We have Japan under occupation. It's one of our major staging grounds for the region, and we have it covered with naval bases. Their SSDF aside (which we LET them have) the Navy could pretty much cleanse the entire island chain of life and civilization inside of 5 minutes if they really wanted to. People tend to forget this.
Because you'd never go through with it. Anyone who gave the order would get strung up pretty quickly, and the Navy wouldn't follow that order anyway since it's blatantly illegal.

To be blunt our relationship with Japan is a wierd love/hate thing. In part we're responsible for their (very slow) progression and keeping their xenocidal tendencies in check. On the other we're also protecting them from being conquered or wiped out. Despite how it might seem a LOT of people down there hate Japan, and have a list of reasons going back before World War II. If the US wasn't sitting there I think relations between them and nations like China, and Korea would change dramatically and well... I'm not sure how long Japan would last. For all their whining about American occupation I think a lot of them realize this too. A lot of their diplomatic relations exist because they were formed as Japan while playing "host" to overwhelming American firepower.
Whatever you say Mr. Ambassador.

As far as China goes, let me be honest: I would have started a massive military assault on China before the 9/11 attacks given the option.
Oh yeah, it's not like they have thousands of fucking nukes! Not like they are allies with Russia. Not like it would cause global fucking aramgeddon.

Does anyone even take you seriously anymore?

People have seen this "Red Dragon Rising" thing coming for a while, a transition of the economy from West to East, a build up of military technology in the region, a rise of saber rattling, racism, and xenophobia, etc...
And a lot more men then women. It's hard to take the threat seriously when they have no way of sustating their population.

We allowed all of this to happen because we're nice guys and pretty much decided that keeping China relatively isolated would be the humane thing to do, as opposed to killing an enemy pre-emptively based on it's potential.
Also again because of the fact that attacking them would result in nuclear holocaust.

This has proven to be a mistake as time has gone on.
Yes ladies and gentlement, continuing to exist is a really bad mistake. I'm sure we can all agree on that. /sarcasm

Right now China is no military threat, but they are rapidly becoming one as they develop new Submarines (like the yuan class) and the Navy and Air Force to get their massive population/military where they need to to fight. They don't have it yet, but they are constructing it, and we've had them demonstrating their weapons by doing things like tagging the Kitty Hawk (ie proving their subs could sink a US Carrier).
Of course at the end of the day, they can't move their massive military because they need it in China to keep their own population under control. The only reason they aren't stains on the wall yet is because they can put any location in china under martial law and enforce it. Not to mention that they just can't export their military strength because of how many troops they have. Even with their new toys, they still have to maintain supply lines to feed all their troops and get them ammo they need to fight. So from a logistical standpoint, they can not defend their own borders, launch an attack on anyone not right next to them AND protect their supply lines.

For centuries people have believed every war "couldn't happen" for reasons of trade and econmics. We're no more right about this than Rome was when they were ignoring the Barbarians literally at their gates for those reasons.
Oh sure, and you know better then everyone in DC and across the world who don't see this scenario happening?

With China the issue isn't just Communism (even if I don't agree with it) but things like racism and national/ethnic destiny. China's culture/policies would very much make non-Chinese slaves or second class citizens.
And they will keep these slaves in line how exactly? Because they would need to turn every last Chinese citizen into soliders to be able to police such a large area as the entire world.

As far as their economy goes, it only matters until they actually have the weapons they need. Once they have them, why bother to trade if they can just conquer and take whatever they need?
Mutally Assured Destruction and Scortched Earth policies. For all their saber rattling they know that the world is useless to them in a nuclear winter.

Even if they fail to get the whole world, they will at least have more living space for their population.
Yes, because there's no way the rest of the world would strike back at them from attacking in the first place.

Honestly, did you even study the cold war?

On top of that, let's say China *DOESN'T* make a bid for world conquest (and honestly with the military they are building there really isn't any purpose), and instead simply becomes the dominant world power. We saw China's social policy in action during the Olympics in how they cleared people away, and forced the "unsightly" to stay inside. To say nothing of their attitudes on free speech in general. They are also a nation without honor. At least when accused of doing something wrong for no viable reason the US takes things seriously. When it came to The Olympics... something that is trivial overall when you get down to it, China was caught either cheating or making a mistake in allowing some of their athletes to play. Rather than apologizing and rectifying the mistake we saw a MASSIVE coverup and some of the most blatent disrespect for the global community I can think of. It was a little thing, and I guess that's why it matters. That's why it's purely a question of honor since nothing else was really at stake.
They'll either change or become bloodstains on the wall. Sooner or later they'll piss of their population enough to start a civil war. Or their One-child-policy will reach the point where there is an even bigger male-to-female ratio.

As far as the age of the athletes being a big deal (those who argue "well they did it, they deserve recognition) it's important to note that age is a big deal when it comes to gymnastics, figure skating, and other sports, the younger the more flexible. This is why older folks and adults don't do things at the same competitive level, they just can't. The real pros do less impressive routines as "ice dancers" through their lives.

Over the years many athletes have been unable to compete, or unable to compete in their physical prime for the sport because of the age policies. Letting those girls compete was unfair to anyone else who was overlooked due to age over the years. Given the option other countries could have doubtlessly produced other (younger) athletes who were otherwise overlooked and there is no guarantee anyone would have went with the same teams they used.
Okay seriously, why the fuck are you even arguing about this? How the fuck did you start ranting about China in a topic about Sharia law? ARe you just so deranged that you have to start raging against these people?

A lot of China-lovers think it's no big deal, but it's a very big deal, and it says a lot about China given the spirit of the games. America has a scandal, people shout it from the rooftops, while we ultimatly take responsibility for it. China has a similar problem, and well... let's just say I'm wary about these guys becoming any more powerful.
China are dicks. We've known this for decades. They don't hide that they are dicks. What's your point?

The point of this ramble on China is pretty much that we should have pre-emptively attacked them long ago (which the US is not wise enough to do). I think we'd have more support than many people think (and would have had even more 10 years ago). I think things will be worse now, but in the end we should still do it BEFORE their military machine gets any larger or more sophisticated.
Cold War. Mutally Assured Destruction. Nuclear Winter. China has so many nuclear weapons that fighting them will only result in the destruction of the entire world.

As far as economics go, well if we go to war, we no longer acknowlege the debt to them. When we're done they are either gone, or surrendering and of course the cessation of debt plus "tribute" (however we frame it) is of course going to be part of any deal, along with of course greatly limiting things like what China is allowed to build up for a military and transportation technology (in general).... not saying this would be easy (big war) but I think we could both win it, and benefit from winning it. I also think that as time goes on our chances of winning go down, and in the end if we don't throw the first punch they will when the odds are further in their favor.
Oh yeah, because having no debts with them is really worth dying over....


New member
Jun 24, 2008
CosmicCommander said:
This brought up the thought, what does the Escapist reckon on Sharia law? If you do not know what Sharia law is, a Wikipedia link shall suffice. [ ]

PS: Before you ask, I am actually intending to go to a protest, not the London one, however.
Errrrr that wiki article makes Sharia law sound pretty good, all about the inalienable human rights. Which is odd considering I knew nothing about Sharia before reading this, and this was supposed to make me hate it?

Anywhoo English law should not be undermined within the U.K by allowing communities to practice their own brand of justice no matter what that may be. This just leads to a weakening of the country as a whole.

Seen a lot of threads about this, but I'm not convinced it's really a threat, none of the Muslims I know want Sharia. Vocal minority maybe?


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Out of curiosity what religion would people be considered to follow who just say "Who cares?" when you ask them whether they believe in god or not?

Because although agnostics and atheists seem to be the main groups for non-believers, I hear them actually called religious groups somewhat these days... not sure what to make of it.


New member
May 17, 2008
Actual said:
CosmicCommander said:
This brought up the thought, what does the Escapist reckon on Sharia law? If you do not know what Sharia law is, a Wikipedia link shall suffice. [ ]

PS: Before you ask, I am actually intending to go to a protest, not the London one, however.
Errrrr that wiki article makes Sharia law sound pretty good, all about the inalienable human rights. Which is odd considering I knew nothing about Sharia before reading this, and this was supposed to make me hate it?

Anywhoo English law should not be undermined within the U.K by allowing communities to practice their own brand of justice no matter what that may be. This just leads to a weakening of the country as a whole.

Seen a lot of threads about this, but I'm not convinced it's really a threat, none of the Muslims I know want Sharia. Vocal minority maybe?
Usually the Muslims who want Sharia are the old dawgs, similar to ultra conservative christian republican, they are the one howling or barking the loudest. I mean, just read this article [], some sarcasm involved, but the point is, the situation he is talking about, involves a respected Islamic Scholar who was being pretty obnoxious.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
bushwhacker2k said:
Out of curiosity what religion would people be considered to follow who just say "Who cares?" when you ask them whether they believe in god or not?

Because although agnostics and atheists seem to be the main groups for non-believers, I hear them actually called religious groups somewhat these days... not sure what to make of it.
Those are agnostics and atheists. NOTE: Don't confuse atheists with atheist extremists/theophobes who call for the erradication of religion and/or spiritual beliefs. That is very much a religious position and is equally dogmatic and narrow-minded as Sharia law.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Actual said:
Seen a lot of threads about this, but I'm not convinced it's really a threat, none of the Muslims I know want Sharia. Vocal minority maybe?
Pretty much. The last thing I read about the conflict in Pakistan over this is that the Taliban (who don't specifically represent Sharia law, but it's a variation on the theme) number about 5,000 fighters. That's pretty imposing, but not when you consider that the Pakistani army is over 140,000 strong and could wipe the floor with the Taliban. The only reason they don't is because of the civilians who would die along the way. Which in the case of the Swat Valley is sometimes an acceptable loss, to them at least.

Point is that extremists are a very small minority, but are generally used to define the entire group. That, and in a crowd of 100, the guy with the gun is generally the one everyone pays attention to, which is what the Taliban and other pro-Shaira groups generally are.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
DannyBoy451 said:
This, fuck cultural relativism.

Edit: I can't see this ever being part of British law though, that's just fantasy.

Also, You can't see that becoming part of British law? Well, lots of things that you didn't think would happen, because you dont figure that they will. you let your guard down, and it slips through.

or, at least that is how it works in the US.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
This bullshit was dark even for the Dark Ages. To hell with it and the rest of Islam... And Christianity for that matter (What? A man can dream...)


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Therumancer said:
Well, I see things this way:
Sharia is an abomination, and whether we accept it or not it IS embraced by an overwhelming majority of cultural Muslims living in The Middle East.
So even if a majority of Muslims in a seperate country agree to keep it as their law, they shouldn't be allowed to have it? I agree that it should not spread to Western nations, but if those in the Middle East agree to practice it, can you justify stopping it (assuming they don't oppress those who are not Islamic)?

Therumancer said:
What's more while people are welcome to believe in Sharia a goodly number of the practices are illegal, and thus practicing them, committing sedition, and other acts should be hit by the full force of the law.
I assume you're talking in the context of a Western nation such as the UK, because if you refer to a Sharia Muslim nation its not illegal... its the law.

Therumancer said:
...and Sharia is one of the things that is breaking the camel's back...
Nice reference to an Arab proverb.

Therumancer said:
#3: After DECADES of being terrorized and harassed by the Middle East (differant nations, same culture with minor variations), and trying all kinds of differant stategies, diplomatic or otherwise, I believe we're at the "last resort". It's time to just bomb them back to the stone age, isolate the region except for the oil trade, and keep kicking over any attempts to rebuild a society in the region until they start to make a progressive one.

See, we make all of these wonderful bombs and offensive weapons for "a last resort" or "if all else fails". The problem is segements of society that are unwilling to use them when we get to that point. I mean we've tried everything I can think of, both nice and underhanded in the region. Instead of waiting for a magical fairy of peace to wave a magic wand and install a progressive culture, it's time to just bury all their citiesand towns under daisy cutter bombs, missles, nerve gas, etc... Heck take all of our radioactive waste we don't want to stick anywhere and decide the new dumping ground is Baghdad (after we bomb, drop it out of transport planes so nobody will re-occupy it).

I feel nobody takes the US/UK/etc... seriously because despite all of this wonderful ordinance we're basically afraid to deploy it no matter what anyone does.

I feel the very issue of someone demaning the right to chain whip a woman into submission for accidently exposing a hand too much from under her Burkha or whatever in the middle of London (as I understand things) is going way too far. It's pure stupidity that issues like this even exist.
I'm all for not allowing the extremest views of Sharia law into Western society, but is violations of what YOU call "civil rights" really justify genocide, subjection, and continued exploitation? It seems to be hypocritical to force your view of secularism onto a country opposed to it with violence. Now if you were to attempt to push for it in peaceful means, that would be entirely valid.

Therumancer said:
From now on I vote for any president who makes "bringing Armageddon to The Middle East" a part of their platform. Heck, vote Therumancer. When we're done we can make the most awesome "Terminator" movie ever, we can have these desert wastelands full of skulls without needing an FX budget.
A bit unreasonably extreme. Like I said, mass murder is not a viable alternative to Sharia.

Therumancer said:
Apologies to those whom this offends, but let me be honest. After most of my life being spent dealing with one form of Cr@p from the region or another (hijackings, kidnappings, plane bombings, Kadaffi, The Ayatollah, Saddam, Bin Ladin, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...) to say I dislike them is an understatement. I'm tired of the
whole bloody region, 9/11 was just the biggst part of a trend. In the end I just don't want to worry about cr@p from that paticular source anymore, there will always be things to worry about, but that's one I feel we can do without.
While I'm sure many found it quite offensive, I do agree with the idea that (reasonable) use of military force to go after those who do us harm (although many would have us avoid any use of military force abroad i.e. Iraq/Afghanistan).


New member
Mar 31, 2009
SBoggart said:
This bullshit was dark even for the Dark Ages. To hell with it and the rest of Islam... And Christianity for that matter (What? A man can dream...)
I find that comment quite ironic. And rather uninformed.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
woodwalker said:
DannyBoy451 said:
This, fuck cultural relativism.

Edit: I can't see this ever being part of British law though, that's just fantasy.

Also, You can't see that becoming part of British law? Well, lots of things that you didn't think would happen, because you dont figure that they will. you let your guard down, and it slips through.

or, at least that is how it works in the US.
Muslims make up roughly 3% of the population of England and Wales.

And only a very small minority of them would want to live under Sharia.

So yeah, never going to happen.

Anarchy In Detroit

New member
May 26, 2008
I support Sharia law because I also feel that as a breathing piece of meat also on Earth like the rest of you I have a right to decide what my beliefs are. My personal beliefs just so happen to say that I get everything for free, can rape who/what I want at all times, and should be exempt from any tax or law in whatever country I live in. Why? The Invisible Man told me so. You have no way of disproving The Invisible Man so nah nah nahnah nah naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh fuck you guysssss. If they can't have Sharia Law then I can't practice my glorious religion... ehhh what else would a pompous religious ass say... oh BURN IN HELL!

In all seriousness I think any religious law is fucking stupid period. If the Middle East wants to enforce mass retardation doctrines on their people, fine by me. Works for the rest of us I think. However trying to gain exceptional status in another country that IS secular is bullshit. Britain has decided to be secular, you moved there by YOUR OWN choice, so fuck off and obey British rules and customs, or go back home to wonderful Sharia law (because it has done so much for your people).

Anyone who supports letting these close minded and ungrateful turds have Sharia law in a land that is not their own is betraying their people. You're willfully destroying your own culture just so you appear to be "nice." Fuck nice. These people don't do nice. They force everyone to be like them as soon as they are able and that is why they must be stopped now.


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Nov 12, 2008
Monkeyman8 said:
I didn't mean you specifically, that was the royal you if you will. My point is you can't have an atheist extremist there's nothing there to take to the extreme, all you'll have is some guy trying to push his ideology onto people. that's not the same as religious extremism and it's not atheist extremism because you can't take atheism to the extreme.
Of course you can. Certain forms of atheism are ideology (already proven, don't try to argue with that), and an ideology can be taken to an extreme when it is practiced by people who narcissisistically believe that their way is the only way a human should lead his or her life.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Anarchy In Detroit said:
However trying to gain exceptional status in another country that IS secular is bullshit. Britain has decided to be secular, you moved there by YOUR OWN choice, so fuck off and obey British rules and customs, or go back home to wonderful Sharia law (because it has done so much for your people).
England, which is part of Britain, is not a secular country. We are one of the few western nations who still have an official state religion; our monarch is also the head of the church. The fact that we operate as a secular nation would doesn't mean we are not, officially speaking, a Christian nation. I'm not entirely sure how this applies to the rest of Britain, and I certainly don't want to address the question of religion in regards to Ireland. Big ol' can of worms that I don't know enough about to open.

Sure, the monarchy is pretty much ceremonial and our church is renowned for producing atheism (or in the case of many people, apathetic agnosticism), but its still there. That said, I agree with the rest of this statement. If a person makes the choice to emigrate to a certain place, they ought to abide by the rules of that place rather than attempt to change the law into something they'd prefer.

Anarchy In Detroit said:
Anyone who supports letting these close minded and ungrateful turds have Sharia law in a land that is not their own is betraying their people. You're willfully destroying your own culture just so you appear to be "nice." Fuck nice. These people don't do nice. They force everyone to be like them as soon as they are able and that is why they must be stopped now.
Ever heard the phrase "White man's burden"? Not so long ago, the European/western world used to attempt to force everyone to be like us. We'd storm into a place, take over, and tell people how they ought to think, how they ought to act. We still do to an extent, except nowadays we push our culture on the world through movies, TV shows, and all the other ways that are slightly subtler than turning up on the doorstep with a big gun.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
cuddly_tomato said:
I agree. I find the term "extremist atheist" distasteful too as it tars "normal" atheists (read: "atheists") with the same brush.

How about... theophobic?
Motion seconded and passed.

The idea of extremism in government simply needs to end. Sharia law, Biblical brand of Conservatism, etc, etc. The veil of righteousness is just another tool to do horrific acts with the special God necessity excuse. However, the death of faith would be just as horrible because of its function in giving hope and the excuse to do charitable acts. Thus the veil of superior enlightenment would just be another tool, another excuse to take from people. Eventually I hope to see an ethical standard universally applied that insists to stay out of your beliefs as long as you do not attack others with those beliefs. And while I am at it, I want a pony that grants wishes because there is a lot of games coming out and I need my fix.

As for Sonic's words about God as a character, I have to agree. Especially when you consider the concept of sin and a truly infinite being. An infinite being, truly infinite, couldn't possibly be hurt by anything a finite being does. It would see the beginning and end of every life and choice. To an infinite being, our concept of free will as it pertains to ourselves is laughable. From the moment of our conception and even before that, it would know the ending so punishing us for what it saw coming all along would be beyond ridiculous. To it, we might as well be characters in a play. The script never changes since it already knows the end. Sure, it could do a rewrite but inevitably, we don't have a choice. Sadly, when I read the Bible and I read Lovecraft, I find the Bible to give a less believable portrayal of an infinite being or at least a being beyond our understanding. /tangent

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I'm currectly writing an essay on Human Rights, secularism and religion and these guys obviously don't get it. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18 writes that every person has a right to practice their chosen religion. There is also the fact that secular notions of human rights are derived from western and in paticular christian ideals of Human Rights, not to mention that fact that there is not and can not be a global concensus on what Human Rights are due to the diversity of different philosophies in the world. There is no way that current "secular" HUman Rights can be applied globally and therefore cannot be seen as legitimate.

Check Article 16 of the declaration of Human Rights regarding marriage which is garunteed to all "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion..." note the absense of a big controvertial one: sexuality. In CEDAW Article 16 regarding a woman's right to choose how many children she has and when - yet doesn't mention the controvertial abortion debate. Basically secularism isn't secular, it's heavily based on western notions of morality and as such influenced predominantly by christianity.

It's all very well to say that these seemingly arcaic punishments seem to conflict with Human Rights but they ned to realise that no-one has actually defined what Human Rights are - we haven't even managed to fully define what they are in the west. Human Rights in general is a complicated mess and it is far far too complicated than just saying "one rule for all". Who's rule? Ours? Sure it may rob an entire culture of it's heritage but hey, their culture was outlandish and barbaric by our standards so clearly we're in the right here.

There are Islamic activists who are moving to better define Shari'a Law which involves re-interpreting a lot of it within the confines of history. It's not a process that can just be dictated by the outside world and any attempt to is offensively ignorant. Muslims don't want to loose their culture or heritage. Why do you think there are all these mad buggers running around blowing themselves up in the name of Islam? Because they don't like Coca-Cola?