Shenmue 3 Announced? No, Just a Social Game

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Shenmue 3 Announced? No, Just a Social Game

Press releases from two Japanese sources mention a game set in the Shenmue universe but its just a social game.

Ever since Shenmue 2 ended with a cliffhanger in 2001, people have been clamoring for a resolution. The sequel sold fairly well on Sega's Dreamcast console in Japan but its import to the Western market was botched, with a bad overdub and long delays. Still, many gamers who were enchanted with the open world aspect of its setting, largely ahead of its time, still await a Shenmue 3. Today, an announcement by Yahoo! Japan and DeNA, a mobile internet company, on their joint venture to integrate social cellphone games to the PC briefly mentioned a new Shenmue game.

Could it be? Could this be the first hint of a conclusion to the story that ended so ambiguously with a sword and a mirror? If so, it'd be bigger than a reunion of Night Court [].

Sadly, that's not the case. The game mentioned in the releases is called Shenmue Town and is described as a "social game" meant to take advantage of the partnership with Yahoo! and DeNA. Shenmue Town is "coming this winter."

It looks like we must wait even longer for a conclusion to Shenmue's story. What is up with those two mirrors?

Source: 1up []



Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Being a shenmue fan from the dreamcast days, I feel like I should rage over this and all of these "social website games", but I just don't care anymore. It also makes Yahtzee's sentiments about cliffhanger endings when devs aren't even sure they can deliver a sequel ring true.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
It's just like any other game that has ended like this, or TV series for that matter (the original Battlestar Galactica comes to mind), I doubt anyone will pick it up, and as time goes on it becomes less and less likely that you'll ever see a proper resolution.

There are still doubtlessly people out there who want a proper end to "Simon The Sorceror" (a series of games from the 1990s) but it's unlikely to happen, in some respects it reminds me a bit of what happened with "Shenmue".


You matter in this world. Smile!
Feb 22, 2009
Damnit, now I want to play Shenmue. Which would necessitate buying a new Dreamcast since mine died a couple of years back.

And the English overdub is hilarious after a beer or five.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Dragon Mirror!!!

Give us Shenmue 3 already SEGA you bastards. Enough, with the torture. Release Shenmue 1&2 HD on PS3 and x360 or whatever, then give us the damn finale. Either that, or never mention it again, unless you want me to go down there and punch your face! I'm serious...sorta.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Therumancer said:
There are still doubtlessly people out there who want a proper end to "Simon The Sorceror" (a series of games from the 1990s) but it's unlikely to happen, in some respects it reminds me a bit of what happened with "Shenmue".
The difference being that Shenmue's final chapters are already written. They just have to made into a game. In fact, fuck it, I'd pay for a FMV of the final part. Besides, the Duke has finally seen the light of day. There is hope by the will of the gods.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Sonic Adventure was released on PSN...I wonder if Shenmue 1 & 2 could get similar treatment to gauge interest in the series (Isn't Ubisoft doing that with Beyond Good and Evil?)

The Rascal King

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Today, a announcement by Yahoo! Japan and DeNA, a mobile internet company, on their joint venture to integrate social cellphone games to the PC briefly mentioned a new Shenmue game
Great, Shenmue is being slapped in the face and we can do nothing but watch AND my inner grammar nazi is sounding off in my head. Good stuff.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
It'll happen when SEGA starts cannibalizing its old IPs. It may take years, though.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I think we're going to have to face the fact that 3 just isn't coming. now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to barricade my house to prevent the savage beating by angry Shenmue fans Gameinformer warned me about.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Nurb said:
Being a shenmue fan from the dreamcast days, I feel like I should rage over this and all of these "social website games", but I just don't care anymore. It also makes Yahtzee's sentiments about cliffhanger endings when devs aren't even sure they can deliver a sequel ring true.
Yeah cliffhangers are bad if you can't make a sequel but the devs were certain that they could make all six episodes of Shenmue.
They were the first party developer for a console, with a more or less unlimited budget, after all. It's not like they expected the company to tank and Sega hasn't had enough money to take huge risky projects ever since.

In those circumstances and given the aim of a large opera style game series they can hardly be blamed, it's not like any ending at that point in the series would have been satisfying.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Ah, social Shenmue. I can see the invites on Facebook now...

"Shmucky McSchmuck has invited you to play a game of Lucky Hit!"

Here is what I'd like to see in the future...
Knowing that Sonic Adventure has been released on the PSN (don't know about Live), it would't be a stretch to release Shenmue as DLC as well. If Shenmue does well, as I easily imagine it would, II would be released shortly thereafter.
Maybe, juuuust maybe... Sega would see the outstanding sales of the DLC Shenmue games, and put ol' Yu Suzuki and a small dev team together and bust out the long-awaited Shenmue 3.

Honestly, I don't care if 3 had the same graphics and gameplay engine as I and II. As long as it ties everything up and provides a great ending, I would absolutely love it.