Keep playing. You'll get a reason to keep killing Shadows on the second "proper" full moon boss. That's also when you get the 'Knock Down'[footnote]Does exactly what it says on the tin. But if they can't knock anything down, they'll do nothing. So if you might need healing, let them decide for themselves.[/footnote] command.DerpHerpilous said:I wish someone told me this before I started playing P4 in the middle of my first(and current) P3:FES run. The concept is still pretty thin as a plot device, but I'll be damned if it isn't still much better than P3's reason for going into dungeons and murdering their indigenous population....But if you plan on playing the Persona games, be sure to start and finish Persona 3 first. Because once you start playing P4, you won't want to go back to P3.
OT: Interesting way of thinking about it. Though, a lot of the complaints I hear about JRPGs are to do with their art direction - namely, younger and slightly androgynous characters. And when they get a JRPG with older main characters, they find some other way to dismiss it. Then again, some people are just impossible to please.