Shipment Of Splatoon Bound For GAME Stores In UK Stolen


New member
Nov 21, 2012
Conrad Zimmerman said:
In the lost shipment was the chain's entire allocation
And the moral of the story; don't put all your Amiibos in one van.
Dragonbums said:
As people have brought up on other places on the web, does GAMES not even have GPS trackers for their trucks? I mean, in general it would be pretty damn easy to steal any game from that particular chain if they only employ one huge truck of their supply of shipments across all chains. Surely they can pool together the money to put a tracker on the only truck they have responsible for new game shipments?
I very much doubt Game actually has their own fleet of lorries at all - they probably shove everything in the back of a hired Eddie Stobart or something, particularly for an order like this. I'd imagine there was other stuff in the shipment too, but we're not hearing about that because it's just tips of icebergs, rather than whole icebergs.

Besides, the company almost went bankrupt three years ago; I'm amazed they can order stock at all, never mind paying for a tracker. And even if they do find the lorry, it'll almost certainly long since have been emptied; they're not going to be sticking games in a Securicor van.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Good grief, I knew scalpers loved Nintendo but this is getting absurd. How long before these start showing up on amazon for the regional equivalent of 500 USD?


New member
Apr 10, 2010
Kinitawowi said:
Besides, the company almost went bankrupt three years ago; I'm amazed they can order stock at all, never mind paying for a tracker. And even if they do find the lorry, it'll almost certainly long since have been emptied; they're not going to be sticking games in a Securicor van.
The thing that almost killed game was the threat to make them pay for stock in advance rather than the more sale or return like system that those with a sufficient credit rating with the various distributors get. Game's restructuring manage to allow it to retain or possibly regain it (it may have been withdrawn temporarially for stock not already with game). Without said schemes it becomes much harder to survive.

James Elmash

New member
Jan 6, 2014
I pre-ordered it from Game, but they were really good about it. They sent an email explaining the situation, gave a number to call. I honestly don't care about the amiibo, I have one of Link, and I may get one more if the amiibo is a good one. It sounds dumb, but I wanted the free hat that they promised all pre-orderers. I was assured that the hat would still arrive with my order either saturday or monday


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Kinitawowi said:
I very much doubt Game actually has their own fleet of lorries at all - they probably shove everything in the back of a hired Eddie Stobart or something, particularly for an order like this. I'd imagine there was other stuff in the shipment too, but we're not hearing about that because it's just tips of icebergs, rather than whole icebergs.

Besides, the company almost went bankrupt three years ago; I'm amazed they can order stock at all, never mind paying for a tracker. And even if they do find the lorry, it'll almost certainly long since have been emptied; they're not going to be sticking games in a Securicor van.
Okay, that's a lot of inside context to put things in a more clear perspective. It also just makes the crime that much more shitty honestly. Hitting a chain that's already on wobbly legs is bullshit, and perhaps their inability to even get the cargo back even if they did know where the truck was made them a ripe target. Still, for the sake of it, someone needs to track down those missing copies, or at the very least- the people who robbed them.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
major_chaos said:
Good grief, I knew scalpers loved Nintendo but this is getting absurd. How long before these start showing up on amazon for the regional equivalent of 500 USD?
Ebay, maybe, but probably not Amazon. You can buy the squid and boy amiibo for $25.00 with the girl being 10 bucks extra. It seems Nintendo is going to keep them relatively in stock, so...they aren't really doing themselves all that much of a profitable favor.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
I have not used an Amiibo nor ever will, but would not using a stolen one immediately identify it to the server? Or do they work in client mode only? Their only value seems to be in shelf display and at this point not even that because everyone will know they are stolen. Aside from gloating about having one, no one who buys one of the stolen things could ever show it off for fear of being turned in to the authorities for some sort of reward.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Grouchy Imp said:
Hence the saying "never put all your cephalopod spawn into one 30 ton tri-axled articulated trailer".
Yep, that's exactly the advise my father-in-law gave me on my wedding day.

OT: See, I could see Nintendo having hired the thieves themselves just to artificially increase demand even more. Who'd put it past them?


Nov 24, 2009
United States
gridsleep said:
I have not used an Amiibo nor ever will, but would not using a stolen one immediately identify it to the server? Or do they work in client mode only? Their only value seems to be in shelf display and at this point not even that because everyone will know they are stolen. Aside from gloating about having one, no one who buys one of the stolen things could ever show it off for fear of being turned in to the authorities for some sort of reward.
I can't say I know much about an Amiibo's inner workings but as far as I know they aren't anywhere near that advanced and using a stolen one will yield the same results as a legally purchased or second hand Amiibo.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Johnny Novgorod said:
Fuck Nintendo for making their plastic trinkets as rare as legendary Pokemons.
They aren't really "rare" Nintendo just throws whichever ones they grab into a box and ships them out without looking.

And Pokemon is the plural form of Pokemon not "Pokemons".


Oct 28, 2013
Would it be unfair of me to say that I think this problem really started with Nintendo? I'm surprised GAME didn't see this coming as well, though, with the prices that amiibos are going for.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
It seems that Nintendo products are more valuable than Sony's and Microsoft's... except for most gamers. Welcome to opposite land!


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Barbas said:
Would it be unfair of me to say that I think this problem really started with Nintendo? I'm surprised GAME didn't see this coming as well, though, with the prices that amiibos are going for.
No, I don't see how anyone would see GTA VI (Grand Theft Amiibo) coming this soon.

Honestly, I knew there would be some theft, like someone stealing 1 or 2 from a store, but stealing a whole freaking truck... this is hilarious and depressing at the same time.


Oct 28, 2013
BiH-Kira said:
Barbas said:
Would it be unfair of me to say that I think this problem really started with Nintendo? I'm surprised GAME didn't see this coming as well, though, with the prices that amiibos are going for.
No, I don't see how anyone would see GTA VI (Grand Theft Amiibo) coming this soon.

Honestly, I knew there would be some theft, like someone stealing 1 or 2 from a store, but stealing a whole freaking truck... this is hilarious and depressing at the same time.
Maybe the truck driver felt they weren't being paid sufficiently for their service and buggered orff with the merchandise, planning to split it Italian Job-style with their mates.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Semi-DemiFiend said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Fuck Nintendo for making their plastic trinkets as rare as legendary Pokemons.
They aren't really "rare" Nintendo just throws whichever ones they grab into a box and ships them out without looking.

And Pokemon is the plural form of Pokemon not "Pokemons".
They're rare enough that they have a fame for being un-gettable. And it's "Pokémon".

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
How do thieves just steal an entire shipment of Splatoon or video games in general? Did the driver just leave the truck running and walk away from it for a few minutes or something? If Nintendo wanted to earn massive respect they should purchase all the pre-orders and fulfill the order themselves.

If Rockstar is smart they should release a single player heist for this.


New member
Sep 24, 2014
RaikuFA said:
To the assholes who stole them: good luck trying to resell them without getting caught.

To Nintendo: this is how bad you've made this situation. You now can not play a section of the game because said section is stolen.
Actually, all they need to do is claim they're selling them from a different country. They should probably look for accounts with few if any sales suddenly putting those up for sale.

So many wrong things I could say...That I can't even choose, so I won't, nyaha!
Okay maybe one. Shadowrun was completely wrong. The currency of the future is Amiibos and Mimobots!