Should I support Nintendo anymore?


New member
Apr 30, 2010
I am feeling more and more hesitant to ever buy a Wii U or give Nintendo any more of my money. The only new Nintendo games I bought last year, yes, last year, not this year, were Tomodatchi Life and Hyrule Warriors. I only could play them with my sister's 3DS and her room mates Wii U, which is gone now since they moved out and took it with them.

I want the new Zelda game, I'm going into it completely blind, the only footage I ever saw was Link running around with the two handed broadsword and some little snippets from the trailer. The only games I want are the new zelda and smash bros Wii U, thats it. Everything else I can't bring any sort of sense of caring or motivation to really research whats out there.

I've been ignoring them for so long due to many factors. Their constant aggressive copyright strikes on my favorite lets players channels for just daring to play the games they love. I don't get their way of thinking, or it could be some assholes posing as Nintendo, who knows. They don't communicate with people either, all our love, support, wishes and sometimes demands are never acknowledged. In this day and age of social media theres no excuse other than blind ignorance.

Also ever since Zelda: Skyward Sword, that game made me never want to buy another product of theirs again. I hate that game in how it treats me and how different, in a bad way, it was from my favorite franchise. Not against changes as long as they're not pandering and treat me like I'm 'pants on head, drooling out my mouth Retarded' that Skyward made me feel. This constant dumbing down and shoving in pointless footage of 'how to use the Wiimote' shit that they shoved in the game as well just because of Motion Plus. Kids aren't stupid and shouldn't be treated like they are that stupid since it just perpetuates this shit even more and I hate it.

I'm not the most educated on whats been going on with Nintendo, so if you know anything then please inform me and explain why I should care about the game company that made me a gamer to begin with.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Short Answer: No.

Longer answer follows.

I haven't bothered to get anything from them in a long time. I was originally going to get a 3DS, but it's little security feature, which can and probably HAS been abused, turned me off entirely. Wii's are nice, but I didn't want to bother with that either. It's just kinda' meh at this point.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
I think a Wii U is worth getting. Though it would be nice if the NX was made clear what it was. Though even if it has backwards compatibility, I still think a Wii U will probably be worth it. It can play Wii games for one, and is the only current console that...acts like a console.

The 3DS is also great. Again, the NX is a mystery, but I doubt it will play 3DS games no matter what it is.

Another thing to remember is, Nintendo isnt really one company. Nintendo has alot of 2nd Party developers that make their games. Pokemon is Gamefreak, Kirby and Smash Bros are HAL, and there are a bunch of others I dunno the name of. So Skyward Sword isnt indicative of Nintendo games as a whole. Zelda games maybe, but I dont think anyone has any real complaints on Kirby.

I wont fault you for waiting for the NX to come out though. Nintendo didnt drop the ball. It power slammed it into the ground and pissing on it. Then Nintendo of America is like "Hey maybe we shouldnt do whats happening" but who cares, cause NOA is given FAR too much credit for an arm of Nintendo that really just turns games into english.

Ignoring NX though, most critics of Nintendo I find dont care about Nintendo anyways. Ignore anyone who thinks they are going broke, cause they dont know shit about what they are talking about then.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
OoT: Nintendo submits Content ID claims, not copyright strikes. The big difference is that the former doesn't take down the video, it just takes away its monetization. I'm not OK with that; but don't ignore that Youtubers use LPs mainly to make money (not to just "play the games they love"). But OK; we get the main point: they screw LPs.

OT: It seems you stopped supporting Nintendo long time ago. What non-Nintendo stuff do you care about now? I ask because, one just doesn't stop supporting Nintendo. One either abandons gaming or replaces them by something else. If you already replaced them, then what can I (or anyone besides your favorite Youtubers) say to make you care about Nintendo again? The 3DS has lots of great games, that's the only reason I have.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Why ask? If you like their games or what they do then support them if you dont do not.

I have a WiiU but I did not get it for Nintendo 1st party games or at least their traditional 1st party ones I got it for Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade X and I am glad I did especially Bayonetta 2 but honestly there are not a lot of games on the system I am interested in and even the new Zelda I am not bothered to much by.

Its not that I have consciously made a break from them its just that I find by and large I am not interested in the games they are making they just feel to familiar I suppose. Also doesnt help I generally dislike handheld gaming so the DS has never held much appeal (or gameboy or any other handheld inc mobiles).


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Soooo you're really into the old Zeldas, thought Skyward was shit due to how different it was, but you're all in when this is the biggest change made to the Zelda franchise in years?
The whole going open world and whatnot.

Those first lines are just me thinking aloud, don't mind that.
If the Zelda game is the only thing you're really after, I'd wait and see what price the NX is, and wait for that, then start thinking in the lines of NX vs WiiU

Cold Shiny

New member
May 10, 2015
If you support gaming, you must support Nintendo, there is no other choice.

Nintendo is NOT a perfect company, they do alot of really stupid things.


Imagine a world without Nintendo.

1. Virtually all console games run at 25 FPS or lower
2. graphics are the only priority, with gameplay being slowly forgotten
3. Developers think that "cinematic" is somehow a good thing
4. Creativity is utterly dead as evidenced by the fact that most triple A games these days have the imagination of a dead goldfish.
5. Your games will constantly be chopped up into little tiny pieces to be sold to you separately AFTER you buy the full game for 60 dollars.
6. Developers make absolutely ridiculous statements about how their game is going to change the world. The world changing game is then released in a broken and buggy state, and most of the features the dev boasted about are never mentioned again.
7. Devs can release broken garbage piles like Fallout 4, but the games are praised for some reason. People justify all the bugs by saying "the games just so huge". This totally ignores the fact that Nintendo's Xenoblade Chronicles X is a larger game than Fallout 4 and that game possesses literally no bugs.

When Nintendo dies, this is what gaming will be. Our only hope for good games will be from indie devs who actually give a crap about the art.

Condemn Nintendo's bad business practices all you want, they will never be as bad as the alternatives.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
There's an hour's worth of footage online if you're really that interested, although it's mostly just Nintendo spelling it out for all of the dumb-dumbs in the audience that it's a Zelda. Also, they hand out Content ID Strikes, not Copyright Claims. Those are different things (a Content ID Strike removes monetization, a Copyright Claim removes the video altogether). They have DMCA'd as many ROMHacks and Fan Games as possible though.

OT: I honestly don't care about Nintendo anymore. It seems like you haven't cared for a lot longer, however. The should bother with a Wii U question can be answered with "How much do you use the Virtual Console and do you like Zelda remasters?" If yes to both, go ahead. If not, don't bother. There's nothing on it that you can't get on other, better systems (aside from Smash 4 and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, obviously).

If I were you, I would buy a GameCube, as well as copies of Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Melee, on the cheap. Seriously, It will costs about as much as a Wii U by itself.

Guffe said:
Soooo you're really into the old Zeldas, thought Skyward was shit due to how different it was, but you're all in when this is the biggest change made to the Zelda franchise in years?
The whole going open world and whatnot.
Zelda already is an open-world game series. Okay they aren't as free as, say, a Bethesda game. But they do technically have open worlds. The idea with this one is to go back to the spirit of the original Zelda, where you were dumped into a large open area with very little context and told to go fuck up some Pig-Man-Demon King. God knows why, I've never heard anyone say that "the original Zelda is the best."


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Cold Shiny said:
Imagine a world without Nintendo.

1. Virtually all console games run at 25 FPS or lower
Apparently console gamers don't consider FPS to be an important factor so reducing it may have a positive effect by demonstrating the importance of it.

Also, anything below 25FPS you'll start losing the illusion of a moving object on the screen. I'm not asking for much but fear-mongering is a low blow.
2. graphics are the only priority, with gameplay being slowly forgotten
And yet they haven't even surpassed the gameplay elements of TES, Mass Effect, GTA, ARMA, Deus Ex, Hitman, Xcom amd I could go on. The ""graphics are the only priority"" is double talk. Graphics is not an end but a means for better gameplay, the ability to intact with objects in the gaming world, a better way to convey ideas. A means to create immersion and to battle the uncanny valley.

The graphical resources available is left quite largely untapped due to the evolutional hardware development and the efficient APIs being produced that also makes the developer's job easier. Consoles are struggling to keep-up.
3. Developers think that "cinematic" is somehow a good thing
It's mainly exclusives tha.....It's funny that I mention exclusives especially when talking about Nintendo. They do a very similar marketing tactic with their "revolutionary" controllers.
4. Creativity is utterly dead as evidenced by the fact that most triple A games these days have the imagination of a dead goldfish.
Yes because Nintendo hasn't peddling the same bloody game for decades. It's one of their main criticisms - a lack of original IPs.
5. Your games will constantly be chopped up into little tiny pieces to be sold to you separately AFTER you buy the full game for 60 dollars.

I've been trying to refrain myself from using this meme but since you've stooped so low into cynicism I thought why not?
6. Developers make absolutely ridiculous statements about how their game is going to change the world. The world changing game is then released in a broken and buggy state, and most of the features the dev boasted about are never mentioned again.
And Nintendo relys on nostalgia and the religiousness of the fan base to be self-sustaining.
7. Devs can release broken garbage piles like Fallout 4, but the games are praised for some reason. People justify all the bugs by saying "the games just so huge". This totally ignores the fact that Nintendo's Xenoblade Chronicles X is a larger game than Fallout 4 and that game possesses literally no bugs.
Yet again, Nintendo doens't have to deal with the huge technical challenges for coding and testing over a large variety of hardware and software both on client and host side. Also the gaming development policies will differ from developer and to publisher.

They didn't even support the Havok Physic engine until 2012 with the WiiU for what been around since the PS2/Xbox era. Christ knows when they are going integrate Havok Cloth or Havok Destruction. Hell, Nintendo hasn't even made the leap for a 64-bit architecture and therefore has never had to dealt with all the cracks and snaps for coding both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
Its funny Cold Shiny that you blame a multitude of developers for a series of generalised problems against one developer/publisher. Biased much?

Regardless OP, you should never maintain the idea of *supporting* by rather accepting what product (games) brings enjoyment to you and what feels has the greatest potential. I personally hope that they can grow out of their isolationism and understand that there is a market on other platforms. The only products I have interest from Nintendo are the DS consoles because when gaming mobile it's better than using my phone...


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Nah, the NX will be their final push IMO, if that fails they'll have to go multiplat, and I feel like that's the best place for them. Their lack of third party support (and we already know the NX is going to be behind any new Sony & MS consoles because apparently it'll already be less powerful than the Pro & Scorpio, so again, expect third party support to stop when Sony & MS release their new gen stuff) and the fact that they don't really release that many first party games makes them as a console manufacturer pointless. It's pretty like Ubisoft or EA making a console that only plays their games and has support from no other companies. And even then, that would be a little more valid because Ubi & EA actually make more games than Nintendo for home consoles.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
I asked these questions because I really didn't want to give up on Nintendo. It's just completely clear to me that I, a 24 year old, who grew with Nintendo games, ala an SNES when I was 3 years old, am not their target demographic and never will be at this rate. I love their games, I never mentioned graphical limitations or anything related to hardware in the slightest making me put off by them. If its a fun game then I could care less about that. I was fine with motion control, the DS handhelds are indeed fun to play around with, its just how I feel playing the games that make me annoyed.

We never had this happen in the past, being made to feel like I'm an idiot, unable to comprehend how to play a game, let alone a game on the Wii. It's just pandering to kids and making games for kids, dumbed down stories and gameplay, making needless changes like shoe-horning motion control into everything just to use their gimmicks when they don't need to be there. I never used the 3D on the 3DS, it strains my eyes and adds absolutely nothing to the experience, I played Majoras Mask 3DS since thats my favorite Zelda game. No 3D in my play through, not once. The fact they made a 2DS at all says a lot about how pointless it is.

Guess I just grew out of it, I play more PC games than anything else now thanks to Steam, I would love if they went multi platform. They'd benefit so much more if they went to PC and got the community involved ala Modding, like Bethesda with their games. People have been doing that for years of course, hundreds of rom hacks out there and yes, they made Mario Maker, but its not the same thing. Also without the internet we would never get to play games like Mother 3.

It's almost like they don't want to make money, yet want it at the same time, that's the vibe I'm getting. Not sure if intentional or just confusing decisions.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It seems like you've already made up your mind about that, you're just frustrated that two games lie beyond your reach.

Look, there's no harm in taking a wait-and-see approach; Wait for the NX to be released, give it a couple of years to see if it has any/enough games that you think are worth a purchase or not, and then decide.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
If you don't care for Nintendo, then you don't care for Nintendo.

I still love em though.
My 3DS and WiiU still see regular use, though some more 3rd party support would be great.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Ezekiel said:
Haven't cared about them for a long time. I grew tired of them focusing mostly on the same old cartoon franchises decade after decade. I wouldn't mind if all those series ended and were replaced by new IPs with similar budgets.

Why did Zelda need to go "open world" anyway? I like dense, thoughtful level design. I wanted a land full of puzzles, secrets and dangers; not another commuting game. There's nothing exciting to me about riding a horse over endlessly open terrains with funny looking enemies. I'll say it over and over: Epona is one of the worst things that ever happened to Zelda. Suddenly, they needed this empty Hyrule Field in the middle of the map to justify the pointless transportation mechanic. Dark Souls wouldn't have been half the game it is with a big empty space in the middle of the map. I also don't need more RPG elements, like a chest with better (IIRC) pants. I'm convinced Nintendo has no idea what to do with Zelda.

It looks like a game from the Gamecube era. Blurry terrain textures, low polygon vegetation and quadrupedal animations that look like they're made by Bethesda.
i like the way you're just assuming Zelda Breath of Wild doesn't have any dungeons or puzzles despite the fact that you've only seen the openings terrain and literally one trailer showing off the game world. (which btw even shows link CLEARLY entering a dungeon)


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I grew up with them, left Nintendo in college, and then picked it back up grad school, and got a Wii U when it was like a year old.

I currently am looking forward to the NX more than PS or XB because I have a PC that isn't shit and at least I can expect true exclusives on Nintendo systems. PS and XB are looking to replace PCs, but due to their similarity (to themselves and PC), it isn't worth it to me. Maybe if I cared about multiplayer it would be (again though, PC... + PC has Starcraft).

I have a 3DS which got at least 3 good years of use, but now sits unplayed.

I would wait and see though on the NX. I will probably grab Zelda for Wii U though.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
FalloutJack said:
Short Answer: No.

Longer answer follows.

I haven't bothered to get anything from them in a long time. I was originally going to get a 3DS, but it's little security feature, which can and probably HAS been abused, turned me off entirely. Wii's are nice, but I didn't want to bother with that either. It's just kinda' meh at this point.
What Security Feature?


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Ezekiel said:
Haven't cared about them for a long time. I grew tired of them focusing mostly on the same old cartoon franchises decade after decade. I wouldn't mind if all those series ended and were replaced by new IPs with similar budgets.

Why did Zelda need to go "open world" anyway? I like dense, thoughtful level design. I wanted a land full of puzzles, secrets and dangers; not another commuting game. There's nothing exciting to me about riding a horse over endlessly open terrains with funny looking enemies. I'll say it over and over: Epona is one of the worst things that ever happened to Zelda. Suddenly, they needed this empty Hyrule Field in the middle of the map to justify the pointless transportation mechanic. Dark Souls wouldn't have been half the game it is with a big empty space in the middle of the map. I also don't need more RPG elements, like a chest with better (IIRC) pants. I'm convinced Nintendo has no idea what to do with Zelda.

It looks like a game from the Gamecube era. Blurry terrain textures, low polygon vegetation and quadrupedal animations that look like they're made by Bethesda.
Hey man the Gamecube era still had some pretty grahpically nice looking games:

Soul Calubur 2
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil Remake and Zero.
Star Fox Adventures.
Star Wars 2 Rogue Leader.