Should the UK have a Royal Family?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
I'd be sorry to see the Monarchy go, but I notice a lot of people wouldn't, and that many people have to have a reason. As far as I can tell, the Queen is a well-recognised head of state, brings lots of tourists' money and part of our national identity.
What do you think?


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I think that the royal family spends money that could be better used, and doesn't actually help anyone. So no, I don't think there should be one.


New member
May 11, 2008
0mn1p0t3ntg6y said:
I think that the royal family spends money that could be better used, and doesn't actually help anyone. So no, I don't think there should be one.
They bring tourist money. Simple as. Way more than they're spending.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well, if the want to keep calling themselves the United Kingdom, yeah.

Otherwise, it's a stupid idea, except as a tourist attraction, but some people take it so seriously.


New member
May 11, 2010
As far as Im aware the royal family is now just a figure head, they hold little to no authority over political standing. Though I could be very wrong, however Im way to lazy to look it up. Personally I think its silly, but whatever. Its not harming me any.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
RYjet911 said:
They bring tourist money. Simple as. Way more than they're spending.
This argument simply does not wash. They do not bring in tourist money. Their houses bring in tourist money.

If they didn't live in them anymore, then we could open up all of their estates in their entirety to the public and make even more money from tourism.

Imagine if you could go and walk through pretty much any room of Buckingham Palace any time you wanted, if it was opened up as a museum. It would surely still rake in the money, probably more than it does now.

More importantly I don't think we should have a monarchy because the very concept itself is disgusting, this is supposed to be the 21st century and we still have kings and queens, come on! How can we ever hope to have true equality whilst there is still a nobility?


New member
Mar 20, 2004
The existence of the royal family is a slap in the face to western style democracy. It's a reinforcement that people should be born into status rather than aquire it based upon ability. It's toxic, a farce and should end.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Better to have them than a president.

Presidents shit up everything more than Prince Charles is going to if we don't figure out how to clone the Queen.

Mark Flanagan

New member
Apr 25, 2011
They make more money then they spend and they're not just the UKs royal family. So yes we should have a royal family.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
flamingjimmy said:
RYjet911 said:
They bring tourist money. Simple as. Way more than they're spending.
This argument simply does not wash. They do not bring in tourist money. Their houses bring in tourist money.

If they didn't live in them anymore, then we could open up all of their estates in their entirety to the public and make even more money from tourism.

Imagine if you could go and walk through pretty much any room of Buckingham Palace any time you wanted, if it was opened up as a museum. It would surely still rake in the money, probably more than it does now.

More importantly I don't think we should have a monarchy because the very concept itself is disgusting, this is supposed to be the 21st century and we still have kings and queens, come on! How can we ever hope to have true equality whilst there is still a nobility?
Yes, houses that are maintained and run by organisations set up and managed by the Monarchy themselves, and at the moment at least neither the government nor other private charities would be able to take up the slack if the Monarchy were gone. This means the buildings would fall into disrepair and make no money at all.

Also, for a lot of the tourists the best thing about The Monarchy is not just it's history, but the fact that the history is still happening in some shape or form. Lot's of countries used to have a Monarchy, but ours is special to them because we're one of the very few countries left where the Monarchy can still be seen. So from that angle the people themselves are just as important as the buildings they inhabit.

As for your last point, before you decide to start chanting death to the aristo's, it might be worth thinking about the small fact that charities set up by members of the Royal Family and other wealthy individuals do more to help the underprivileged members of our society than the Labour Party has ever done.

Besides, no nation is ever going to have 'true equality', nobility or not (capitalism does more damage to the concept of equality than the aristocracy anyway). Sorry to disappoint you, but it's human nature at it's most basic. People need a structured hierarchy to function efficiently, just like all other species of ape, and the whole concept of a hierarchy requires that some individuals be of higher status than others. As well as that, not everybody in the world is a hardcore philanthropist and that will never change, because most people will always put themselves, their family, and their close friends first. After that other people are secondary considerations at best. It's just the way our minds are programmed to function and thanks to those two little nuggets of human behavior true equality can never be achieved. The sooner people realise that the safer everyone will be because every attempt in human history to change that has only led to suffering (see: USSR, China, Cuba, North Korea etc. etc.)


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I loathe them and hate being a "subject". I find the tourism argument nonsensical - very few tourists actually SEE them, the castles and the crown jewels etc will remain whether we have them or not.

Screw them. I won't bow or grovel to them and I won't sing our sodding national anthem.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
Lets see, the descendants of a military caste from the Dark Ages whose sole right to rule was based first on brute force and later on their ability to bully the other little tyrants into submission, and now on the fact that because we give them hundreds of millions every year in welfare benefits and excempt them from taxes and the law they can afford to live in an opulent fashion.

Denmark has a royal family too, and while I don't feel they deserve the guillotine, I do not feel that they have any just mandate to serve as heads of state.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
No, because it would take away a really easy target for Americans to make fun of. I love ridiculing the royal family on a daily basis, as well as fellow Americans who are obsessed with them.