Should this man be punished?


New member
Dec 21, 2009
He fired his tazer while chasing a kid on a bike, and it never occurred to him that the kid might fall over in the path of his vehicle? Get Officer Herpderp of the force.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
This is why the Escapist sometimes pisses me off, everyone is so damn stupid and closeminded.

How is it that everyone here is sure of the correct path, when none of us have enough information to go on?

If a police officer thinks you just robbed a store, and you run from him and try to evade arrest guess what boys and girls? He is going to try to catch you. Skin really isn't even a part of that.

Tasers are used all the time to keep people from resisting arrest. It's right there in the training manual. You don't have to be a racist to use a taser, shit we all remember the story of where that old lady was tasered.

So we have now two possible stories, the poor black boy was riding a bike when a crazy racist cop ran up to him and tased him mercilessly until he died just because he can. Afterwords the cop planted a gun on him which this police officer just happened to be carrying around.

Or a cop saw a suspicious person and wanted to have a talk with him, and that person tried to resist arrest. Cap tased him and he died. Afterwords the cop finds a gun.

I don't know which is the truth, but I would expect the officers to tase or tackle me if I tried to run and i'm from a very kind, rich neighborhood.

PS here is the video link

That cop was kind of dumb to run over the kid, but he sure had a reason to tase the dumbass if you ask me.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Hard case imo, ignoring the gun planting, of which we will never know the true facts, there are several things happening here. The main point is the subject was fleeing. IF he had stopped his bike and put his hands on his head, he would be alive today. He choose to flee from a police officer. That was his choice. At that point, any police officer in the nation would attempt to apprehend him. It is very unfortunate his choice to flee an officer resulted in his death, and I am glad to hear the policy on firing a taser was changed,

Tasers seem to me to be a device police are now viewing as a justifiable response to any type of public resistance on any point. The real issue for me is the widespread use of tasers where previously officers would have turned to other non-violent measures.

Even more scary than this are the laws being passed that make it illegal for a private citizen to record, either audio, or video, any interactions with a police officer. If our police force is really here "To Serve, and Protect" what are they scared of.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
dathwampeer said:
We immediately assume the gun was a plant. Why? reverse racism. Really it's just racism but it's done by white people against other white people.

He may have acted a little rash and that had a massive consequence. That's very unfortunate but if the police officer had reason to believe he was fleeing the scene of something then it's his duty to stop him. If the kid who died had of been white this would never have been an issue. And that's what bothers me.
It bothers me that you're so wrong about that. Someone still died for no clear reason at all. Of course you could argue that he only suspected the guy in the first place because he was black, but that's not even the issue being argued.

A man still died for reasons that the police officer changed, and then a gun was found on the dead guy's body but had no fingerprints and went against the nature of his character. THAT is why the gun was a suspected plant, it wasn't immediately assumed because the policeman was white and the guy was black.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Um, yes. It sounds like a pretty obvious set up. And the idiot obviously thought the kid was doing something wrong, just because he was black.

How the hell can that kind of crap fly in this day and age?


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Come on, you all want to see someone shot by cops for absolutely no reason, check this out:


New member
Jun 8, 2010
AvsJoe said:
Thedayrecker said:
AvsJoe said:
Yes. Yes he should. But I get the feeling I'm not hearing the entire story here.
The story's 10 months old, and the details are based of interviews with witnesses, the officer's report, and the officer's dashboard camera.
Okay, fair enough. That's more than enough proof to have this guy thrown in jail for a lengthy sentence.
First off watch the damn video before you are willing to destroy this cops life. Otherwise don't bother commenting.

Second off the "kid" (17 is still a kid?) was clearly resisting arrest. The cop was following him and yelling at him to stop for a long long time.

Third off this "kid" was really booking it on his bike. There was no way the cop was going to be able to get out of his car and run the dude down. The only way to catch him seemed to be to use his taser, which he told the "kid" he was going to do multiple times.

Running the "kid" over was stupid, but if the kid wasn't running in the first place he would be fine. I'm not afraid each time I step outside of dying to the police because I obey the law and don't resist arrest.

I don't know if the gun was a plant or not, but it doesn't matter to me.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
This officer should be permanently disbanded from the force for such shoddy police work, at the very least. His poor judgement got a suspect killed, and I say suspect because if this Steen fellow had just obeyed orders and stopped the bike, he would probably be alive. Ergo, both the officer and the suspect are to blame, so I wouldn't say that the officer's crime is quite as serious as a usual vehicular homicide charge. If it can be proven the gun was a plant, then the officer should be charged with that crime as well.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
dathwampeer said:
We immediately assume the gun was a plant. Why? reverse racism. Really it's just racism but it's done by white people against other white people.

He may have acted a little rash and that had a massive consequence. That's very unfortunate but if the police officer had reason to believe he was fleeing the scene of something then it's his duty to stop him. If the kid who died had of been white this would never have been an issue. And that's what bothers me.

Stop ignoring logic just because you're afraid that what you might say could be taken as racist by someone who is frankly, probably hyper sensitive. Everyone's so goddammed afraid of their own shadow these days.
That there was a gun is immaterial. The officer himself (as stated in the OP) changed his story from believing that the kid was in a bank robbery, to tazing him because he didn't have a bike light on. That there were no fingerprints on the gun is suspicious, most people hold guns with their hands and gloves weren't mentioned. If you've watched the video, officers are seen manipulating the body.

Running from the police is not illegal in and of itself. Resisting arrest or hindering a police investigation is, however I haven't seen the video so I have no idea if the officer in question tried to tell the boy he wanted him to stop.

To me, the officers own story (in the OP) suggests he was at least in partial fault. I don't think he should be a police officer, and I think many police officers need to be trained more clearly on when taser use is legally appropriate. This is largely a failing of the police institutions themselves, not individual officers.

I'm also pretty sure that, if this had happened to an attractive white girl, this would've made national news.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
He should be punished for police brutality and, if he didn't warn the guy about the taser, then he should be charged with murder as well.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Thedayrecker said:
This particular incident happened in October of last year, and in April, Ard was put on a two-week, unpaid suspension.

Now I ask you, esteemed Escapist, should officer Ard be more severly punished?
The man killed someone without provocation and, as punishment, received two weeks unpaid suspension and you're asking if he should be more severely punished? Is that question rhetorical?


New member
May 22, 2009
Hell yeah he should be punished. I'm thinking getting kicked off the force, never being allowed to be a police officer again, and a stay in jail as well. I mean, come on. What an asshole.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
No, it was a accident that the kid fell onto the cruiser and by the look of the video he had no chance to stop, and he should have stopped when pulled over

Bottom line, its no ones fault.


New member
May 16, 2009
I definantley believe so, what he did as unethical and uncalled for. But odds are nothing will happen, not even a cut in pay