Show How Games Have Made Your Life Better, Win a Trip to PAX

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Show How Games Have Made Your Life Better, Win a Trip to PAX

Looking forward to PAX's East Coast debut next year in Boston? You could win a pair of passes just by making a video showing just how much videogames have enriched your life.

In the end not being able to make it to PAX this year might have Atlantic debut [] next year in America's capital of baked beans and diehard baseball fans: Boston, Massachusetts.

Registration for the March event has Face of a Gamer []" contest, and all you need to do to do that is make a YouTube video.

"Shoot a short video to show the positives of video games: how they have brought your friends and family together, the positive things video games have done in your life, how they've made you healthier, or the good they've done in your community," the ECA wrote. "Most of all, have fun and be creative."

Winners will be chosen by the amount of users' votes they gather between September 14 and 24th. Which reminds me - you'll need to act fast if you want to get in on the contest, because the deadline is midnight September 11, which is this Friday.



New member
Mar 7, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
WrongSprite said:
Why? It's just a deadline...
You're not American are you?

Well I won't be doing this, seeing as I have some dignity and don't know how to make a Youtube vid.
it was a while ago, frankly it's time to let it go. it's not like Americans exclude things that happen on June 30 or any other days that horrible things happened to other countries

i'd love to do a video but i don't have time


New member
Mar 30, 2007
I really don't like contests where you have to get the most votes. They're not necessarily won by the most deserving, just the person who can get the most people to sign up and vote. I much prefer a random draw.

That said, I may still enter this.