Shut up and take my money!


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I am an early adopter, I own a PS4. Yes I know there wasn't a strong launch title and there still aren't any good games for it yet. I am an optimist and I was very displeased with the "Let them eat cake" attitude of Microsoft. So here I sit, waiting for an awesome game to flex my PS4s muscles and watching "Pacific Rim" and I thought to myself "Why the hell is this not a game yet? Why am I not beating aliens to death in my own personalized giant robot?" So what movie/tv show have you been watching that you want to be playing instead?


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
There is a Pacific Rim game, I played the demo for it last year on my PS3. It might be on the PS4 store too, I don't know, I don't own a PS4.

As for what game I'd like to see. A Babylon 5 game where the entire station is up to explore, you play as a new character who ends up on the station before, during and after the events of the 5 series. You choose your path through the game, so you can be a doctor, security, fighter pilot or just a criminal trying to take control the slums of 'down below'. Or a small time criminal trying to go straight by joining part of Babylon 5's staff.

Someone somewhere has to want to make this game.


This ain't no hula!
Aug 30, 2012
Catfood220 said:
A Babylon 5 game snip
Oh jesus yes! Shut up and take my money! I would love to play something like that. I originally would have suggested something similar in the Star Trek universe, but I actually think that Babylon 5 game would be easier to pull off. Less baggage and less monetary expectations.

I would also love to play a proper X-Files game. Both Mulder and Scully would be playable characters and during the game they would solve either one larger case or multiple smaller cases (monster of the week stuff). The game would focus on investigation instead of shooty-action. I think Deadly Premonition style of gameplay could actually work well, if you just fixed the combat mechanism.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Sucker Punch. In a horror videogame , silent hill style. If it was made in the same style of SH1-3, it would be amazing.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Catfood220 said:
Uhura said:
Right, so, here's the thing: How would that actually work?

The essential elements of B5 can be summed up as ships shooting each other with wicked lasers, intruige and space jesus. This makes for an awesome space opera but the last 2 make for difficult game content.

You could take the Freelancer approach, with the playing touring around the Leauge of Non-Aligned worlds with the space of the major powers abutting it. The player could be running a freight or salvage company and would have to broker deals with the minor and major powers to persue profit, get better stuff and, as the story develops, react to galactic instability with the ultimate end game being taking a side and taking a stand.

Alternatively you could have a point and click adventure on B5. That would limit you to one story, but could be quite good fun as you could explore some other features of the B5 world.

Finally you could go for some manner of 4X/RTS in the mold of Pax Imperias or Crusader Kings.

What do you reckon?


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
I'd really love a Friday the 13th game where I get to play as Jason. It would be a Stealth Action game in the same vein as Splinter Cell or Siphon Filter. You'd have to stalk campers, but you could only strike once you observe them being "naughty". Smoking weed or drinking or going for a literal roll in the hay... BAM, bring the machete to bear.

And of course each chapter would be limited to 90 minutes. Because Jason cannot be killed, but he can never stay "alive" for more than an hour and a half at a time.



New member
Mar 2, 2009
Bertylicious said:
Catfood220 said:
Uhura said:
Right, so, here's the thing: How would that actually work?

The essential elements of B5 can be summed up as ships shooting each other with wicked lasers, intruige and space jesus. This makes for an awesome space opera but the last 2 make for difficult game content.

You could take the Freelancer approach, with the playing touring around the Leauge of Non-Aligned worlds with the space of the major powers abutting it. The player could be running a freight or salvage company and would have to broker deals with the minor and major powers to persue profit, get better stuff and, as the story develops, react to galactic instability with the ultimate end game being taking a side and taking a stand.

Alternatively you could have a point and click adventure on B5. That would limit you to one story, but could be quite good fun as you could explore some other features of the B5 world.

Finally you could go for some manner of 4X/RTS in the mold of Pax Imperias or Crusader Kings.

What do you reckon?
We have a Freespace 2 mod for Babylon 5, which is the closer we will get, since many things in Freespace were "Babylon 5, the game, without the rights"


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Firefly comes to mind, space western at his bests. And I'm going to cheat a bit, I would love to see a game of Kingdom Come (comic, look it up)

Ubiquitous Duck

New member
Jan 16, 2014
American Beauty. It would make the shower scene at the start a hell of a lot more interesting tutorial than the one that plays out in the shower at the start of Heavy Rain.

That was my 'silly' answer.

You'll need to of seen American Beauty and have played Heavy Rain to understand that comment!

Can we get a telltale version of Sin City? They are adopting a lot of projects at the moment, but I'd like to see them make something truly gritty and messed up. Maybe Game of Thrones is that project... hmm...


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
An open world S.W.A.T. Kats game. With the controls and the graphics of the PS4? YES PWEEZE! (^.^)

Either that, or a current gen Freakazoid game.

But I much prefer the awesomeness that is flying an F-14 Tomcat capable of launching a motorcycle and replete with an awesome line-up of weaponry, to include my favorite - the cement gatling gun! Not to mention the Glove-A-Trix.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
I want two things: An open-world third person shooter based on the Punisher, and Sega vs. Capcom.

I'd want this imaginary Punisher game to have shooting mechanics similar to Tomb Raider (2013) and movement similar to GTAV. Frank would be voiced by Thomas Jane, of course. Once you're done with the main plot (I'm thinking either Jigsaw or Nicky Cavella as the main villain) and New York City is (somewhat) safe, Microchip can let you know if there are still some criminal scum running around that need to be punished. Barracuda and The Russian could be memorable boss fights, and O'Brien and other supporting characters like Spacker Dave could show up.

As for Sega vs. Capcom, not much is needed for plot -- have Dr. Eggman and Wesker team up and the heroes have to set aside personal differences to battle a greater threat, yadda yadda. I'd like to something Marvel vs. Capcom, albeit with Sega characters instead of Marvel.


New member
May 1, 2011
I'd like to see a Halo RPG. Think Mass Effect, but in the post-war Halo universe. It would be better than whatever they tried to do with Halo 4.

Imagine customizing Spartan armor like you can the N7 armor. I dig it.

Or alternatively, a Halo themed Battlefield game.

Like, one side was the Covies and one was the UNSC. And the deck would be stacked against the UNSC team because the Covenant team has shields and stuff, but if the UNSC team wins, they get double experience or something. It would be so awesome to have a 64v64 Halo battle on a giant map with Hornets and Banshees fighting in the air and Scorpions and Wraiths going at it on the ground.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
A hack'n slash based directly on the Evil Dead trilogy would be pretty good I think, if a little short.
The Evil Dead games we've already gotten have ranged from godawful (Hail to the King) to good (Fistfull of Boomstick) to just alright (Regeneration). But they're all sequels to rather than adaptations of the movies.

Though there was one game based on the first movie for the C64 and similar computers, which I've not played but is supposed to be pretty decent for the time.

But yeah, modern hack'n slash based on all the fight scenes from the 3 movies. As long as the gameplay was at least competent, the graphics were shiny and Bruce Campbell returned to voice Ash it couldn't lose.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
krazykidd said:
Sucker Punch. In a horror videogame , silent hill style. If it was made in the same style of SH1-3, it would be amazing.
Actually, that is not a bad idea.

I didn't like the movie, but when I saw that scene of "we need to get and combine arbitrary item A, arbitrary item B and arbitrary item C before we can proceed with the story", all I could think of "somebody switched the script with the latest LucasArts adventure game..."


New member
Jan 29, 2010
What if they took Princess Mononoke and made it into a tactical RPG with the mechanics of Valkyria Chronicles? They'd probably need to do some innovation for the nature faction, though since the animals can't wield firearms.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Why has there only been one Judge Dredd game?

Hell it doesn't even have to be Judge Dredd; a turn-based-tactics XCOM/Syndicate alike in Mega City One/the Cursed Earth; with Judges. But then it just becomes Fallout.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Eliam_Dar said:
Firefly comes to mind, space western at his bests. And I'm going to cheat a bit, I would love to see a game of Kingdom Come (comic, look it up)
Definitely! First thing that I actually thought of when OP asked the question.
I reckon it would be half action/adventure where you take up jobs for different people and escape the alliance with the other half being a management sim where you have to keep check on your stock such as food and water as well as maintenance on your ship. Every now and then a random event would happen like a broken engine part that you would have a certain amount of time to get fixed or a reaver attack and you would have to pilot the serenity, mainly avoiding the reavers due to you having barely any firepower.

...I'm getting hyped for a game I just made up, goddamnit this pisses me off XD

Also it would be voiced by the original cast INCLUDING Alan Tudyk


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Not a movie or a TV show, but I would love if Sega would localize Yakuza 5.

Or Yakuza Ishin for that matter.

Ancient Mariner

New member
Jan 8, 2014
If a Blade Runner game was ever made that would be fantastic! Deus Ex Human Revolution had a distinct Blade Runner vibe to it, which probably was one of the reasons why I really liked that game. Also, it looked like Prey 2 was heavily influenced by Blade Runner before the game's development progress became dubious at best. (I don't even know if that game is still being made)

If a developer could do it right, it would be such a unique experience. Imagine a future film noir type game, playing as a blade runner. It wouldn't necessarily have to have Deckard as the lead. You have to identify and eliminate replicants, perhaps in a large, non-linear map and there are consequences for your actions.

It probably will never happen but one can dream.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Pink Gregory said:
Why has there only been one Judge Dredd game?

Hell it doesn't even have to be Judge Dredd; a turn-based-tactics XCOM/Syndicate alike in Mega City One/the Cursed Earth; with Judges. But then it just becomes Fallout.
There were the Judge Dredd games for the Stallone movie plus the fairly good "Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death" FPS that I know of off the top of my head. I think there was also a crappy game for the Spectrum etc. but not sure.