Blue Creek Apartments didn't give me much to say about it, other than that I definitely got got by a few of the Otherworld jumpscares and that cutscene with Angela in front of the mirror was brilliantly shot, and made me depressed. There's probably some symbolism involving the mirror that went way over my head, but it looked amazing. Angela deserves the closest thing to a hug she can stand.
South Vale (West) has the first encounters with Maria, and my first thoughts about her, I've decided not to post unedited because I'm not about to start drama on purpose (this time). My second thoughts about Maria are that she has a kinda bad sense of humor, doing things like stealing clothes (yeah, yeah, James has been stealing energy drinks and bullets from everybody all day, it's different). Also got to see Eddie and Laura again. Eddie suddenly seems pretty unconcerned with everything, which is a huge change from 'I swear I didn't kill that guy' unprompted, and Laura is... creeping me out. Saying she's not really there doesn't seem right when Eddie has also mentioned her, but knowing about James's connection to Mary and running around the town unsupervised is not normal child behavior, and there's a reason that 'normal child behavior' is something children in horror media never do. It became a cliche for a reason.
Anyway, speaking of cliches, next section is the spooky hospital.