Simpsons Sex Scandal


New member
Mar 7, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
"Pedophiles" I am defining it as anyone who is aroused by children are just the extreme end of a youth fixation, and we are ALL attracted you youth. There is some thinking that you cannot actively control your sexual kinks and preferences, they're ingrained in your psychology.
there's a difference tho. most normal guys, women are a bit different in this respect, are attracted to younger ppl they also find ppl in their age range attractive and sexually desirable. most pedophiles don't, they are a more twisted form of being closeted.

as for the topic on hand, it's gone too far and has some VERY bad implications, i'm at least glad i don't live in austrailia

COR 2000

New member
Jun 30, 2008
Dechef said:
COR 2000 said:
This ain't exactly a crime, per se, but it is rather, uh... Disturbing, at the very least....
Well it should be, that's just so wrong on so many levels.
Like I said, It's not much of a crime, since the "Victims" aren't even real, but it's definitely gross and I don't condone it whatsoever. Maybe the fines are a lil' too harsh, though.....


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Having pictures of underage CARTOON children is illegal? If you excuse me I have some files to delete. *cough* I mean, no children are being hurt from this. I thought that was why child porn was illegal. Is there another reason I'm not aware of?


New member
Jun 8, 2008
k3v1n said:
cartoon porn doesn't hurt anybody..maybe he's got a fetiche(sp?) for the simpsons..alright alright so it's a bit disturbing but it's not a goddamn crime

it could be worse I mean, he could have real child pornography
Or you know, he could be FUCKING CHILDREN! But he's not, is he? IS HE????


New member
Dec 14, 2007
Great. Now we have to lock up Japan. I'm not saying they don't have it coming, but it is going to be a ***** to squeeze them into an even smaller space.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Well, at least in Australia, it's just some weird interpretaton of the word "person" (does Scrooge McDuck pay income tax in Australia? Then again, is there any income tax in Australia?)

In other countries - including this one - art depictions and writings that *could* be considered child pornography will soon be outlawed too, porn with actors who simply pretend to be underage count as well. So the next time you see some mid 20 actress with pigtails in action, make some extra coffee for the friendly police officers and the nice chat you will have with them after gotten beaten to pulp for being a dirty pedophile.

Don't make the mistake to think it is to protect children - it isn't. Most governments don't give a shit about children as can be seen in these same countries cracking down on child pornography by the dwindling education budgets, ailing schools, constant cut down on publicly funded youth activities and daycare centers and the overall missing financial incentive to even have children in the first place. This is purely an publicity stunt by politicians, cause everyone agrees child pornography is bad and making brain dead laws is easier and cheaper then all of the above to win voters. And everyone will agree cause a politician or party pointing out the absurdity of that will be smeared as contributing to child abuse.

As for the matter at hand, this is just plain retardation. No one is directly or indirectly harmed in the slightest by this cartoon and while it's certainly not tasteful, eating shit and drinking urine isn't either and isn't outlawed yet. Someones personal perversions shouldn't be anyone's business unless someone was harmed directly or indirectly in the process. Sure, there is this whole "today's cartoon pedophiles are tomorrows real pedophiles" angle, however this bounds on thought crime and incarcerating people because of their ethnicity or head shape and I somehow hoped we would be over that and learned from out past mistakes.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
There is no depths of darkness that are not seen by mans desires..
I'm not sure conventional man's desires fall into that category. Guro doesn't sound particularly arousing. It's probably more of a horror spectacle thing. But then, if people can get off to Scat Porn, I guess they can get off to anything.

According to Wikipedia's Ero Guro entry [], the movement for dismembered human artwork was actually prominent in about the 1920s-1930s, and is consequently out of style. However, the interesting thing is us Westerners tend to be fascinated about all the skeletons in Japan's closet, to the point where some of us might feign arousal out of ignorance. Hentai works in Japan are generally looked down upon with scorn, I suspect the silly U.S. purchasers support it even more than Japan does.


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Nov 27, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
From the horror stores I've heard off the net.... Imagine a pre-teen anime girl. Now imagine her naked. Now imagine her on a table saw with her arms partly sawn off. There is no depths of darkness that are not seen by mans desires...
Excuse me while I throw up...


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I think we can agree that regardless of legality (and child porn of any sort is deplorable and should be illegal in all forms) nobody really wants to think about this too much.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
OMG It's Illegal? *removes browsing history and washes hands*
No but I mean is chill out it doesn't eally matter next they'll try to throw you in jail for looking at adult movies.It will never end the Austrailian goverment has gone to shit in a handbasket in the last 12 years.


New member
Jun 8, 2008
Hentai is gross? What, you mean you don't like tentacle rape?

I was going to say the two were legal, but The Simpson's premiered in '89. In 7 years,I hope someone goes for that argument.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Hentai is just wierd IMHO, but to each there own. If I watch porn, its just standard guy on girl fucking, none of this animals and torture and whatnot. BTW, if you get off on death and mutilation, I recommend the game Fallout 3 as it has lots of that and you can do it to women or men, whichever you prefer to see blown to bits for your sick pleasure :p

Mean Mother Rucker

New member
Oct 27, 2008
That. Was. Disgusting.
Child pornography is wrong, even if they aren't real.
Being attracted to a child who is far from developing his/her reproductive organs is just sick.
Bart and Lisa are closer to puberty than most child pornography entails, but not by much.