Sims 4 won't be reviewed until after release EA not giving out early review copies.


Sep 4, 2008
nevarran said:
It'll be full of micro-transactions. And EA knows the reviewers would tear it apart, so they just don't want that shit flooding the social networks before the release.
It's inevitable they'll have microtransactions for it. What's REALLY frustrating about it, and part of why they're holding it back, is because those options for microtransactions probably pop right up in game while you're browsing clothes, items, houses - it's going to launch with a lot of "look what you could have if you give us more money."

I enjoy the Sims games; but the amount of "look what you could have" is really frustrating. TS3 was an abomination in how much furntiure and such it was lacking at launch, and they wanted to nickle and dime you (with obscenely high prices) for simple pieces of furniture.

Playing a Sims game, if you want the full experience, is like:

Capcha: Crocodile Tears

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
You already know if the sims is for you or not and whether you are buying this without reading a review. Makes sense to me.

How many people wait for the review before buying a fifa game? I never saw the draw of the sims to me but its got something. I know people who are hooked.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
If this was the film industry we're talking about, than this would be the case for either a movie meant for a young audience or, a movie that the studio has no faith in. Since this is EA and the games industry we're talking about though, I'm going to assume EA doesn't care about what they're about to release. I'm not trying to imply it'll be broken at launch (which is a possibility) but, EA knows it's going to make money back on The Sims 4 before the week ends, no matter how bugged out and, horrible the thing is. The Sims 4 will have to make the Sim City launch look smooth by comparison to be considered a failure I think.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Seriously guys.

You complain when people get games early but can't post reviews before a certain date saying EA is hiding their shitty game.

You complain when people get games early and give the game a good score saying EA probably paid them.

You complain when people don't get games early at all saying they are hiding shit.

You know what that leaves you with? People getting a game early and getting a bad score.



New member
Oct 31, 2008
The Sims 4 was always going to review badly. When they've spent 7-9 years continuously developing a game it's going to be better than the one they spent 1-4 developing. And from all accounts EA managed to screw up and achieve even less this time than should be expecting of them. The Sims 4 is going to be a skeleton compared to the £250 Sims 3 games people are running and it's going to be even more of a skeleton than it should be.

They've got a strong fanbase who will buy the game no matter how much it sucked and the Sim has an insanely long tail end which means even if it doesn't suck, fans are just as willing to buy the game next christmas as they are this one (which is crazy when you think about it, no other franchise is like that).

Not letting us know how bad the game is is all upside for EA -_-


New member
Jul 5, 2009
just you all wait, the neighborhoods will be shared with other users and you can only have one family per neighborhood. it will all be bare-bones with everything wanted in the online store or as part of a DLC pack that is in turn part of a season pass and it will always be online; no internet? tough shit.


New member
Jul 1, 2012
i think SmugFrog is right (about the 'if you give us cash , you could have THIS *holds up decent item compared to basic item allready in game* neato')

we allready know that this version will be stripped of anything more than basic value.

it has no toddlers
no pools
no customiseability (baring the things they want us to buy later)
no Modability (early sugestions report that there will be little to no way the modding community can alter or generaly even improve the game)
no hard to use (apparently were all too stupid nowadays to even use sliders) systems to modify a sims appearance
no (again, were too dumb to use sliders or even tools now..) complex house building tools
no basements
no more than 3 floors (i think that was the number given)
it was designed as a freemium 32bit (maybe even browser only) online only game that they had to about face halfway through becasue of the bad publicity that SimCity got

we allready know that we are restricted to the old sims 1 style loading screen when you want to move outside your house area. that we only get a small neighbourhood. i think we are limited to 3 famly plots we can control. that sims who are not under your active control will age up while you are playing...that we likely will only be able to have one hood period.
and since it seems to be a standard, that more than half the content was stripped out to sell allready, as 'premium' quality content we will have to buy. the same will go with each sucsessive expansion (though they might reduce that to 1 third of the stuff left out to be sold if we are lucky)
and lets not forget all the content that will be in the expansions but were supposed to be in the base game. but that seems to be normal for the sims now aswell.

assuming they ever get around to making it for consoles (they currently say they are only releasing to pc)i might get it. but otherwise, i am definately sticking to sims1 and 2 (with a little 3) because i have most everything i want for that, and apart from the actual disks, everything else was free from the community.

thats the problem. the *comminuty* have to fix the things they break. with no modability, no community fixes. this ones not likely to last on pc (at least, not among the dedicated simers, mostly on the folks that just make celbs and then humiliate them)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Silverbane7 said:
it was designed as a freemium 32bit (maybe even browser only) online only game that they had to about face halfway through becasue of the bad publicity that SimCity got have no idea how much sense this makes to me.

If this is true, I'm suddenly at peace with the game. I'm not BUYING it, or even playing it, but now I can be at peace knowing WHY it exists.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
lacktheknack said:
Silverbane7 said:
it was designed as a freemium 32bit (maybe even browser only) online only game that they had to about face halfway through becasue of the bad publicity that SimCity got have no idea how much sense this makes to me.

If this is true, I'm suddenly at peace with the game. I'm not BUYING it, or even playing it, but now I can be at peace knowing WHY it exists.
Ya the whole "no review copies for the press" bothers me a lot. I wasn't going to buy it to begin with but I feel sorry for any real fans of the game series who are going to be buying it day 1. Not that reviews always help Diablo 3 was like a day 1 purchase for me and ya.. that didn't work out so well.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
EA needs to start drinking some of that, "Hey guys, we listened to what you said, did what you said, now every chance we get, we're gonna tell you that we did what you said" that Sony's drinking.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Like it matters to anyone with a brain. You kind of deserve what you get if you pre-order an EA game at this point.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
krazykidd said:
Seriously guys.

You complain when people get games early but can't post reviews before a certain date saying EA is hiding their shitty game.

You complain when people get games early and give the game a good score saying EA probably paid them.

You complain when people don't get games early at all saying they are hiding shit.

You know what that leaves you with? People getting a game early and getting a bad score.

Funny. I read the title of this thread and the first thought that popped into my mind is your second point. It seems like more and more if a game gets reviewed before release and it's good, then the reviewer clearly took some sort of bribe in the eyes of the public. Because heaven forbid any game anymore is actually good.

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
Well, they sure DID remove a lot of bloody features from the game compared to the previous version, and most people who don't keep up with previews and other news about the game apart from reviews around release would probably not know about this. If reviews do come out after release, people who are prone to buy before, at release, or very shortly (t + dt) after release will probably not know this prior to installing the game...
Someone, somewhere, will get shafted because of this I'm sure.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Robert Marrs said:
Like it matters to anyone with a brain. You kind of deserve what you get if you pre-order an EA game at this point.
Yeah but not everyone is as informed as we are. Then again, they buy fucking Madden without fail every fucking year with few changes(if any) for $60 a pop for the last 5 years... Goddammit.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
That's okay. I don't intend on buying Sims 4 until the (ultra(super(mega)deluxe edition is released.
Besides, do you really need a review of a Sims game? There's nothing new in it. They add the new stuff (and apparently much of the old stuff) with addons.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
If the rumors of all 89 of those things being left out compared to the other Sims games is true, then you can bet that those 89 reasons are why EA isn't sending review copies. They know it's gonna go bad for them. They're just trying to do everything possible to avoid the backlash so they can get as many sales as they can before it blows up in their faces.

EA knows they fucked up

Bravo Company

New member
Feb 21, 2010
krazykidd said:
Seriously guys.

You complain when people get games early but can't post reviews before a certain date saying EA is hiding their shitty game.

You complain when people get games early and give the game a good score saying EA probably paid them.

You complain when people don't get games early at all saying they are hiding shit.

You know what that leaves you with? People getting a game early and getting a bad score.


When I first saw the title I thought to myself "Hey, now people can't complain that things were added/removed after the reviewers got it"

But, I forgot about the mass amount of EA hate.

Sure, EA have royally fucked up some good IPs (I just want battlefield to be good again D:) but to say they've completely fucked this game up because they aren't sending out review copies is a little silly. Nobody is holding a gun to any one's head saying they have to buy/preorder this game. Just wait until the game comes out to see what people say about it. Is that really so hard of a concept to understand?