SixDog reviews Fallout 3 (A little late)


Moderately confused.
Sep 4, 2009

Fallout 3 is a huge game with a huge lifespan.The main quests are a tad short but this is rectified in Broken Steel.Fallout 3 on it own is a bit short on content but my main character has 125 Hours of playing time and is still going strong.In fact all my saves added together comes to over a week thus proving re-play ability.


Operation Anchorage:pros:Add's new weapons and locations and a glitch allows near infinity ammo.
Cons:Anchorage cant be revisited and the above mentioned glitch can be a game-breaker.

Anchorage adds new better weapons to add some varity to your arsenal.The main anchorage cant be revisited (Boo) but it does add change from desert landscape in the 3 hours your going to be in there.

The Pitt:pros:Add's full new area which can be revisited,no damm karma just all grey and the weapons are great.

Cons:4 of the new weapons are just the same thing with more damage (Steel saw,auto axe etc),
If you take over as leader you cant access your own damm palace.

The Pitt adds new areas with grey moral choices.Some new weapons and enimies also added.Shame if you take over you get locked out of the haven mansion/building.

Broken Steel:pros:New weapons,enimies,added main quests.
Cons:Only 3 new areas,some new enimies are overpowered and followers become near invincible.

Broken steel makes you
live after the main game
and lets you
wipe out the enclave

It adds new enimies with some wicked firepower.You get new sidequests and followers become god-like.

EG:I'm dying i'll just hide and let my follower kill these 17 deathclaws.
See what i mean?

Point Lookout:pros:Huge,New weapons,areas,enimies and the area is 1/6 of the wasteland.
Con:None.I'm good :)

Point Lookout is paradise.It adds a area so big i could market it as a whole new game.The weapons are good,the area varity is decent and all charicters actully have a personality.

Mothership Zeta:I havent played this.If your giving comments and have played zeta leave opinions and i will study them :).

Overall i was satisfied with Fallout and would recommend it to anyone.
Jan 11, 2009
I found Mothership Zeta to definitely be the worst of the DLC's. Linear, 3 effectively identical fetch quests, 1 of the 5 characters in the whole DLC has no purpose other than the fact that you can kill him for a sword and some armour and that I get the feeling that even the developers didn't think the DLC was good so they decided to add in an ultimately powerful healing device in the form of Adapted Biogel.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Great game, bad review.

Your review is 3 sentences long

I can barley tell anything about the game from your review. Other than it has some DLC and is replayable. Huzzah!

Pros and cons don't need to be listed, they need to be in a paragraph explaining each one.

Sorry bro, better luck writing next time


New member
Jan 19, 2009
^ Ditto.

This pretty much fails epically as a review. There is absolutely no way you can review any game in 3 sentences, let alone one as massive, varied and replayable as Fallout 3.

Unfortunately this reeks of practically no effort nor any desire to actually educate people as to whether this game is worth purchasing or not. HINT:
It is!

L. Wrex