Skyrim Child Killing Mod

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
There's trouble brewing in Skyrim, the recently released (and much-anticipated) role-playing game for PCs, the Xbox 360, and the PlayStation 3. But it doesn't involve dragons ? the game's chief antagonists ? or any other in-game baddie. It involves children.

Digital kids might not sound quite as fearsome as some of the other inhabitants of the Skyrim world, and that's because they aren't. In fact, they've been designed so that they're relatively immune to anything that happens within the world itself. And that's what has left some players feeling a bit miffed: They want to be able to kill kids, and developer Bethesda Game Studios has made that an impossible task in Skyrim.

And thus enters the modding community. While Skyrim's wee ones might be protected in both the game's Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, the third-party development community has already conjured up a PC modification that, once installed, makes Skyrim children as squishy and mortal as everything else within the gaming environment. Available on the site Skyrim Nexus, the mod requires users to both register an account and unblock adult content on the site before they can grab it.

Bethesda Game Studios has already tipped its hat to controversy by allowing a player's character within the game to marry either male or female non-player characters (NPCs). Beyond that, a gamer is free to do just about anything he or she wants within the gaming world: Brawl, pickpocket, steal from stores, murder, et cetera.

That said, the subject of kid-killing has always been a hands-off affair. And some gamers consider Skyrim incomplete without the, er, feature.

"It's sad that modders are forced to fix a game that's being released as broken," said Twitter user @rap_tram, as reported by Kotaku's Owen Good.

"Because we don't let you kill children. Got it," replied Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing at Bethesda Softworks.

It's certainly true that some gamers just want to install the modification and be jerks, channeling their inner Anakin Skywalker to obliterate villages en masse.

For some gamers, however, an open world game that allows you to do just about anything under the sun needs to have ramifications for actions of all kinds ? like accidentally tossing a fireball too close to an important figure. Or, removing the player character from the equation, plot-initiated actions like having a dragon obliterate a village. To these gamers, it seems a bit odd that an entire town would be wiped off the map in a fiery blaze save for six-year-old Billy Immortal and his little friends.

That said, if you're waiting for Bethesda to offer up some kind of patch that unlocks the ability to exterminate children at a whim, don't hold your breath ? dragon or otherwise.
So yeah, someone has finally made a mod that lets you kill kids in Skyrim. As much as PC gamer is treating this like it is a serious issue in the article, I say "about damn time".

The kids in Skyrim are little shits who go out and mock you at every opportunity. "Another wanderer, com to lick my father's boots. Good job." or "I'm not afraid of you, just because you're my elder!"
And then you can't even slap them. They just walk around pissing you off and when you swing an axe to chop their head off they just run away and tell the guards.

I'll be using this mod to reenact Revenge of the Sith, albeit with slightly more justification that they were bugging me before. Don't really see what the fuss is about.,2817,2396676,00.asp


New member
May 25, 2009
I always found it odd in Fallout 3 that you would wipe out a town, but those little pricks still hung around. I remember clearing Dave's town out but the 2 kids there still lived. I REALLY wanted to blast the face off that little ***** in Little Lamplight.

Bethesda should at least make them vanish when all adult NPCs die off. You kill them town, leave and come back a few hours later and they are gone.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
the part that pisses me off is no that they're dicks (i don't own it), but that bethesda is arbitrarily limiting the player's freedom because they're too much of a pussy to take a few publicity hits from people who won't buy their games. come on, fallout 1 and deus ex let you kill children, so seriously, stop meta-trolling and enable it in vanilla


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Thank you. I really just used the console to make them disappear, disable is a wonderful tool. However they really are asking for it and with the feedback all the way from F3, you would think Beth would notice how much kids antagonize the player. And then they program them to mock you. Really pisses me off.

Off topic a bit, I swear Arnold Sw...fuck it the Californian ex-Governor, affair having movie bad ass, voices some of the guards.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I'm fine with Bethesda drawing a line with its internal development and letting modders do whatever they want. I suspect most people think the same, including the modders. Is this really an issue?

Ilja Lyubimov

New member
Oct 15, 2011
WHy you need that? Oo Seriously, why would you want a mod to kill children? To be able to? THat's really weak. And im not gonna go for moral stuff here - it's silly, it's a game after all - but why you concider this such a flaw that you write a mod for that and see this as a handycap?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I think it's just easier to let the public put child killing in than actually having to take the heat for doing it yourself. Also I personally have no problem with having child killing in the game, nothings more immersion breaking than having a immortal NPC not reacting to any action you do towards it, and if you think about it if you made child killing a far more serious crime and also make it have serious negative implications on your relationship with societies in the game than it could actually be an interesting feature.


New member
May 19, 2010
Love it. Absolutely love it.

Those little ****-stains need to be taken care of. It's getting soooooo annoying having to hear "Another adventurer coming to lick my fathers boots. Good job."

Dammit, if only this worked for the Xbox360. It's sad that Bethesda won't put the patch out to do that, but dangit if it wouldn't be one of the best features about Skyrim.


New member
May 7, 2011
No one better kill the kid you can play Tig with, Spent about an hour playing Tig with him. He's cool, leave him alone. He's in solitude. Be nice!


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Hammeroj said:
I second the "about damn time" motion, I just wish Bethesda moved on past that dumb-ass weaksauce stance on children. It's so pathetic, dead children literally don't exist in their games, even though they're supposed to. For instance, there is some lighthouse, where, reading the journals, you find out that a family of 4 was killed. You see the mom dead, you see the mom dead, children? Not a fucking hint of 'em.

I mean come on, man, don't have it in then, for fuck's sake, if you're that concerned about what a dumbass reporter on Fox could say.
Go to the Falkreath cemetery.

OT: I just installed it a few hours back, simply for the whole aspect of throwing a fireball too close ramifications. Just seems a bit silly if a kid gets set on fire and runs off unscathed.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
well. in fallout you could kill kids, dig up graves and all kinds of stuff. But you got punished real hard for it.
Those were some cruel perks.


New member
May 29, 2011
Its against the law in the uk and the usa too, to allow the player to personaly kill a child themselves, sure with fallout 1 they patched it to remove children to abide by the law, and any game that does allow you to kill children is probabley too obscure for your average joe to ever hear about.
it aint bethesda its the law
Apr 28, 2008
Oh look, modders added a killable child mod for the THIRD time. What a damn surprise. Seriously, I don't mind us talking about this issue, but can we please get more with the times?

Anyway, I personally don't mind. I sure as hell won't kill kids, in game or otherwise, but I'd like them to be able to die. Makes dragon attacks much more, well, dangerous. It rips me out of my nice immersion bubble to see an elder dragon land on and cover a child in flames, only to have him be perfectly fine.

I don't fault Bethesda for making kids be immortal, I can understand where they're coming from. But I want a world that doesn't have immortal children. So when a dragon attacks, it's more dangerous and tense. So danger actually exists for everyone.

And they especially need to be killable when those children make a little town called Little Lamplight and then proceed to make you their ***** because they know for a fact you can't hurt them.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Dunno, all the salmon and foxes and stuff are equally "defenseless" as kids and we can kill those. Hell, after just a bit of time you get so strong that even the adults who can put up a fight are so weak compared to you that they might as well be defenseless.

They should do what Fallout 2 had, give you a perk of "Child Killer" which makes everyone hate you quite a lot more than prior to your child-killing times. That's more punishment to a gamer than simply banning an act.

But they really don't care about gamers in this aspect and that's the thing that pisses me and most others off, they only really care about their image and other such empty things and that is the whole spectrum of consideration regarding this aspect, matters of immersion or consistency be damned.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Ilja Lyubimov said:
WHy you need that? Oo Seriously, why would you want a mod to kill children?
Because the kids in this game are abusive little shits, basically. And despite having Canadian-Scandinavian accented parents, they're ALL American.