Skyrim DLC


New member
Nov 23, 2010
I just know it'll be something with Morrowwind and Cyrodill, because. Why else would they map the whole thing, if you're on PC use the console to noclip and you'll find that the entire Cyrodill and Morrowind region are in the game.


New member
Oct 18, 2010

Still don't have a clue how to Embed videos on here....
But, road to Morrowind much?! They might as well just give it to us :p


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Well, they have said they're gonna do less frequent, but much more content heavy DLC.

Personally, I would love to see a return to Solstheim, or to a huge city in one of the other provinces of Tamriel.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
I would like no Dlc, i would like a real addon. Something as good as Shivering Isles would be great!
And maybe loose the level cap, but we have mods for that...


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Merkavar said:
Valagetti said:
Sorry to hijack this forum, *Spoiler* but I just finished Skyrim and there was no end credits, or end cinematics, it was just as if I finished another quest and that was it... I finished the quest, talked to the dragons and well I was done with the primary missions. Did anyone have this, or was it another glictch?
yeah hats what i had too. thought it was a little lack luster finish.

i would have prefered some sort of cutscene saying how i did this and that and some important person owes me one or maybe a peice of armour or something

OT: i think i would prefer the dlc not to go back to cyrodl or morrowwind, you have there own games to play there. i thnk that the DLC should advance the year forward by like 5 or 10. like you activate it and it takes your choices into account and adances the world aroud you in certain ways.

like say you help the stormcloaks then in the DLC like all the cities have stormcloaks instead of imperial and there is a quest chain to defend the southern boars or something.

and if you became the master osay the companions or theives guild then after the dlc these factionhave grown in power etc and have bigger and more epic quests.
True but if you were to go back to Cyrodiil now it would be 200 years since the oblivion crisis so it would have changed quite a bit :)


New member
Dec 26, 2007
I'm hoping for more Wabbajack caliber weapons, I just love it when people burst into coins.


New member
May 15, 2008
Mr.K. said:
I want them to make $40 expansion packs that bring the full content of previous games into Skyrim.
I bet that would sell like hotcakes.
Taking the EA approach to gaming. Nice.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
something with dwemer please, like a massive underground city where they escaped.

or then Morrowind, just in skyrim engine with new quests, like a whole new game.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Wuvlycuddles said:
Hunter85792 said:
In Morrowind, there was one last remaining Dwemer (if I remember correctly) and he didn't look like a automaton to me. Plus it's very well documented in the games that they are a race of Mer, not machines.

OT: Volenfell. More Dwemer cities. That is all.
I'm 100% sure that the last Dwemer had robot spider legs, so not quite an automaton. Anyway, what I meant was that all the Dwemer got soul gemmed and put in Robots!
The dude had a robotic platform 'cause he was infected with the Corpus disease and was thus so damn bloated he quite simply would not have been capable of walking under his own power, just FYI.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
I would like an see an end to the Thalmor or at least a war against them a battle for Skyrim (Civil War Part 2)

Solstheim I would love to see how the Skaal are taking to their new neighbors



New member
Feb 26, 2009
I believe it is strongly hinted that there is more to the Dwemer-Falmer story than we're getting.

Maiq is a reputable source...


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Mr.K. said:
I want them to make $40 expansion packs that bring the full content of previous games into Skyrim.
I bet that would sell like hotcakes.
"Oh hey, we extended the talent trees, gave you an extra 10 lvls to play with, a new tier of epic loots to get, a dozen new dungeons, a hundred new quests, 5 new types of enemies, and a few other ideas we ninja'd from WoW"

Joking aside, I'd love to play Oblivion in Skyrim.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Elsweyr and the Black Marsh, two places I've yet to see in a game. I would love to go where there more of my people the Khajiit, also, Khajiit marriage! dammit I don't want a lizard person, or nord, or breton, or reguard, or imperal, or high elf, or dark elf or hagarth (that weird old decript looking thing)


New member
Nov 23, 2007
NoneOfYourBusiness said:
something with dwemer please, like a massive underground city where they escaped.

or then Morrowind, just in skyrim engine with new quests, like a whole new game.
Flames66 said:
Some evil menace that the dwarves always kept under control is coming to take over now they are gone. Can you find the last remaining colony of Dwemer in time?!
Except the Dwemer have pretty thoroughly been established to not exist in any known plane or dimension. That's not to say they couldn't come back, but if they did it'd more likely be all/most of them, and it'd be because they wanted/managed to come back, not because you found them (if an omniscient being like Vivec couldn't find them, then I don't see how we would be able to), so there's basically zero chance of there being a hidden colony of Dwemer on Tamriel. Plus, the Dwemer have been gone for roughly 4000 years, if they were keeping something down then it probably would have come back by now.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
For one DLC I would like to see a conclusion to the Dwemer incident. did they get teleported to another dimension that is supposed to be inaccessible? If so, why were ashes left behind where they stood? there are so many mysteries surrounding the Dwemer and since their capital city was somewhere in Morrowind/Skyrim; Bethesda could implement it into the ground under the mountains between the two.

For the other DLC I would like to see something done with Akavir - It's been far too long since their last invasion or even Tamriels invasion of Akavir. The last documented note on the Akavir showed the Tiger-dragons were to destroy the Tsaesci, then invade Tamriel. Their leader is the largest dragon on the planet, a forcefully self-evolved cat beast (like kajiit) who wanted to be a dragon as the Tsaesci destroyed all the previous dragons of Akavir. The engine can now take on dragon mechanics and the Akavir cats can't be too different from Kajiit models, so it's plausible.

But since Bathesda stated tehy wanted to do fewer but more massive DLCs, that almost certifies new landmasses. Both of these allow for that but to add food for thought: Why would they include so much more information towards the Dwemer incident in Skyrim, on top of what Morrowind delivered; & why would they include the Morrowind, Solsthiem & Cyrodiil landmasses just for modders, when modders could have made it themselves?

I personally think we'll be seeing a conclusion to the Aldmiri Dominion vs the rest of the world conflict as a final DLC, taking place all over Tamriel as a final DLC; and the Dwemer mystery as possibly a first DLC. With the Dwemer DLC including their capital city & another dimension such as the Aetherius realm (realm of the gods, not the deadra) - a place no mortal can physically enter and a known research project of the Dwemer.