Burn2Feel said:
And realism should never, ever be a selling point for games. We play them for escapism, hence why "shoot-everything-with-inifinte-ammo-exploding-guns-one-man-army-style" games are so popular. They look real, but by no means are they realistic.
Why does realism prevent escapism? Just becasue I don't want to be me as it where why can't i want to be someone else in the real world.
For example among my many genres are F1 games, they would be worthless if they didnt chase reaslism as far as they can.
It does depend on my mood, but often I want a fair amount of realism in the game as it makes it easy to beleive and immerse my self in.
Theres no reaspon an untra reaslistic game can't be brilliant escapism.