Small things that annoy the crap out of you

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New member
Mar 7, 2011
First, I'd like to say sorry If this has been done already...

So like the titles says, are there small things that shouldn't really bother you that annoy the crap out of you?

For me it would have to be when a movie is changed to be allowed to be on TV, and when it screws up either the plot (they leave something out) or they change some words into something different and it screws up a conversation. For example; in the movie 'Click', this scene ( also sorry, I wasn't able to find the one scene, but it starts at it; also his grandma yells at him right afterwards) in the TV version Adam's son says 'Are you kidding me?' and his grandma still yells at him, I know it shouldn't bother me but it just annoys me to no end...

Anyone else have stupid little things like this that annoy them?


New member
Jun 18, 2008
With talking, people who say Comrade as KOMRAYD. I don't know why, it just does.

Same with words ending in an 'ah' sound being pronounced as an 'er.' I think it's supposed to be some English dialect, but it made the dialogue in Journey of the Cursed King really really annoying.

Also people that use elevators to go up or down one floor. Sure it's excusable if they are old, disabled, or really really fat. Though chances are pretty good they're really fat because they're too fucking lazy to walk one flight of stairs.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
The fight over which console is better

Edit: When meat gets stuck in your teeth, /d/ and racism


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2010
I hate it whenever people throw away things that can be recycled, like plastic bottles, even though there is a recycling bin literally right next to the trash can.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
People who repeat themselves and don't listen making you repeat yourself.

People who don't use turn signals.

People who insist on telling you about things you have absolutely no interest in and have told them that.

People who can't not have any drama in their lives so they make more.

People who can't take any form of criticism.

People who kill the mood by bringing up some horrible story(usually some multiple rape/murder of puppies and kittens or something to that affect.)

edited to include MORE annoyances!

People who talk loudly during movies.

People who spoil books or movies then wonder why you are mad at them.

People who are terrible with money.

When my dog decides to walk all over my new boots(they are going to get messed up, but I want them shinny for at least a few weeks).

When people don't answer the phone.

People who think that vaguely hinting at or telling someone else is the same as telling someone something to there face(requests, what they want for dinner, gifts, whatever).

Player Two

New member
Dec 20, 2010
humpty334 said:
The fight over which console is better
I'd say that's rather a large thing, considering the amount of wailing fanboys it involves.

Hmm. I'm always a little annoyed when people greet me with 'bro'. Do I look like your relation? Do you think I indulge in your street-culture? No.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
My fiancee has that strange regional dialect where she pronounces the word "milk" like "melk", and "picture" like "pitcher". Her mom says the word "hamburger" like "hambuger" and it bothers the ever living hell out of me. Also, people who chew gum loudly and use a cell phone on the bus as if it's their living room.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Dust, crumbs, lint, ash. I don't wear my glasses indoors because I fall into a frenzy of cleaning every time I see things in HD. Not to imply that our house is dirty, but I've gotten used to not seeing the finer details.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
People driving cars in this city. First, we have a really good public transportation system (which additionally is easy to use for completely free) and secondly some just don't seem to get the concept of traffic.
Speaking of speed suggestions and the occasional "fuckit imma change into this lane over there without indicating or looking".

And people who always agree to dates just to "discover" they actually have other plans then. Plans that were made later on.
Thank you very much, I go out too much anyway...

Mace Tulio

New member
Feb 5, 2011
Loud eaters.

I absolutely detest people who insist on inserting their own sound effects into their consumption of food-goods.