Small things that annoy the crap out of you


New member
Sep 21, 2010
When certain shops have posters outside with awful grammar and/or use of punctuation marks.I'll use Halfords as an example.


What? So you're telling me there is a bloke inside called Bike, and he has a sale on?


I also hate Slugs.The little bastards are horrible, leave a slime trail everywhere and always seem to be there to be stood on by accident.


Another one - people who are too fucking lazy to pick up their Dog's Shit after it's done one on a walk.
Yeah, because I really enjoy having to avoid it when i'm either walking around or taking the Dog for a walk

I always make sure I bring a few Poo Bags when I take Gizmo out and always pick it up after.


When people claim to be "Random" or a "Right Character"

They're not random or a right character.

"You got to meet my mate, he's a right character! He can't walk past a Hat without trying it on!"

When they say "He's a right Character", what they mean is, they'll stick their cock in your pint when you aren't looking.


I hate it when people text me asking if I'm out that night with out saying hello or anything first.
It's so fucking rude!


I also hate the "hilarious" cocks in Tesco who came up to me and my Fiancee the other night and said "WHO YA GONNA CALL?" whilst laughing because of my Ghostbusters hoodie I had on.
I just looked at them with utter disdain, and said "I'm not saying it"
"Go on" said one of the supercool dickheads in the group.
I just walked off and said "Fuck you, you're just taking the piss, I don't give a shit, I like Ghostbusters."


Old people who think we owe them.
I was in the Car Park with my Girlfriend and this elderly couple were pulling in, and Catherine still had an hour on her ticket so she kindly offered them it.The old wrinkly ungrateful ***** sat there looking at us with a look that could be described as "you just p*ssed on my shoe" and said "I should think so and all.So you should"
No thank you from her.
It also happened on the Bus.I offered my seat to this elderly lady who had just got on, and she looked at me like I had just farted and said "These seats are for us anyway"


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011

Seriously I hate those little winged bastards they always seem to fly in when you least expect it and fly around you making so much goddamn noise that you cant concentrate on anything. Im pretty sure that they have no f***king idea what a goddamn window is STOP trying and just figure someway else to get out of you little s***s. Ok ill calm down now I just had to get that out of my system.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
People who say pacific instead of specific. My old biology teacher used to do it all teh time and annoyed me so much that I would bellow SPECIFIC!! whenever she said it too many times. My family purposely do it to irritate me.


New member
May 27, 2009
i hate sweating. i really really hate sweating. i hate everything about it. fucking southern weather. ITS NOT EVEN SUMMER YET WEATHER STOP IT

Angel Molina

New member
Mar 23, 2011
HDi said:
I hate invasive advertising on websites.
Banner ads and stuff are fine, but when I'm trying to read or watch something and all of a sudden my screen is a big blue advert for home loans or whatever... it shouldn't be a big deal, but it really gets to me.

This extends to the popup ads on youtube.
Also - autoplay.
I also get annoyed at those too... That's why I got noscript [] (which is an Add-on for Firefox), that thing was a god-send for me. Although, if you don't use Firefox then never mind that I said anything...

OT: I really despise whenever someone (mostly my mother) points out the obvious or tells me to do something even though I'm already going it or have already finished it.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
1.) People who don't finish the drinks you give them. Especially if it's been ordered at a restaurant and it just sits there.

Guest: "Could I bother you for something to drink?"
Me: "Sure." *Gets drink*
Guest: "Thank you."
Me: "You are very welcome."
-Guest leaves a couple hours later-

2.) People who bring their fussy kids to nice romantic restaurants. While we are on the subject; People who bring their fussy kids to 'R' rated movies. Then spend the whole time trying to calm it down WITHOUT taking it outside the theater. How could you possibly hope to enjoy a movie that way?

3.) Restaurants that feel the need to put raw onion on EVERYTHING and not put that in the description. I love grilled onions, sauteed/simmered onions, and onion rings. But raw onions make me want to vomit, especially if they are buried in my food and I get that surprise *crunch* while eating something soft. Oh...*dry heave*

4.) People who think that if I don't hit my dog, he isn't being properly trained. My boy dog is very vocal. He likes to bark at people to get their attention. Sometimes it's one bark, sometimes it's two. It's no different then, "Hey, real quick! Over here!" I think it's adorable. Instead of hitting him, I'll gently grab his snout and go, "Shh, no." And he'll stop. Sometimes I'll tap his nose with my index finger. I'm not going to hit him, it's completely unnecessary.

I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Mr Metzger said:
people annoy me when they get quotes wrong
This ¬¬.

Also, things that are in my mind 'out of place'. For example, CD Drive covers in computers not in place. Many things like this make me really aggravated.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
Detective Paul said:
People who walk with their pants sagging.
either this or..

When you're tired and someone is up and moving about, because they can try their best to be as quiet as possible but you hear the loudest noises ever. Like they slowly and quietly close the cabinet in the kitchen only making a small tiny sound, but what you hear is "BAM"


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
People who watch a video on Youtube, then feel compelled to post a direct quotation of the one funny line in the video.

Close runners up are the people who give those comments thumbs up.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Where do I begin?

- On YouTube, when people make comments like "___ people ____________________" when it comes to the amount of people who disliked the video in question.

- When people up-vote those same comments.

- When those same people make comments consisting purely of quoting a certain line in the video.

- When people throw the most pedantic complaints at you because of something you allegedly did.

- When I do as much as I can and I'm pretty sure I've done all that I needed to but in the end there was ONE thing I forgot to do and I get questioned for apparently not doing enough.

- Struggling to find the words to say something without it coming across as snarky and condescending but failing dismally.

- Things at work that are "out of sequence", visually.

- When I think too fast for my mouth to keep up and what I'm attempting to say comes out instead as a mess.

- Over-use of the words "ta".

- In general, unnecessary verbal repetition.

- When you feel nearly endless jealousy and suspicion especially for no real reason and you know it's wrong but for some reason you can't get rid of it and it eats away at you for a long time doing nothing but frustrating you until you finally get some closure but even then you're still wondering what the hell is wrong with you...

Oh wait, OP said "small things". Never mind. :p


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Console Wars

Classic Rock Elitists. Especially if they are teens or younger.

The majority of youtube comments

People who take a great interest in who is gay and who isn't. This might be an issue exclusive to teens in the southern US but seriously, a persons sexuality is their business.

Adaptation Purists.

Overly preachy works of fiction. No need to alienate people who disagree with your
political/religious/etc views when a good story should be enjoyed by all.

I'm a Pronunciation Nazi. Say words correctly please.

When people use the loud minority to represent the majority of a group.