I agree. Never really got the appeal. It's especially weird when you find out that some people play this game alone. It doesn't have much story, and the gameplay is insanely repetitive. You can't get immersed (in my opinion) like in The Witcher 3 or Mankind Divided, and there's not a lot to shooting bullet-sponge enemies over and over again.B-Cell said:Looks like game from 2009. looks pretty bad.
borderland game are just medicore with terrible gunplay and bulletsponges enemies. not a fan of wacky wacky cartoonish theme.
I was watching live stream and i cant believe people were cheering for this crap. they lost thier mind.
Rage 2 on other hand looks and sound much better.
However, if you can find someone (or, better yet, three others) to play with, it's a blast.
I've played it a bit with my bro. It's fun, but to think that people literally cheer on its reveal is a surprise.