So, Ghost in the Shell seems to be pretty good


New member
Mar 24, 2017
Well this looks to spell the end (or at least delay) any hope of a Black Widow solo movie. The studio put all its eggs in the ScarJo basket and it didn't pan out at all. They could have probably gone with anybody and had the same result (and less controversy). I'm not sure what it would have taken to be a success. It still has a chance in China, but it has a week to try and recoup its cost before the force of nature known as "The Fate of the Furious" sweeps the box office.

I still think people blew the white washing controversy out of proportion. While I think most of the population didn't care about it (or anything at all about the movie), the negative light didn't help it on a marketing aspect. It was enough that Jordan Peele was courted for possibly helming Akira to try and navigate through the murky social waters (though I think we will see another 10 years of development hell now).

My biggest overall worry is that cape films will continue to suck most of the industry dry when it comes to big VFX movies. I was hoping for a resurgence of cyberpunk, but I put too much expectation from the director of Snow White and the Huntsman and the writer of 3 Transformer movies. Well at least I got Blade Runner 2049 (please, please don't let me down) to look forward to.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
I saw it today. Cliched, hollow, and everything felt weirdly disconnected and meaningless. I don't like GITS (original animated movie feature and its spin off series) in general. I find it uncreative and stupid. The amount you could have done with the idea could have dealt with far greater depth of the topic.

It wasn't targeted to me. But it felt like a montage of a myriad of other scenes from things I have already seen. Like a collage of highlight weirdly strung together into a movie.


New member
Aug 26, 2014
My friends (which didn't saw the original animation or series) thought it was average. That to me was a signal to not even bother.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
ckriley said:
Modern sci-fi owes a hefty debt to GITS, there's no doubt about it. If you like Westworld, you can thank Ghost In The Shell for that. That's why it's dismaying to see such a generic movie based on such a rich IP.
While I haven't watched Westworld, the original movies Westworld and Futureworld are from the 70s.

Movies with mediocre plots are just filler. Can't really be bothered myself all the way to a theater. I wouldn't really worry about RT scores, though. The MCU poisoned that well. I mean c'mon, Ant-Man is over 80%.