So I bought Oblivion from the Steam sale

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Like everyone else, I've seen the trailer for Skyrim ( I'm still picking up the pieces of my head from the floor). So that will definitely be a day one buy.

But the thing is, I've never really played an Elder Scrolls game. I was on Steam yesterday and found Oblivion Game of the Year Edition dirt cheap.

I've made it to the part where Septim gets killed by that cultist guy. Guess this is when the game begins...

So what do I need to know? I've heard about mods, but I just started getting into PC gaming, so I'm really lost. From what I've seen, there are hundred of mods, and I really don't want useless stuff clogging up my hard rive.

So what do I need to know about Oblivion?

Which Mods are good? ( Mods I'd like: Get rid of the uncanny valley faces, probably sex, etc.)
I have no idea about mods (I played on console) but just a tip for when you start the actual game and leave the sewer, go straight to the arena enter into it and win every fight, do the quest before the last fight. You get a decent amount of exp and a lot of cash to start off with.

Another tip is when you get to level 10, look up somewhere how to get the skeleton key, it raises your lock picking by 50 points and it can never break, so lock picking becomes a joke.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
/me points directly at the unofficial oblivion patch, and it's kin.

Don't bother with mods beyond that for now. Find what aspects of the base game you enjoy/don't enjoy and then work from there is a good resource to find out about mods does what.

You'll also want to look into getting OBSE working on your copy, its needed for a lot of really good mods. The issues are caused by steam .exe being encrypted so using a retail exe, or a cracked version to run the game might solve it. Fair warning: doing so falls in a gray area of Steams ToS. While potentially against it, you can find .exe replacement as a work around for problems caused by the steam .exe on the steam forums, so valve's policy on it appears to be toleration/not caring. Use at your own risk.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Irridium said:
Well, most great mods use the script extender, which is a ***** to get working with the Steam version. I could point you to some good mods. But quite a few don't play too well with Oblivion off of Steam. Neither do the main programs, the Mod Manager and Script Extender.
WhiteTiger225 said:
Irridium said:
Well, most great mods use the script extender, which is a ***** to get working with the Steam version. I could point you to some good mods. But quite a few don't play too well with Oblivion off of Steam. Neither do the main programs, the Mod Manager and Script Extender.

At least from my friend's experience a year ago. Things may have changed, I don't know.

Again, I'd like to help, but I have little-to-no knowledge of getting the stuff to work with Oblivion off Steam.

It's not really Steam that's the problem, it's just that Oblivion itself is just so poorly optimized and so unstable... getting it to run is a 50/50 chance on its own. Honestly, how this game managed to excape critic and public backlash for being so poorly optimized and so buggy is just dumbfounding.
Really? It has nothing to do with Steam using a special file set which makes oblivion for steam near impossible to mod? Just all Bethesda's fault even though presteam Oblivion ran fine and was easy as cake to mod and get the script extender to run on with little problems especially when you used WryeBash to ensure the optimal load order of mods to ensure nothing overlaps anything else or loads before something it needs?
I think it had something to do with OBSE using an .EXE file, but the OBSE team got help from a Valve employee to make a steam-compatible version.

OT: I have so many mods, I don't know which to recommend.

Also, they broke my game.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Oh lordy lordy, don't get me started about mods in Oblivion, so beware of a HUGE wall of text below. Now you are warned.

Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina
First of, this is a must have. This girl who calls herself Lliana made Elwseyr into a playable section (Elsweyr, the land below Cyrodill). It's filled with detail with several new towns, new creatures, new races, new weapons and I could keep going. This mod is amazing, and you should try it out. But beware, it's huge
Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina []
You need Borderless Cyrodill to make this mod work

Alluring Potion Bottles v3
This is a smaller mod that overhauls the default look of potions. I like this because the vanilla look on the bottles really look boring, so therefor I really like this because it makes every potion stand out from each other.
Alluring Potion Bottles v3 []

Darnified UI
This mods changes the look of the UI into something less consoley and more PC friendly. Theres really not much more to be said about this one, but you should try it out
Darnified UI []

Castle Seaview
I really like this mod. It makes you the owner of your very own castle. It's filled to the brim with astonishing detail.
Castle Seaview []

Better Cities
This mod is amazing. It overhauls every city in the game and makes them look at least 10x better. Really, just check out the pictures of the mod in the link below, it's truly amazing.
Installation can be a bit of a female dog though
Bananasplit Better Cities []

Werewolves: The Curse of Hircine
I like this mods, because I always felt that Oblivion needed werewolves, so of course I like this mod, but it is pretty well made. It even gives you the ability to become a werewolf yourself, so it's pretty neat
Werewolves: The Curse of Hircine []

Ruined Tails Tale
This mod is.... this is amazing. It adds a great new companion and story to the game. This mod really manages to pull you in really nicely, and I really think that this mod is better than the main quest in Oblivion. A description of the story can be found in the description in the link below. This is a mod you should download. Only negative thing I can say about this mod is that it's not voiced, so it's pure text, but the creator is working on an update that should add voices. Try it out anyway though, it's really great
Ruined Tails Tale []

The Heart of the Dead
This is also a story mod, and this one too is amazing. This mod is voiced though, so it's pretty neat, and the story is great. Definitly check it out.
Installation can be pretty dificult some times, so be sure to read the README when you download. Longer description of the story can be found in the link below
The Heart of the Dead []

I got a couple of mods more, so hang in there, you wont regret it

Oblivion Mod Manager
Theres not much to say about this one, except it makes keeping track of your mods much easier... and, well, theres not much to say
Oblivion Mod Manager []

Alternative Start Arrive by Ship
I don't think you need this mod yet since you are new to the game, but if you restart the game for the tenth time you really get bored with the start of the game. This mod scraps the entire prison escape part and throws you right into the game. You arrive by ship in either Anvil or Imperial City. It lets you create you character immideatly, choose your profession and so on, and when you are done, you are in the game. Much faster than the regular start
Alternative Start Arrive by Ship []

Possible Kvatch spoiler below
Kvatch Rebuilt
This mods adds a new quest where you help rebuilding Kvatch, and you may just become the new duke or duchess. Very neat mod for all of you that wants to see what Kvatch looked like before it got destroyed
Kvatch Rebuilt []

The Lost Spires
This mods adds a brand new guild to the game, an Archealogy Guild. It may not sound very interesting, but my god it is. It's now my favourite guild in the game, and the story in this mod is great and it's filled with beautiful detail and lots of swag, weapons and clothing. Also, this mod is also voiced, so it's pretty neat. Check it out.
This is what the creator says about the mod
- Single climactic story-arc supported with 10 highly immersive dungeons
- New Archeology Guild, filled with dozens of collectable display items
- Two entire cave retextures
- Over a dozen retextured creatures
- 100+ new custom meshes
- Several new boss creatures
- Epic, heart-pounding battles!
- Powerfull new lore-soaked loot
- Functional Beartrap!
- Deep, characterized NPCs
- Over 15 hours of new gameplay
Awesome right?
The Lost Spires []
You have to download the mod from

Midas Magic Spells of Aurum
This mod is amazing. It adds 100+ new (yes, NEW spells, not just another fireball, NEW spells like Acid Arrows and Area Effect spells). This mod adds new spells like Pillar of Fire that summons a huge pillar of fire which then explodes , and another that gives you angel wings and makes you able to fly, and many more. It also adds new mystic magic locales. This mod is great
Midas Magic Spells of Aurum []

Tears Of The Fiend
Another story mod. This mod is really good. It adds a custom story to the game, that manages to pull you in really nicely. You should really check this one out. Fantastic mod, also, it's fully voiced
Tears of the Fiend []

Deadly Reflex
This is a combat overhaul mod. It makes the somewhat boring combat in the game much more engaging. It adds stuff like Shield Pummeling, better dodges, beheadings and critical strikes
Fantastic mod, and it's my favourite combat overhaul mod
Deadly Reflex []

Rens Beuty Pack
This mod adds more races to the game, and well, theres not much more to say about it. Check this out if you found the vanilla races a bit boring
Rens Beuty pack []

Adonnays Elven Weaponry
This mod adds new weapons to the game. It adds, around 20-25 beutiful and somewhat powerful new blades, and several new bows and arrows to the game. Great mod, just beware, the weapons are quite expensive, but they are really powerful
Adonnays Elven Weaponry []
You can purchase the weapons in a new location, called Old Hut I think, on the road from the Imperial City and Cheydinhal

I belive that was it. I could add several other mods, but I think this should be a good start for you. Theese are some of the best mods out there, and every one of them is really really good and really makes the game so much better, and this just shows why Oblivion, Fallout and the coming Skyrim should be played on PC.
Now, I hope you're going to enjoy theese mods, and please check some of them out, I spent quite some time finding all the links to the mod, so if you just skip all this, it'll make me a sad panda. Now enjoy theese mods, and if you need any help with downloading any of theese mods, just send me a message, and i'll gladly help you out.
Have fun


EDIT: I noticed some posts saying that it's difficult to use mods in the Steam version of the game, not true, I used the Steam version when I started using mods as well with no trouble at all.
To get many of theese mods to work you need a file called Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), but since you are using the Steam version you need the Steam version of OBSE (I believe theres a Steam build in every update after v17) so no problem here
Also, you can download OBSE here
Oblivion Script Extender []


Everyone's Favorite Transvestite
Jan 15, 2009
I have the PS3 GotY edition... no modding there
Apr 28, 2008
E-Penguin said:
I think it had something to do with OBSE using an .EXE file, but the OBSE team got help from a Valve employee to make a steam-compatible version.
Really? Huh, that's neat. I didn't know that. Awesome.

WhiteTiger225 said:
Really? It has nothing to do with Steam using a special file set which makes oblivion for steam near impossible to mod? Just all Bethesda's fault even though presteam Oblivion ran fine and was easy as cake to mod and get the script extender to run on with little problems especially when you used WryeBash to ensure the optimal load order of mods to ensure nothing overlaps anything else or loads before something it needs?
chromewarriorXIII said:
I've only ever had one problem with getting mods to run on the Steam version, and that was because of the mod itself.

The annoying thing is that it's a much longer process to get to the Data folder that is needed to install mods, but the path is: C:>Program Files>Steam>steamapps>common>oblivion>Data

Once you know that, it's the exact same as installing mods in the stand-alone version.
And when I tried to help my brother with his Steam version, nothing worked. It's part of the fun with Oblivion! Finding out if it works on your PC, and if it doesn't, why it doesn't! Even if that PC fits all the recommendations but still won't run.
Apr 28, 2008
Irriduccibilli said:
EDIT: I noticed some posts saying that it's difficult to use mods in the Steam version of the game, not true, I used the Steam version when I started using mods as well with no trouble at all.
Well good for you. But just because you don't experience any problems, doesn't mean nobody else experiences no problems. And those that do are wrong.

Not trying to be a dick, but I just really hate the whole "I don't see a problem, so obviously you are wrong" attitude that exists everywhere on the internet.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Irridium said:
Well, most great mods use the script extender, which is a ***** to get working with the Steam version. I could point you to some good mods. But quite a few don't play too well with Oblivion off of Steam. Neither do the main programs, the Mod Manager and Script Extender.

At least from my friend's experience a year ago. Things may have changed, I don't know.

Again, I'd like to help, but I have little-to-no knowledge of getting the stuff to work with Oblivion off Steam.

It's not really Steam that's the problem, it's just that Oblivion itself is just so poorly optimized and so unstable... getting it to run is a 50/50 chance on its own. Honestly, how this game managed to excape critic and public backlash for being so poorly optimized and so buggy is just dumbfounding.
Naw, I use all of those on my steam oblivion and they work fine.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Irridium said:
Irriduccibilli said:
EDIT: I noticed some posts saying that it's difficult to use mods in the Steam version of the game, not true, I used the Steam version when I started using mods as well with no trouble at all.
Well good for you. But just because you don't experience any problems, doesn't mean nobody else experiences no problems. And those that do are wrong.

Not trying to be a dick, but I just really hate the whole "I don't see a problem, so obviously you are wrong" attitude that exists everywhere on the internet.
Did I ever say that there where no fucking problem with the Steam version? No, I just said that I didnt have any trouble with it, so mods DO work in the Steam version. And excuse me sir, but where did I say that there where no problem with the Steam version, all I said was that it wasnt difficult using mods with the Steam version.
Maybe you should actually read what the hell I just said before jumping to conclusions.
Well congratulations sir, but you just managed to tick me off by calling me an arrogant a..hole even after I just tried to help someone out and provide them with a long list of mods.
If this is the thanks for helping people on the internet, then count me out, 'cause this actually sucks.
And if you where not trying to be a dick, then why the hell did you bring this up anyway? Just by saying you arent trying to act like a dick doesnt justify actually being a dick.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
WhiteTiger225 said:
WARNING: Realistic leveling mod has been mentioned, but interferes with MANY other mods. You have been warned.
Really? I'm surprised. I thought compatibility was a big selling point for that mod. I've only heard good things, and I never had any issues. I could have just been lucky though, you never know with mods. Are these incompatibilities relatively recent?
Apr 28, 2008
Irriduccibilli said:
Irridium said:
Irriduccibilli said:
EDIT: I noticed some posts saying that it's difficult to use mods in the Steam version of the game, not true, I used the Steam version when I started using mods as well with no trouble at all.
Well good for you. But just because you don't experience any problems, doesn't mean nobody else experiences no problems. And those that do are wrong.

Not trying to be a dick, but I just really hate the whole "I don't see a problem, so obviously you are wrong" attitude that exists everywhere on the internet.
Did I ever say that there where no fucking problem with the Steam version? No, I just said that I didnt have any trouble with it, so mods DO work in the Steam version. And excuse me sir, but where did I say that there where no problem with the Steam version, all I said was that it wasnt difficult using mods with the Steam version.
Maybe you should actually read what the hell I just said before jumping to conclusions.
Well congratulations sir, but you just managed to tick me off by calling me an arrogant a..hole even after I just tried to help someone out and provide them with a long list of mods.
If this is the thanks for helping people on the internet, then count me out, 'cause this actually sucks.
And if you where not trying to be a dick, then why the hell did you bring this up anyway? Just by saying you arent trying to act like a dick doesnt justify actually being a dick.
Alright, I made a mistake, I misread. Sorry.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Irridium said:
Irriduccibilli said:
Irridium said:
Irriduccibilli said:
EDIT: I noticed some posts saying that it's difficult to use mods in the Steam version of the game, not true, I used the Steam version when I started using mods as well with no trouble at all.
Well good for you. But just because you don't experience any problems, doesn't mean nobody else experiences no problems. And those that do are wrong.

Not trying to be a dick, but I just really hate the whole "I don't see a problem, so obviously you are wrong" attitude that exists everywhere on the internet.
Did I ever say that there where no fucking problem with the Steam version? No, I just said that I didnt have any trouble with it, so mods DO work in the Steam version. And excuse me sir, but where did I say that there where no problem with the Steam version, all I said was that it wasnt difficult using mods with the Steam version.
Maybe you should actually read what the hell I just said before jumping to conclusions.
Well congratulations sir, but you just managed to tick me off by calling me an arrogant a..hole even after I just tried to help someone out and provide them with a long list of mods.
If this is the thanks for helping people on the internet, then count me out, 'cause this actually sucks.
And if you where not trying to be a dick, then why the hell did you bring this up anyway? Just by saying you arent trying to act like a dick doesnt justify actually being a dick.
Alright, I made a mistake, I misread. Sorry.
No problem at all, everybody makes mistakes :)


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Irridium said:
The steam-compatible version doesn't need the OBSE.EXE file, but there are some mods, like the key-chain mod, that refuses to install itself unless it detects the .EXE, so you should just put it in the oblivion folder anyway.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Just a thought, but if you DO choose to take your sweet time on the main quest, keep an eye on the number of Oblivion gates. If you get annoyed by them, you might just want to go ahead and finish the main quest. If it weren't for that, I could have left the main quest and played the side quests for MONTHS.


New member
May 2, 2011
The guild questlines give some of the best items in game. And there's some good items you can get pretty much from the start. But it could ruin the experience if you get them straight away.