So...I Just Bought A Ps3 On Impulse. Now What?


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Yeah silly silly me. I really wanted a specific game. Despite trying to resist the urge, I ordered the best priced Ps3 I could find on Amazon (24000 yen is not terrible, especially for a 500gb).

Then I noticed that while the console I wanted would be delivered tomorrow...the game I wanted will be delivered sometime in mid October.

(insert multiple colourful expletives here). looks like I have a Ps3 on the way then. Any fantastic games I could buy in order to justify my stupid impulse purchase?

Magicite Spring

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Demons Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
The Last of Us
Tales of Xillia

Those are the PS3 exclusives I would recommend that I can think of off the top of my head.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I would also like to suggest,

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Uncharted 2 + 3
The Last of Us


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Hmmm, I've heard of The Last of Us and Uncharted. Never played though. TLOU looks ...interesting so I may give it a look. Uncharted looked to me like Tomb Raider with the Indy vibe jacked way up.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well, what are you into? You obviously bought a PS3 for a specific game, so you should try and find out if it has more games like it.

Anyway, the inFAMOUS games are great fun. I'm hesitant on recommending The Last of Us, since that game seems to be going through its unhype phase at the moment with many people. If you have an interest in JRPGs Valkyria Chronicles is one of the more interesting ones I've played in years, though the story and characters are cheesy as fuck. The Uncharted games are good for a laugh, but the first one hasn't aged that well. Journey is a fantastic little game that you should definately check out. The Ratchet and Clank games are worth checking out, but they're a bit hit and miss -- Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time, and Into the Nexus are really the only ones worth your time (and obviously the Ratchet and Clank HD Trilogy, but I was talking about the PS3 specific ones).

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
If you like racing, get Burnout: Paradise. If you don't like racing, get this anyway. It turned my opinion of racers around.

For complicated stealth and intrigue, Assassin's Creed II. I don't own any after II so I can't compare them.

For shooting, jump scares, and truckloads of splatter, get the Dead Space trilogy. I prefer the first one, it feels more....authentic, I guess. It's definitely scarier.

For more stealth, plus gizmos and martial arts kickassery, Arkham Asylum/City. I actually liked Asylum better due to the claustrophobic feel.

If you want cheap downloadable stuff, I've got Dead Nation for shooty zombie hordes, Echochrome for puzzles of perspective, Pac-Man Super Championship Et Cetera because Pac-Man, and Super Stardust HD for Asteroids-style screen-filling shoot-'em-up.

If you like Final Fantasy you can get VII through PSN. I did. It, ah, didn't age well.

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
well Yakuza is one of my favourite PS3 franchises, (Ryu Ga Gotoku if you're in Japan I think...and if you are in Japan you get number 5 and the HD re-releases of 1 and 2) but there's also God of War, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale is a pretty fun game but I wouldn't spend too much on it if possible, Uncharted is worth a look, The Last of Us as well, I'm trying to stick to exclusives so, Metal Gear Solid 4 maybe? there's any number of old PS1 games up for download and a decent amount of indies too

EDIT: oh and Valkyria Chronicles, can't believe I forgot that one


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I can't recommend Demon's Souls enough. Play it in preparation/anticipation for Bloodborne. :p Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD collection is also really good. Other than that you can't really go wrong with Last of Us or the Uncharted games. Lots of good games on PS3. But Demon's Souls takes the cake. :p


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Hmm, some good stuff here.

I had a Ps3 a long time ago (that fell victim to an open window and a super heavy sudden rainstorm) and played God of War 3 and a few others.

As to what I'm into...hmm. Anything really. Anything good. I love progressive games - leveling up, earning money etc. But I'm extremely open to new things.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
There're some VERY good HD collections on the PS3. ICO & Shadow of the Colossus, God of War Saga (5 games), Ratchet & Clank (3 games), inFAMOUS (2 games), etc. Demon's Souls is lots of fun. Any of the Disgaea games comes highly recommended as well. I hear Journey and The Last of Us are pretty good but haven't played them myself.


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Ratchet and Clank...I keep hearing about it, but have never played it. Worth picking up?


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
Starbird said:
Ratchet and Clank...I keep hearing about it, but have never played it. Worth picking up?
hmm... how familiar with the older school systems are you? Ratchet and Clank is basically the spiritual successor to spyro the dragon, so if you played Spyro on PS1 I can recommend R and C. If you haven't... I guess I'd describe it as a colorful platformer with quirky characters.

JRPGS are probably the genre that's most unique for the PS3 as opposed to the 360 or PC, so if that's your bag, then there's a metric ton of games I can recommend. I won't bore you with a list if JRPGs aren't your thing, though. XD


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and DS2, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, God of War 2, Infamous 2, and the 2 GOW collections, Jak and Daxter collection, 2 ratchet and clank games and R&C collection, dishonered GOTY, and Borderlands 2.

Not necessarily all exclusives, but still very fun games if you haven't bought them already or for other consoles/PC.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
So, yeah, the above list. I also didn't see Prototype, Saint's Row series, or GTA, which are my 'go to' games for killing a few days...


New member
Sep 30, 2012
balladbird said:
Starbird said:
Ratchet and Clank...I keep hearing about it, but have never played it. Worth picking up?
hmm... how familiar with the older school systems are you? Ratchet and Clank is basically the spiritual successor to spyro the dragon, so if you played Spyro on PS1 I can recommend R and C. If you haven't... I guess I'd describe it as a colorful platformer with quirky characters.

JRPGS are probably the genre that's most unique for the PS3 as opposed to the 360 or PC, so if that's your bag, then there's a metric ton of games I can recommend. I won't bore you with a list if JRPGs aren't your thing, though. XD
Honestly, I never really got into JRPGs (weird! I live in Japan!). I tried Persona 4 after having it basically rammed down my throat by the people I was DMing for and battled to get into it.

That said, I am always willing to try something new. Where should I start?

I took a look at Ratchet on Youtube quickly. Oddly it reminds me a bit of MDK.

And I just thought about MDK. That is awesome.
prowll said:
So, yeah, the above list. I also didn't see Prototype, Saint's Row series, or GTA, which are my 'go to' games for killing a few days...
Ooh Prototype. *adds to list*. I saw that a bit back, looked very interesting.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Ratchet and Clank is a very good shooter/platformer series, though it's really a 3D platformer at heart. I can't tell whether you'd be into it or not, but first game onwards has a basic leveling system that raises your health and powers up your weapons (which usually become stronger and eventually change to a new weapon). Lots of personality, humor, and good characters. The first game is a good base, second and third games are fantastic evolutions to the formula, Deadlocked is ok (but don't get the remaster), the 3 main PS3 exclusives are good but more story-driven, then it derped around with multiplayer and the most recent is a bite-sized yet satisfying back-to-form adventure.

Not many I would call "bad", but be cautious with the HD remasters. The original trilogy, while, functional, is pretty glitchy. The remaster of the 4th game (Deadlocked or Gladiator, depending on your region) is downright broken with save-eating glitches and terrible frame rate, among other issues. The multiplayer games (All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault) are the lowest rated out of the entire series and I personally didn't enjoy them solo. FFA's singleplayer campaign becomes hideously difficult and unbalanced for even a veteran.