So...I Just Bought A Ps3 On Impulse. Now What?


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Surprised no one mentioned the Metal Gear HD Collect via PSN store. You have to be patient with each but still fun.

Even get some classic PS1/2 games like Oddworld.

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009

Holy crap, the flash sales.

Playstation Store (usually) has very good sales on a plethora of very good games.

I have a few physical copies of games,

The Sly Collection
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time
The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
The Prince of Persia Trilogy
and Heavenly Sword

but the downloadable games are where you can find even more value.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD and Munch's Odyssey HD
Thomas Was Alone
Hotline Miami
Trine 1 and 2
Okami HD
Tokyo Jungle

Not to mention digital versions of PS1 and PS2 games

Odin Sphere
GTA: San Andreas
The Warriors
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

The Legend of Dragoon
Wild Arms 1 and 2
Dino Crisis 1 and 2
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragoon
Legend of Kain: Soul Reaver

I purchased most of these digital games when they were on sale, over half of them cost less than $3 USD.

So yeah, be mindful of flash sales on the PS Store, sometimes you will find some great games for practically pennies. Also, do not be afraid to blind buy during a sale now and then, especially if you have some interest in a game that is ridiculously cheap.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Buy inFamous, and inFamous 2 pronto. Seriously. Two of my favorite games of all time. Great story and gameplay, and just overall fun games from start to finish.

inFamous 2
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. ( I personally suggest skipping Warrior Within, as it's shite, and you really don't miss anything major in game 3 if you skip it)

Starbird said:
Ooh Prototype. *adds to list*. I saw that a bit back, looked very interesting.
It was pretty fun for the gameplay aspect, but the story was pretty terrible. I personally feel that inFamous was the better of those two titles when it comes to "Superhero Sandbox in a Big City", but the stuff you could do in Prototype was pretty crazy fun.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Get the Metal Gear Solid collection

Other people have already mentioned the ones I like


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Starbird said:
Yeah silly silly me. I really wanted a specific game. Despite trying to resist the urge, I ordered the best priced Ps3 I could find on Amazon (24000 yen is not terrible, especially for a 500gb).

Then I noticed that while the console I wanted would be delivered tomorrow...the game I wanted will be delivered sometime in mid October.

(insert multiple colourful expletives here). looks like I have a Ps3 on the way then. Any fantastic games I could buy in order to justify my stupid impulse purchase?
Red Dead Redemption GOTY edition. Seriously man you wont regret this purchase, its a beautiful game.

Asura's Wrath. God of war like game with Japanese mythology.

God of War series. you probably know this one.


Dante's Inferno.

all of the above gems are consoles exclusives youll find them only in both ps3 and xbox 360 (God of war is only for ps3)
i myself played the shit out of these games.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
I would recommend Armored Core 4, it's expansion For Answer, Armored Core V, and V's expansion Verdict Day.

I use expansion loosely though, it's a standalone game but you can import your old data, and continue the story. You could just play For Answer and Verdict Day and you wouldn't miss much (especially in the case of ACV).


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Happyninja42 said:
Buy inFamous, and inFamous 2 pronto. Seriously. Two of my favorite games of all time. Great story and gameplay, and just overall fun games from start to finish.

inFamous 2
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. ( I personally suggest skipping Warrior Within, as it's shite, and you really don't miss anything major in game 3 if you skip it)

Starbird said:
Ooh Prototype. *adds to list*. I saw that a bit back, looked very interesting.
It was pretty fun for the gameplay aspect, but the story was pretty terrible. I personally feel that inFamous was the better of those two titles when it comes to "Superhero Sandbox in a Big City", but the stuff you could do in Prototype was pretty crazy fun.
Played all the PoP stuff on PC. Good fun.

inFamous and inFamous 2 are already on my buy list ^_^.

Red Dead Redemption - ah, thats the GTA cowboy game. Hmm...

Dante's Inferno any good? Have heard mixed things.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Dante's Inferno is a decent action game, if it were made at the time of God of War 2. Now, it would probably feel a little basic (and quite derivative). If you are into that, Lords of Shadows is probably a safer bet...

Here are some more suggestions (some of them are also available in other platforms, so maybe you played them):

-Rayman Legends & Origins
-BioShock series
-Saints Row series
-Tomb Raider
-Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
-Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time
-Dragon's Crown
-XCOM: Enemy Unknown
-Spec Ops: The Line
-Mass Effect series
-Darksiders series
-Batman: Arkham series
-Portal 2
-Uncharted series
-L.A. Noire
-Valkyria Chronicles


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Mudokon said:
Asura's Wrath. God of war like game with Japanese mythology.
all of the above gems are consoles exclusives youll find them only in both ps3 and xbox 360 (God of war is only for ps3)
i myself played the shit out of these games.
Yes... pretty much this.
The game is made by the same people that makes the Ninja Storm which, given your avatar, I am assuming you are familiar with. Beautifully and earnestly over the top, this is one of the hidden gems of this generation. There is a series going on on "unskippable" right now, if you want a (very) small taste of what is it about...

One small detail, though, the game is about Hindu mythology, not Japanese.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Starbird said:
Ratchet and Clank...I keep hearing about it, but have never played it. Worth picking up?
Are you familiar with 3D character driven games from the PS1 era? Games like Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Sly Cooper...

Ratchet & Clank is that kind of game, with Insomniac brand of humor and wacky weaponry...


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I can only recommend games I've actually played. Below are all the things I like and own that I believe to be exclusives;

Uncharted series
The Last of Us
Valkyria Chronicles (if you like JRPGs and RTS games)
Tales of Graces (slow-paced but great JRPG with great combat)
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD
Heavy Rain
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD

I can recommend other personal favourites but I'm fairly sure these are all available on other consoles so you may have played them already;

Fallout 3/New Vegas
Mass Effect series
Mirror's Edge
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Tomb Raider (2013)
Bioshock series

There are lots of HD collections on PSN that I haven't gotten around to yet but keep meaning to :)


New member
Sep 30, 2012
hermes200 said:
Mudokon said:
Asura's Wrath. God of war like game with Japanese mythology.
all of the above gems are consoles exclusives youll find them only in both ps3 and xbox 360 (God of war is only for ps3)
i myself played the shit out of these games.
Yes... pretty much this.
The game is made by the same people that makes the Ninja Storm which, given your avatar, I am assuming you are familiar with. Beautifully and earnestly over the top, this is one of the hidden gems of this generation. There is a series going on on "unskippable" right now, if you want a (very) small taste of what is it about...

One small detail, though, the game is about Hindu mythology, not Japanese.
That does sound like it's up my alley. And yes, recently got into Ninja Storm and #2 was actually the title that made me buy the Ps3. Silly? Maybe. But 3 knocked my socks off completely and apparently 2 is even better.

Thanks all - fantastic list so far - keep em coming :D. What would you say would be a good starting point for JRPGs on Ps3? Something accessible, decently combat/progression heavy and not too hard on the eyes?


New member
May 25, 2010
Ratchet and Clank Collection
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix
Tales of Graces f
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Okami HD
The Guided Fate Paradox (personal favorite on this list)
Jetpack Joyride (It's worth a look since it's free)
DC Universe Online (also free)

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
-Sly Cooper Collection
-Ratchet and Clank Collection
-Jak and Daxter Collection
-Uncharted 2 and 3
-Infamous 2 and 3
-The Last of Us

That's about it.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Checking my collection... most are these arn't exclusive, so you might already have played.
Bioshock Infinite (Skip Bioshock 2)
Tomb Raider
Red Dead Redemption
Portal 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Just Cause 2
Heavy Rain
Neyond: 2 Souls
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

and finally: The Greatest Game on the Playstation 3, the hype is not overstated, Go get in NOW:
The Last of Us.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
If you don't have a PS2, feel free to hit the online store. PSN has plenty of classics to choose from.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Playstation Plus to get what ever no extra charge games there are. I wouldn't say "free" because they come along side the subscription.

Still, it's 50 dollars US for a year, and you'll likely get that much in games to play.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Starbird said:
Yeah silly silly me. I really wanted a specific game. Despite trying to resist the urge, I ordered the best priced Ps3 I could find on Amazon (24000 yen is not terrible, especially for a 500gb).

Then I noticed that while the console I wanted would be delivered tomorrow...the game I wanted will be delivered sometime in mid October.

(insert multiple colourful expletives here). looks like I have a Ps3 on the way then. Any fantastic games I could buy in order to justify my stupid impulse purchase?
Not a bad decision, imo. There's quite the back catalog of games worth checking out, and the prices for them have gotten more reasonable now that the PS4 has stepped in to the market.

- Flower
- Journey
- Uncharted 1 & 2. I haven't played Uncharted 3 but I heard a mixed reaction from it. Depends on how much you enjoyed the first two, I guess?
- Infamous. Again, I didn't play Infamous 2 because of the mixed reaction but maybe it's worth checking out.
- The Last of Us
- Ico+Shadow of the Colossus. Still worth getting even if you've played either game on PS2. The vastly improved frame rate in SotD alone is worth the purchase. There's also the HD rereleases of Okami and Beyond Good & Evil.
- Gran Turismo 6
- WipEout HD. Best. Racing game. Ever. This one actually introduced me to the WipEout series a few years back and honestly, it's now among my favorite game franchises. RIP Studio Liverpool, I barely knew ye.

But these are just exclusives, assuming you have an Xbox 360 or a high-end PC already... I could list dozens more if that isn't the case.