So I ruined someone's life.


New member
May 16, 2009
Well if they broke up due to one comment on facebook chat they couldnt have been in the most secure relationship so just apologise to the girl if she turns up.

But its not you fault that your one comment did this it would have been someone looking her in the bar or a flirty comment from some in a shop.As he must be a very parnoid and untrusting guy to end a relationship over that.


New member
May 19, 2008
I wouldn't say you'd ruined her life, that's up to her outlook and how she reacts to things.

Naturally maybe the comment was a little out of hand but if shes the kind of person that gets that a ot (and from your description she seems like the kind of girl to get that a lot) her bf woud have just gone hulk over someone or something else the big green jealous man-freak.

Feel a little guilty over the comment and the part you played it in to be sure, but don't go thinking you've ruined a life. it goes on.
Jun 15, 2009
Cowabungaa said:
Ruined? You got her away from her psychotic boyfriend (if what you are saying is true). That's not ruining, that's improving someone's life.

Now she's all yours champ, go for it. You'll only know for sure if the sex is excellent if you try eh?
She's a bit on the dull side for me. For instance, in class last year she spelled typhoon tyfoon. when i said "ele, typhoon is spelled with a ph" she wrote it out as tyfoonph.
I'm really more concerned about her raising an army of ex-lovers to grind my bones into dust at this point. That's a sitch I should really get onto avoiding like the plague.


New member
May 19, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
What you need to do now is out-psycho the psychopath. You need lots and lots of fire. And knives.

Knives make everything better.
Knives are for ladies.

Spoons, spoons are how men out-psyche other men.

slowly and repeatadly, smack.

Also an army of lovers? Just go Scott Pilgrim in their asses.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs said:
TL:DR I inadvertently broke up an acquaintance and her psychotic boyfriend, semi-ruined her life and now I'm really at a loss of what to do.
That was a terrible joke, man. I'd have gone with something in the region of her having a cavernous, gaping vagina, so riddled with infections even the CDC don't dare approach it. It just sits there like the Sarlaac, a massive hungry pit waiting to swallow up the next unwary traveller. That approach is unlikely to get you any sex, but at least it's chuckle-worthy.

As for the situation, fuck it. In his position, any man is going to be paranoid, so much so that it'll drive him crazy, and something like this was bound to happen eventually. I used to date a girl who, in her past, had been really slutty. I used to get really edgy when people made those kind of "jokes". Guess what? Turned out she was cheating on me the entire year we were together, and I bet this girl was probably getting some dick on the side too. If anything, you're the good guy here - you helped get her boyfriend out of the situation before he got hurt.

Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs said:
Also, does this mean I'm no longer getting any excellent sex?
Question; why the hell would you want to have sex with a girl who's been ridden more often than Red Rum? Do the words 'hotdog' and 'hallway' mean anything to you?


New member
May 1, 2009
Thusly, A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible.

With any luck, this won't result in bodily harm to you or her, and you'll come out of it realizing that maybe casual sex propsistions aren't such a good idea. Either way, you gave me a chance to make an excellent pun, so thank you.


Aug 3, 2008
First off, you shouldn't have asked a taken lady for sex. If I were in that situation, I'd probably bash the persons skull in, even if it was a joke.
If he is as crazy as that, she should be glad to be shot of him, and start over. Yeah she's in debt, but she's not the only person in the world who is.

[sub]And <100 men? Hotdog Hallway much?[/sub]


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Ok, it's not your fault and your only human but what you said was pretty rude if you aren't that close to her. Not every girl likes to be talked like that regardless of reputation. As for what to do, you probably should apologize to her and leave it at that.


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
You had no idea that the man was a psychopath, but the Romans also didn't know that lead water pipes were a bad idea.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Her life's not ruined.

-She lost a psychotic boyfriend
-I can think of much worse debt than $3000 (like the $5900 I owe on my truck)

If you can, I'd say maybe try helping her out with that, since it was your bad joke that started all this. I mean, it's what I'd do if I had spare cash from work, but I'd understand if you didn't. Hey, maybe you could turn all this around and still hook up with her.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
She already had problems being in a relationship with a psycho. I mean, I'd be ticked if I found out somebody was making tasteless sex jokes to my girlfriend behind my back, but I wouldn't freaking break up over some trivial crap like that.

I think you were more of a catalyst than a cause. They already had issues.

Oh, and $3000 dollars is nothing. Especially not in a world with student loans.

De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
I wouldn't worry over much. Angry sex is the best sex.
+1 to this one!

But more serious: this isn't your fault, you were joking, she could've responded "dude, I have a BF", end of story right there. Also, if you're living with someone for 7 months at 18, I can tell you, this was bound to happen anyway.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Did you explain that it was a joke? AND THAT YOU DONT EVEN LIVE IN THE SAME COUNTRY!?

More the boyfriend's fault to be honest.