So I tried to friendzone a girl, apparently.


New member
Aug 8, 2012
I just started sixth form the other week and basically I hate it but I had one great friend. We had been sort of seeing each other in the two weeks up to the start of the new year. Anyway we had kissed once and we had become close with one another but due to me not settling in at my sixth form I felt me and her would be better off as friends. So I acted totally oblivious to her constant advances for the most part because I couldn't stand the idea of hurting her or losing my closest friend. Sadly today I let on that I was 'in' to her but also made it clear I didn't want to hurt her or lose her friendship. In return I unknowingly given the ultimatum 'relationship or nothing'. I was too hesitant, being put on the spot and all and within seconds I was kicked out the house. Basically is there a way to salvage the friendship, push for a relationship or go through sixth form alone. I had other 'friends' but it turns out she told them to be my friends to make me like her more and to find stuff out from me.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
The Games boys and girls play.
You can't always win.

Look she already played a game with you, by providing you with "friends" that really are just spies. So are they really your friends? Or are it just a bunch of eyes for her.

Your own actions, like always nobody is clean and innocent, also seem rather well lets just say everybody should be able to make mistakes in life. You didn't tell her if you liked her or not, you didn't cut her off once you decided breaking up was better. So like a wound untreated it got worse and now it is pussing in your face.

I am not sure if you can salvage this relationship but at least learn from the situation. Learn what happened where you did go wrong and whenever you see that iceberg coming your way again steer away. Life is about learning sometimes there are no easy solutions. In the end she played a game with you and you played a game with her.

The question is do you like her and do you want her back. Or is breaking up actually not that bad an idea. Again you are allowed to make mistakes in life.

May you find your path and be smarter and wiser upon it.


New member
Sep 17, 2014
Sixth form. So that makes you 15/16? Seems a little over dramatic. She probably felt upset and powerless when you didn't respond to her advances and wanted more control. So she gave an ultimatum to gain that control. Now she gets to be mad at you for a while, but if you let her calm down and apologize sincerely she will probably forgive you. Even if you're not interested in a relationship, friends are more important than they may seem to you at this point and you should try to keep them.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Sixth form is an AA club or something? Actually that is suppose to be anonymous so it's better you don't answer.
Anyway there is probably no solid way of salvaging anything, best you can do is sit her down and give her a straight answer. Which in your case is "No I don't want a romantic relationship" if you haven't realized, this is the crux of the problem with these things, one party meanders about undecidedly and the other builds castles in the sky.

You can probably imagine the emotional state people are after you crush their dreams... expect that sort of reaction, tough but wounds can't heal unless you let them. Once she gets over you then maybe things go back to normal, but it will be one hell of a shit storm before that comes around.