So I wrote a back story for my Character for SWTOR


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Does anyone else do stuff like that. This is the first time I have ever done something like this, but friends in my guild were so I decided I would try it, and it was actually quite fun I must say. :)


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I have only done this in the Sims. I often imagine vauge backstories for my characters but I never write them down. Might be a thing to try out though ^^


New member
Jul 16, 2010
I don't write backstories for computer games.
I do have volumes of character backstories from all the pen & paper RPGs I've played though, and writing them was amusing.
And .. writing is writing, so I guess it might be amusing to do that for an crpg too.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Writing back stories for my characters in RPGs is my addiction. I've been doing it since I was a little boy in every RPG that was vague enough to allow it. One of my fonder childhood memories was my Star Wars Galaxy character who I designed as the last in the Ordo bloodline, destined for a bloody showdown with Boba Fett he would loose.

To me, this is one of the best ways to design a good RPG, and if you're not going this route there's no excuse for bad writing. (My logic here is that when writing a game for a faceless character that the player is going to personally internally synthesize I can forgive some so-so quest set-ups. However, honestly, any game writer, who is getting paid a comfortable wage should be able to push themselves to create realistic characters and compelling interaction.)

I was actually offended when I started DC Universe Online recently to discover that it wouldn't allow me to craft a key part of my hero's origin story: how she obtained her powers. It takes away any potential orginality and forces you to be a clone, literally as you're subjected to some Brainiac Macguffin which is filled with data from other heroes powers. It really makes my character little more than a dress up doll and has totally killed my interest in making other characters.

Also: This is such a nerdy statement, and I can't be sure if it's true as I've never gotten to really experience it on a large scale: Role Playing in MMO's is probably amazing, and if everyone would do it I think all those games would become ten times more fun.

But, it's not the kind of fun everyone could feel cool doing, it's like suddenly shifting to a voice mimicing a Venture Bros. character and saying epic and silly lines fun, and that takes a real nerd to pull off well and enjoy.

Still, unless I'm mistaken isn't that the crowd MMO's shoot for?

You see, the reason it's fun in this unique way is because this isn't the easy "I clicked that massive health bar to death" fun, it isn't the "boom, headshot, damn my aim is good" fun. No, it's "I just made an interesting plot featuring a unique character of my design doing things the way I see fit in a crowd of other such unique creations, all vying for the staring role in a fictional drama" fun. The "Wow, I really created something here even though only I and a hand full of people will ever know about it" sort of fun.

The sort of thing that, to me anyway, makes the other forms of aforementioned fun seem pointless and crude.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
whatever happened to good old "[opposing faction] killed my parents"?



Forever Gonzo
Sep 10, 2008
In this game I'll let my decisions shape my character not a predetermined path, although that is my own playstyle when it comes to story driven games like this one.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
City of Heroes/Villains has a (optional) tab in your profile (which others can view) which is entirely for writing up your character's back story. I tend to do it for about half of my characters, as the inspiration takes me, and more often than not I'll go for something amusing rather than terribly melodramatic. E.g.:

"Dr. Download

After the Paragon Police Department shut down the file sharing network he ran from his mom's basement, Danny Downey fled to the Rogue Isles. Having welded arms, legs and laser guns to the one server box they didn't confiscate to create the first of his robot minions he now seeks a) world domination, and b) a decent wi-fi connection."

Virtue, the unofficial RP server, is usually the most entertaining to lounge around the main hubs profile snooping.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Sixcess said:
City of Heroes/Villains has a (optional) tab in your profile (which others can view) which is entirely for writing up your character's back story.
Thank you for rekindling my love for CoH/V. My life is now going to plummet into an abyss of darkness and never leaving my computer.
Nov 28, 2010
AnotherAvatar said:
You sir, are a verifiable genius.

I always at least have one in my head, usually in note form on paper too. I like to have it next to my screen when I play so I can consider the reasoning behind any choices my character makes. Plus, I adore writing fiction, be it my own or expanding upon other's worlds.

To take a frequently cited example, Mass Effect. I know exactly how my FemShep survived the batarian raid on her home, and exactly why she joined the Alliance. I know how she reacted after leaving her close friend to die on Virmire, and how hurt she felt when her gunnery chief made it clear she didn't believe it was the right thing to do. I've written about her short-lived (pardon the pun) investigation into Cerberus after the events of ME1, and have infinite conversations between her and her new crew. Not to mention the loose friendship she develops with a few of the more pleasant minor NPCs. And of course, the rebuilding and development of her relationship with Tali, and her...ahem 'relationship' with Garrus.

In short, yes. Yes I do write backstory.
Nov 11, 2010
I do that as well. I create back stories for characters for PC MMORPG games like Guild Wars. I've even role played as my characters in-game, using their distinct way of speaking and acting. Doesn't seem weird at all to me, and people seem to enjoy getting engaged in conversation/discussions with my in-game character. Heck, made most of my GW friends this way.

Wrath 228

New member
Aug 26, 2010
My friend and I wrote literally an entire novel giving the backstory of our characters leading up to the game. Then I got picked to test the game and found that the game's origin story for our classes don't allow our backstories to work at all, so they now take place in the future, after the events of the game -_____-


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
I've been thinking about this.

I usually enjoy writing backstories for my characters in single player RPG's. But I especially enjoy it in games like Neverwinter Nights.

Although I can't say I've ever tried it in an MMO. Yet I feel strongly compelled to for SWTOR. My friends and I are already talking about it. It's pretty exciting I think, and could also be very amusing.

Needless to say, this thread has made me think about this even more. I think I may begin actually writing some stuff down.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
Whenever I make a character in an RPG, I come up with a backstory for 'em. That's just how I roll.

...It's the character-driven novelist coming out.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Nope, nothing against it, but I've never been compelled. When Champions Online went F2P I played for about a month, a few of the characters I created had a sentence or two of backstory in my head.

Prince Regent

New member
Dec 9, 2007
Not a written backstory no, but a lot of my favorite custom made characters do develop a personality. In Guild Wars almost all of my characters had more or less a distinct personality. Even though they all did the same quests and missions and even had te same voice.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Because i don't really play RPG games, i cant really relate to it on the Character backstory, But good god, I used to spend Dozens of hours playing stronghold crusader making my own campaigns. I wasnt even using the Map editor for actual objectives. i just played skirmishes
with allies and easy opponents. Any Real time strategy games with a map editor has a custom story for me.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Well als long as there isn't a already boring one given to the game.
Normally, the moment I unwrap the packing of the game my backstory already starts to converge towards my soon would be game character.
In fact I already have some backstories in mind - ready for my Skyrim adventure.
If I don't keep my brain occupied with such things I would probably fall into a comatose vegetative state.
Apr 8, 2008
Yes.I have a running character for all Star Wars games.His name is 4309-2...A shape changing, bounty hunting,force using droid who can assume the identity and thoughts (and abilities) of any character(after killing them).I started this for Shadows of the Empire,when I got tired of some mission.Which led to me getting tired of Dash Rendar's lame tale and replacing him with my own story,which was much more entertaining.

4309-2's ultimate goal back then was collecting the bounty on Han Solo.Which he did in episode III,but that's a long story.I was just tying to answer your question.Have a good day.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Sixcess said:
City of Heroes/Villains has a (optional) tab in your profile (which others can view) which is entirely for writing up your character's back story. I tend to do it for about half of my characters, as the inspiration takes me, and more often than not I'll go for something amusing rather than terribly melodramatic. E.g.:

"Dr. Download

After the Paragon Police Department shut down the file sharing network he ran from his mom's basement, Danny Downey fled to the Rogue Isles. Having welded arms, legs and laser guns to the one server box they didn't confiscate to create the first of his robot minions he now seeks a) world domination, and b) a decent wi-fi connection."

Virtue, the unofficial RP server, is usually the most entertaining to lounge around the main hubs profile snooping.
I saw this as I was getting DCU online (as I also played Champions first, which made me realize I NEEDED to role-play my own superheroes/villians, but in a better setting), I can tell you now that the very second Heroes becomes F2P I'll hop on that server. Thanks for the recommendation.