So I'm in this three way relationship

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
ZephyrFireStrom said:
And you people wonder why humanity is taking a dive straight into the ground. Those standards are so low you could trip over them. This is so sickening, you humans are so stupid.
[Comment] You state this as if you were not a meatbag, meatbag [].
[Threatening Statement] Do not presume to rise above your station.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
If you could make a polygamous relationship work, great for you! The more wives the merrier - I have it on good authority that wives are tax-deductible.

Just be warned, humans aren't naturally polygamous, and even then, there's a strong social imperative to be monogamous, so it probably won't work. But if it does, score!


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Grabbin Keelz said:
So the story up until now...

In my freshman year of college I met a girl (we'll call her Emily to make it easier) whom I spoke with one day and we became friends. See, the first day we met she had told me she had a boyfriend so I was all "Well that blows that chance, but she's still cool so we'll just be friends" and I was fine with that. A while later I met her boyfriend too (we'll call him Dave) and he was really cool too and we also became friends. By the way, Emily is a junior and Dave has graduated.

So a year later (she's now a senior) we're still friends and Emily has an idea. One night she asks Dave if me and her can date and do all the things that come with dating. He said it was fine and so we dated. We haven't actually had sex yet, but we've pretty much done everything else. I'm really loving this even though I know it'll end by the end of this semester. Everything we do is relayed to each other, nothing is hidden. Me and Dave take turns going out with Emily whenever we have spare time, and sometimes we just all go out to do something. It's fun, it really is.

I've just never heard of something like this happening to anyone else, so I wanted to know what the standard internet reaction would be. What would you call this kind of relationship?

Off topic. I was in one of these in your role. It Suuuuuuucked afterwards.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Grabbin Keelz said:
So the story up until now...

In my freshman year of college I met a girl (we'll call her Emily to make it easier) whom I spoke with one day and we became friends. See, the first day we met she had told me she had a boyfriend so I was all "Well that blows that chance, but she's still cool so we'll just be friends" and I was fine with that. A while later I met her boyfriend too (we'll call him Dave) and he was really cool too and we also became friends. By the way, Emily is a junior and Dave has graduated.

So a year later (she's now a senior) we're still friends and Emily has an idea. One night she asks Dave if me and her can date and do all the things that come with dating. He said it was fine and so we dated. We haven't actually had sex yet, but we've pretty much done everything else. I'm really loving this even though I know it'll end by the end of this semester. Everything we do is relayed to each other, nothing is hidden. Me and Dave take turns going out with Emily whenever we have spare time, and sometimes we just all go out to do something. It's fun, it really is.

I've just never heard of something like this happening to anyone else, so I wanted to know what the standard internet reaction would be. What would you call this kind of relationship?
Hmm, haven't quite heard of anything different. A bit of an odd arrangement to say the least, it will end with either yourself or Dave being left for the other guy, and I would say you've got a better chance then Dave, so good luck, but yeah the other alternative which I think is less likely to one of those two possibilities, is that all three of you part ways.

Have you made out with Emily yet? That'd be one base which would make it more interesting.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Conza said:
Hmm, haven't quite heard of anything different. A bit of an odd arrangement to say the least, it will end with either yourself or Dave being left for the other guy, and I would say you've got a better chance then Dave, so good luck, but yeah the other alternative which I think is less likely to one of those two possibilities, is that all three of you part ways.

Have you made out with Emily yet? That'd be one base which would make it more interesting.
...okay, I think you misread a bit. This isn't a competition, we're all friends. Also Dave has been with Emily since they were in high school and Emily lives with him when she's not at her dorm, also he's in nursing making him the steadier supply of income. Even if she did so much as consider breaking up with Dave, the guilt would kill me. Stealing someone's lover right from under their nose, that is a dick move beyond any dick move.

Also we have made out and did other sexy things, just not sex.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
ZephyrFireStrom said:
And you people wonder why humanity is taking a dive straight into the ground. Those standards are so low you could trip over them. This is so sickening, you humans are so stupid.
I was honestly expecting more comments like this one. Not only was this the only one, but it was shot down pretty quickly by everyone else. Thanks Escapist, I knew I could count on you.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
nothing wrong with open relationships... as long as everyone consents all is ok with me and Dolly Parton .. her and carl have had an open marriage for donkeys years :p


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Grabbin Keelz said:
Conza said:
Hmm, haven't quite heard of anything different. A bit of an odd arrangement to say the least, it will end with either yourself or Dave being left for the other guy, and I would say you've got a better chance then Dave, so good luck, but yeah the other alternative which I think is less likely to one of those two possibilities, is that all three of you part ways.

Have you made out with Emily yet? That'd be one base which would make it more interesting.
...okay, I think you misread a bit. This isn't a competition, we're all friends. Also Dave has been with Emily since they were in high school and Emily lives with him when she's not at her dorm, also he's in nursing making him the steadier supply of income. Even if she did so much as consider breaking up with Dave, the guilt would kill me. Stealing someone's lover right from under their nose, that is a dick move beyond any dick move.

Also we have made out and did other sexy things, just not sex.
Its not really a dick move though.

The saying goes, 'bros before hoes' yes, but this axim is also only applicable if you were friends with the guy first, then he has a girlfriend you like, thats when it stays still.

You met this girl, you've done stuff 'with this girl' you are both in an affaire. Its not a three-way, not really, she will eventually break up with either one or both of you, the trick is to make sure its just the other guy, and then you and her are in the clear.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Shark Wrangler said:
Some girl asked me if she could date other men and still see me, I would kick her ass to the curb. Have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to my girlfriend and other guys. I don't care how drunk you were, kiss someone else, were done. Not about second chances, its about being accountable for your actions. Very pissed off when women throw a fit over this, you know what you were doing, don't give me that crap.
Isn't that a little... insecure? Plenty of marriages have survived larger incidents.

That One Six

New member
Dec 14, 2008
Open relationships are... tricky. From what I've seen, they rarely last long and someone always ends up getting hurt. If you're happy, though, then you're lucky, but when it comes down to it, it is doubtful that Emily will choose you over Dave. So long as you're cool with that, I wish you the best.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Acrisius said:
Isn't that polygamy? :p
Or some variation of it.
BabySinclair said:
The term you're looking for is "polyandry."
The word you both are looking for is Polyamory. which is a relationship between multiple parties.

Polygamy and Polyandry imply marriage in some way.

Just sayin'.