So is Big Boss a pedophile or What?

Jun 16, 2010
Obvious troll thread is... actually serious.

See, I was just playing through Peace Walker (bit late to the party, I know), and I unlocked the part where you can go on a date with one of your crew members, Paz. If you wear a tux, take pictures of her and shout compliments at her for a while, you can even have sex with her inside a cardboard box (just like a real woman!). The thing that shocked me about this is that Paz is a sixteen-year-old girl, who makes several references to being in Junior High, and actually wears a schoolgirl outfit. And you're a 40-year-old man who can bed her. WTF?

Now, the MGS series has always had a level of perverseness about it, but it's been progressively escalating. In MGS1 you can see Meryl exercising in her underwear, but it takes a lot of work, and is fairly innocuous. In MGS2 Snake can find posters of bikini models and then hump them. In MGS3, the main villain is a full-blown sadomasochist sex pervert, and Big Boss constantly ogles his female partner's boobs. In MGS4, all female characters refuse to button up their shirts, and in the multiplayer there's actually a game mechanic where female characters can do a stripper/pole dance to distract enemies.
But I think this shit takes the cake:

Yes, when you get a perfect score on the mission, the little girl takes off most of her clothes as a reward. How was there not a major outcry about this? I mean, if Fox News thought Mass Effect was bad...

Now, it's worth noting that Paz later turns out to be older than sixteen (which was probably shoe-horned in by the localisation team), but this isn't pointed out to either Big Boss or the player before you can defile her.

Anyway, I'm just wondering what the general trend of opinions about this is. Am I just overreacting? Is it nothing to worry about? Is there any harm in having it in the game?

Personally I think it's very out of place for a stealth-action game, and just makes the character of Big Boss seem creepy. Besides, if you are going to put in random fanservice, at least include some of the other cool [], strong [] female characters, instead of the binary choice between gay and pedophile...


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Outlaw Torn said:
They aren't having sex in the box, they are swapping Pokémon cards.
My pokemons brings all the nerds to the yard
And they're like, " You want to trade cards?"
Darn right I want to trade cards
I will trade you, but not my Charizard

OT: I wonder what they will do in the new Metal Gear with Raiden.....
Jun 16, 2010
One Hit Noob said:
Me gusta

Well what do you expect? It's a serious game with comedic semi-sexual Easter-eggs/comedy relief. Get over it.
Yeah, but it's just so unnecessary and inappropriate. Not only is the massive age difference weird, but he literally seduces her by offering her treats and taking pictures of her.

I mean, what's next? A minigame where Otacon hits up a bar and spikes a girl's drink with Rohypnol?

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Twilight Sparkle? For a second i thought you were saying David Hayter was fucking the make-up artist in charge of applying body glitter to the Twilight movie vampires.