So notch is an assh*le......


New member
Apr 28, 2010
So earlier this week it came to light that the yogscast had misbehaved at minecon, notch tweeted various tweets basically slandering them and yogscasts response was this

We?re sure many of you have seen or heard about Notch?s post-Minecon tweets, which were not what we expected to see when we got off the plane from Minecon ? we?ve had a sleep now and recovered a bit, so this is our response:
We are very disappointed by these tweets from someone we admire and respect. We can understand that it was the morning after the deadmau5 party and Notch was very tired, but we are still fairly upset. The quotes and actions that Notch attributed to us were not said by us or published anywhere by us. Therefore we are surprised and confused about where this stuff has come from - especially since the only time we spoke to Notch was at the interview.
Regarding dropping f-bombs at the show - we apologise for this, but had rehearsed the whole show in front of the organisers and half of Mojang and they had approved it. We were given no guidelines or oversight in the weeks leading up to Minecon and there were ample opportunities at the rehearsal for Mojang to inform us of problems, such as being careful about swearing, which is pretty common in our youtube videos.
Out of all the tweets that Notch sent out, most hurtful was the accusation that we told a kid to ?fuck off? and crossed out another signature ? which is something we would never ever do.
We loved spending time with fans and were overwhelmed by how many people were there to support us and give us gifts. Simon has enough Jaffas to last him until the middle of 2012. The problem was that Minecon is a new show and organisation was pretty bad, and when we came to the scheduled signing sessions, nothing had been set up for us and we had to scrabble around to fetch tables, ropes and pens ourselves. With some younger kids around, it was our priority to make sure everything was safe, as we have seen injuries in the past.
This lack of organization contributed to long and confused lines and we were heartbroken to have to turn away so many people when we ran out of time. Simon can only handle a certain amount of time between cups of coffee and nicotine tablets before collapsing, but we made a real effort to get out there and managed to do about six hours of signing. Although we were frustrated, we would never have treated fans in the way that Notch suggested we did.
We were also unhappy and surprised that a week before Minecon, Mojang informed us that they had sold the rights to livestream our show and content to IGN ? they hadn?t asked us, they hadn?t spoken to us ? they just sold it. Because of this, we nearly cancelled the trip, but decided to say ?balls to it? and come anyway, because we felt we owed it to the fans. Hannah actually spoke with IGN directly earlier, and they agreed to take their video down and let us put the videos up on our channel, so a big thanks to them for that.
We were not paid, and never demanded to be paid. We asked for some support, and Mojang said they could offer us two hotel rooms for the duration of the stay and a small boardroom to rest in. We spent a huge amount of money on flights, rooms, food and equipment for the 10 people that we brought along to support us, act as security, make videos/posts and generally help out. We also gave away 100 special t-shirts for free.
The reason we came to Minecon is because we wanted to thank you guys and meet the community that we love and are a part of. We couldn?t have gotten to where we are now without you guys, and so we decided to eat the costs of attending and just have fun. This is why we spent our panel giving a voice to loads of talented people that couldn?t attend but have made Minecraft what it is today.
We?re not gonna stop making videos, not going to stop loving you guys, and hopefully we?ll see you at more gaming conventions in the future.
Lewis & Simon & Hannah

Turns out notch made it up, yep all of it for no good reason. He sold the rightsof there video without consent and slandered there name. and now notch fanboys are DDOSing their website and losing them subscribers, and notchs response?

"Fair enough"

You've got to be fucking kidding me...... I think a full apology and compensation is in order and notch needs to stop acting like a spoiled celebrity.

Doragon Shinzui

New member
Dec 7, 2009
Or Simon and Lewis could just be trying to cover their asses. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I'm more inclined to believe Notch over those two. Sure, they're funny, but they aren't exactly what you'd call "Mature."


New member
Apr 28, 2008
This entire story just seems like a drunken misunderstanding.

Both are probably at fault here. Anyway Notch apologized on his Twitter.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
... Anyone else find it rather amusing that Notch constantly runs out into the world like that, manipulates all his fanbois and in the end goes like "Lulz, well earned."? And by 'amusing' I don't mean the funny and cuddly amusing, I mean the ridiculous and pointless amusing.
Dec 14, 2009
Like the well trained necromancer, Notch's horde of zombies fanboys will swoop down on all who oppose him.

Swooping is bad.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
So you went into reading this post assuming that Notch was an asshole.

I mean seriously, your saying that one unvalidated claim from an individual is completely false based on ANOTHER persons unvalidated claim. The only way to do that is to have made up your mind before reading. Its very possible that we will never know for sure, but your opinion has no more validity then the people supporting Notch.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Doragon Shinzui said:
Or Simon and Lewis could just be trying to cover their asses. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I'm more inclined to believe Notch over those two. Sure, they're funny, but they aren't exactly what you'd call "Mature."
Notch is far from mature, watch the interview he did with the yogscast. He said that he f'ed Simon's mum and then stole their jaffa cakes. Remember the Bethesda thing, it was funny but it definetly was very very immature. Also, his response was basically like a child telling someone off for saying something nasty to them, then his response to yogscast's post was "fair enough". Which means he isn't even mature enough to think up a response, deciding to let his fans do the work of DDoSing yogscast's website.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Of course he's an asshole. This is nothing new.

FEichinger said:
... Anyone else find it rather amusing that Notch constantly runs out into the world like that, manipulates all his fanbois and in the end goes like "Lulz, well earned."? And by 'amusing' I don't mean the funny and cuddly amusing, I mean the ridiculous and pointless amusing.
Quite, really.

On the other hand, I wish I had that kind of rabid fanbase. I would play "real life Lemmings" with them. >.>


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Hm, the word of the founder of the convention, who actually just donated another $10k to Desert Bus last night, and is always open and honest with his fans vs. the word of two Youtube celebrities who have a history of being profane and immature.

Yeah. Let's totally accuse Notch of being an asshole.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
Like the well trained necromancer, Notch's horde of zombies fanboys will swoop down on all who oppose him.

Swooping is bad.
Eh, as someone who loves Minecraft with every fiber of my being, I'm starting to hate Notch. He seems like a royal asshole.

Also, and I don't care that I'm a guy and this may make me look gay:

Alistair <3


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Sober Thal said:
What did Notch say exactly?

One sided story's are so.... one sided...

Everything started with him tweeting "I'm very sorry about the behavior of the people we won't work with any more. Celebrity or not, you don't f-bomb kids."

After which he continued:

- Yogscast repeatedly insulted people, talked behind their backs, refused to cooperate, and acted like total spoiled divas nonstop.
- They called us "a bunch of nerds who don't know how to run a company", demanded that we pay them to come here (nobody else got paid).
- And they claim they're the reason minecraft is big and that we should thank them more than anyone else in the community. They're total dicks
- A kid wanted them to sign something I had signed, and they said they'd cross it out and put "fuck you" there instead.
- Everyone else in the Minecraft community is all about respecting and caring. They're not. They're an isolated island of egos.

And that led to quite the shitstorm including DDOS attacking on Yogs website and Minecraft fanbois insulting, in real life, Simon and Lewis on the airport on their way back from MineCon... Only to end everything with:

-It's likely the entire Yogscast scenario is just stress related misunderstanding. I apologize for bringing it online before talking to them.

12 hours ago.

So yeah. There You have it. Internet at it's finest.
Dec 14, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Like the well trained necromancer, Notch's horde of zombies fanboys will swoop down on all who oppose him.

Swooping is bad.
Eh, as someone who loves Minecraft with every fiber of my being, I'm starting to hate Notch. He seems like a royal asshole.

Also, and I don't care that I'm a guy and this may make me look gay:

Alistair <3
It's Okay.

I love Alastair too.

It feels so right.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
notch is a total arsehole, he even admitted that the shit he said wasnt entirely well informed, and now hes issued a pathetic apology which is fans are just willing to accept because there great idol as spoken. i really cant stand the egotistical prick with his hypocritical and two faced practices.

just take a look at the responses from both sides, notch bitches all other twitter leading to the yogcast being attacked in real life by his rabid fans. yogcast- wait and respond sensible and maturely....yeah thos childish yogcast men how dare they present themselves in a reasonable manner


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Notch can't stop acting like a spoiled celebrity at this time, he is up against the big boys at ZeniMax. Any sign of weakness will be exploited and result in the loss of whole "Scrolls" debacle.

PS: Yes, that's sarcasm...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
How sad : yet another proof that behind image of omnipotent deities we consider our celebrities are simple people like us, with all their disadvantages. On one hand we want them to provide us with something unique, creative, fun and on the other we don't allow them to have their own cake o'madness.

OT : Some guys. Misunderstanding. Twitter. Day like every other. F*ck it. Who cares ?


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Two sides of the story. I don't know enough to make a judgement on either of them.

This is an awful lot like the Escapist/Extra Credits thing.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Phlakes said:
Hm, the word of the founder of the convention, who actually just donated another $10k to Desert Bus last night, and is always open and honest with his fans vs. the word of two Youtube celebrities who have a history of being profane and immature.

Yeah. Let's totally accuse Notch of being an asshole.
Yeh, so you think the whole thing is Notch being honest with his fans? He said AFTER their website had been ddos and they had lost a lot of subscribers that it was a mistake. Also, you've got to remember that Notch has a fuckton of money, and Yogscast don't have nearly as much, so Yogscast cant really give 10000 to one charity, another 1000 for an indie bundle and such.

And if you still think yogscast aren't charitable, look at this: