So notch is an assh*le......


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Satsuki666 said:
I take it you didnt see the article where notch admist it was all bullshit?
nope, i saw posts where he states it's probably a misunderstanding, but I haven't seen anything about him admitting to making up the whole thing out of thin air.

if you have though, please share.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Tharwen said:
Two sides of the story. I don't know enough to make a judgement on either of them.

This is an awful lot like the Escapist/Extra Credits thing.
Did the email exchange that we were promised ever actually get published? I want closure, dammit!

As for whether or not Notch is an asshole... Does it matter? He made a game that a lot of us enjoyed for varying periods of time. Should an artist/developer's personal life affect how we view their work?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
At least the Yogscast guys didn't immediately run to Twitter and start insulting and slandering Notch, they responded in a well worded and thought out manner so that's a giant +1 to them as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Phlakes said:
Hm, the word of the founder of the convention, who actually just donated another $10k to Desert Bus last night, and is always open and honest with his fans vs. the word of two Youtube celebrities who have a history of being profane and immature.

Yeah. Let's totally accuse Notch of being an asshole.
How does him donating money absolve him of being an asshole?
He started a fight publicly without even bothering a private talk with the youtube guys and he basically started a witchhunt against them. Now instead of just manning up and being honest that he fucked up, he is shifting blame and trying to not take responsibility by panning it off as a "stress related misunderstanding" yea sorry that doesn't excuse being a douche and completely unprofessional.

You know that money that Notch gets to throw around at charities? That is because all these youtubers basically gave him free publicity for his game and helped put that money in his pocket.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
The Yogscast could also just make it up.
In the end, no one of us can really judge this.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I still think Yogscast made a sarcastic joke (as they're well known for doing) and someone told Notch about it out of context as if it were something they'd actually said and as was said in the video on the Yogscast's channel he was probably tired and had a kneejerk reaction to it.

It doesn't excuse him, he should've talked to them first about it instead of going straight to Twitter, but it makes more sense than "He did it just 'cause"; I think in the end Notch has handed himself a PR nightmare which is probably going to be a big enough punishment.

Now I just wish all the Notch fanboys would man up and admit their idol isn't perfect and made a mistake. (The man himself managed it, why can't you?)

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Beryl77 said:
The Yogscast could also just make it up.
In the end, no one of us can really judge this.
How can the Yogscast make up Notch ranting over the Intertubes?


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Look, this whole thing is ridiculous. It needs to stop now.

There's no bad blood between Mojang and Yogscast right now. The initial accusations were all down to either misunderstandings, stress or just plain tiredness. Both Notch and Simon and Lewis have chosen to bury the hatchet. Hell, the only people arguing about it originally were fans. You stick several million people in a room and tell them "Party X said something bad about party Y, and you get a shit-storm", I refer you to the John Gabriel's greater internet Fuckwad theory [].

Half the accusations against Yogscast came from a post on Reddit, and none of these claims have been verified, and there's been countless people who were at minecon coming forward to say they aren't true.

This argument isn't helping anyone. No one can "win", the only outcome of it will be fracturing the community and stirring up bad blood between fans. No one benefits from that, so let's just let this whole pointless argument end, shall we?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Notch jumped the gun and made baseless accusations over the internet, something people do often but he has done so in a position of influence and that is dangerous. He should limit his twitter to impersonal information about his projects.

This is why I dislike social networking sites, you have one slip of judgement, one alcohol infused error. And you could seriously hurt someone or something in your life.

Simon and Lewis of the Yogscast do swear, not as frequently as some I've known but a fair bit, you do need to inform someone that they are doing something you wouldn't like in advance otherwise your accusations of swearing are groundless and based on your own preferences, if they were warned and chose to ignore such warnings THEN you have a platform for discontent.

Like it or not, they also bring publicity of a certain weight for attending things, Anime voice actors, singers and notable fans (Little Kuriboh and Team 4 star notably) Are paid flights, meals, hotel rooms and extra swag they pick up to attend those conventions even across the sodding Atlantic Ocean, and you're calling them divas just because you provided a room? ...Really? This is what they do as a job, time is money and you're taking their time...and money, I would have told you to go shove it, if IGN were so interested they could have sent their own people to it.

Mojang I am aware you are new at this, and with a first convention things are bound to go wrong, but make a list of things you felt failed and deal with internally, and for the love of god, keep people off twitter. If you are prone to impulsive chinese-whispers when angered or intoxicated put your fucking iphone in a lockdown and just go and do something else.

I am not a fan of either one of you, infact I find Jessie Cox and Total Biscuit playing games together far more entertaining to watch, and minecraft fills me with feelings of 'meh' at best.

But seriously, as an objective party, don't. get. fans. involved. in. this. shit.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
So Notch said something to those yogscast douchebags? That's freaking awesome. If I were in his position, I wish I would have the balls to do something like that.
Notch, on behalf of... me, thumbs up.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I have to sign with Notch.

The yogs are a couple of spoiled internet celebs, and they act like it.

They did a Lets Play of Space Marines that was 15 minutes of them complaining about the game, when they were just bad at it. >.>;

Not to mention, if nothing bad HAD been done, why would Notch bring this out, and start lying for no reason? Im more inclined to believe Simon and Lewis were just acting up a bit.

As for paying for travel, food, ect. No one else got that did they? >.>; Simon an Lewis make alot of money off of youtube. Its not like they cant afford it. Wernt their tickets and rooms free? Rooms alone can be pretty expensive in Las Vegas, especially when there's a convention being held, and rooms can be book ahead of time.

I think the yogs were just being prima donna's, feeling that they were entitled to more then they deserve. Alot more of minecrafts success came from X (davidr64yt) then from the yogs.

Now dont get me wrong, ive been a fan of the yogs for a longtime. And in that time, ive come to realize they arnt exactly... Mature. >.>; I think they're famous because of minecraft. Not the other way around.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Celebrities? You mean, "YouTube Celebrities"?I don't even know what the yogcast is. I don't follow Notch or whatever, either. So from an outsiders point of view this is just the bickering of man-children. They'll all get over it.

Away! *rears back a glowing white high-horse and rides off into the sunset*

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ah the internets dramas, sally said this, jimmy said that, sally was once a boy... it's like watching professional wrestling.

Looks to me no one has a clue what went down and everyone is overreacting, and guess what none of it matters, there is not a shit to be given.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I'm not surprised. He handled this situation with the same douchebaggery that he handled the Bethesda lawsuit. They tried to settle with him and he refused. Even if the yogscast people were actually dipshits at minecon, why would notch tweet insults about them? Really? Fucking grow up.

I dislike notch very much from what I've heard over the months about him, and for that reason I refuse to play his game. Which is probably a loss for me, but meh...I'm willing to take the hit for principle.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
kouriichi said:
I have to sign with Notch.

The yogs are a couple of spoiled internet celebs, and they act like it.

They did a Lets Play of Space Marines that was 15 minutes of them complaining about the game, when they were just bad at it. >.>;

Not to mention, if nothing bad HAD been done, why would Notch bring this out, and start lying for no reason? Im more inclined to believe Simon and Lewis were just acting up a bit.

As for paying for travel, food, ect. No one else got that did they? >.>; Simon an Lewis make alot of money off of youtube. Its not like they cant afford it. Wernt their tickets and rooms free? Rooms alone can be pretty expensive in Las Vegas, especially when there's a convention being held, and rooms can be book ahead of time.

I think the yogs were just being prima donna's, feeling that they were entitled to more then they deserve. Alot more of minecrafts success came from X (davidr64yt) then from the yogs.

Now dont get me wrong, ive been a fan of the yogs for a longtime. And in that time, ive come to realize they arnt exactly... Mature. >.>; I think they're famous because of minecraft. Not the other way around.
Sorry yogscast has way more subscribers than the youtuber you mentioned, 75% came after minecraft, anyway you think its ok for notch to sell the rights of there video without asking or compensation? Or to shame them on twitter for speculation? So that now there website is being DDOS'd and they got verbally assaulted at the airport. To me the fame has gone straight to notchs head, the yogs however seem like reasonable people


New member
Apr 6, 2009
We spent a huge amount of money on flights, rooms, food and equipment for the 10 people that we brought along to support us
that's 1000$ on minecon tickets alone

Notch is not very subtle about being a greedy bastard, is he?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Mr.K. said:
Ah the internets dramas, sally said this, jimmy said that, sally was once a boy... it's like watching professional wrestling.

Looks to me no one has a clue what went down and everyone is overreacting, and guess what none of it matters, there is not a shit to be given.
Yeh who cares about a group of peoples livelihood and business being slandered by an eminent public figure for no good reason?