So Now I Have Even More Reason To Hate Youtube and Its Stars...


New member
Mar 27, 2008
I had a glimmer of hope for the human race the other day when I noticed that the clearance section of the local Hot Topic was about 90% Fred shirts.

Anyway, Youtube's community sucks and all, but I still love havin' it around despite the majority of the popular videos being that "vlog" shit.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
Vilcus said:
Acting is hard, if you think it isn't then you obviously haven't had a part in any major performance. Most of these people put on a show, and they could spend days on a single clip. While some do lack creativity, that doesn't mean they aren't entertaining. While I'm surprised they make this much, I still think they deserve it for all of the time to put into it. Even before they made money from it, they only did it for their fans, most of them hadn't dreamed of making money off of what they do.

I dislike the majority of the people on the list, but many people love them, and if they have found a way to make money doing what they love, then all the better for them.
they like doing what they do and now they do it for money. I think that's an wonderful thing


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Out of those I watch PhillyD ansd NatTran .. anyway...

I'm not all too bothered with people making money or how they do it, except footballers .. I hate those guys. Although I'm jealous.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Louis Cruikshank. May the cats eat him.

He's earning a ridiculous sum of money just for acting like a **** and "chipmunking" his voice?

The world would not be worse off if he was ever side-swiped by a bus.

Philip DeFranco's shows are occasionally moderately funny. But that's about it. The rest of those "top earners" are all talentless cretins.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I miss the days where people just uploaded Youtube videos as a hobby.
It annoys me that people make money out of doing what is essentially a past-time.
As for Shane Dawson, the annoying orange, and Fred, I can't stand them.
It hurts me to think of how much money they make for such little work.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Gee, why was Youtube invented again? Oh yeah, free public video's on the internet. I can't see some music clips because I'm not in the right country. It's the WORLD-WIDE-WEB! How do you limit that to countries?!

So they crapped on equality too. If you like someones video's, sure, you can subscribe. But now, subscription is all that matters for someone who wants to be famous, Friendship is a medium to get (unwanted) attention, not true cooperation.

Giving money to youtubers because they are popular? Awars, sure, but money? What does youtube want? Will they eventually say: "Hey, you watched all these episodes of Fred, that's 5 bucks each, hand it over." Because they don't gain money from free video distribution. Or wait, yeah, commercials.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Just another way to be making money.

Better them doing that than mugging people amirite?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
With youtube there is the good the bad and the ugly in my opinion... the good- College Humour, the bad- Fred (the one with the really high voice, I'm not sure if thats the same one as one the list) and the ugly- All the videos of fat people falling over and such :)


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Don't be ridiculous, there is no such thing as money obtained "too easily". The easier the better, as long as you aren't stealing it.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
I like John and Hank Green, and I hope they do get a little bit of cash for their videos.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
This seems more like hitting the internet lottery to me. I highly doubt any of these people will still be making this much 3 years from now.

Internet "Stars" rely on hot memes and current trends to remain popular. Aside from Fred, who apparently has a movie.. baffling, most of those people are just popular on youtube. Most film stars or famous authors or television stars make millions for a sustainable amount of time.

People get famous for stupid reasons all the time. It's just that the internet has democratized the process by including the lowest common denominator into the decision process on who has talent, whereas normally, you would have experts, (agents, producers, talent scouts) who scour the countryside looking for people with enough talent to make those experts money.

I'm not really bothered by this, because I don't really begrudge these people because others seem to like them. I'm baffled, sure... but it's kind of like winning the lottery. I can't really look at lottery winners and go, "Assholes, winning that money when I want it."

And these guys haven't even really made it lottery rich.

But I wouldn't worry too much. There is a limited pool of money for these people. As soon as the mood shifts, someone else with a camera and an idea will be getting that money. If those figures are correct btw. They are doing an awful lot of assuming to get to that point.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Shane Dawson - Prick. I think some of his shit is semi-funny, but he's just such an attention-seeking douche that it just turns me off.

Ryan Higa - I actually liked his old shit, and although I'm not a fan of his newer videos, he still puts some kind of effort into them.

Fred - Worst piece of shit ever. This kid needs to die in a fire.

Smosh - I like them. Not the best, but I at least like them, which can't be said for most of the other famous YouTube fags.

Annoying Orange - Fucking hate those videos. Not as annoying as Fred, but still annoying as fucking fuck. There's a small bit of effort in them (animating the faces and shit) but that still doesn't mean that it deserves all that money for making piece of shit videos.

The rest I don't care about.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
mraustindude19 said:
Why does Higa make less than Dawson but Higa is the most subcribed person youtube?
Because Dawson has 3 channels, probably just to make more money as hes advertising on 3 channels.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Youtube will be Youtube. There will be brilliant users, idiotic users, and idiotic users who get paid. :p


New member
Aug 30, 2009
KiKiweaky said:
If you were earning the money for posting videos would you mind?
Yeah cause I believe you have to work to get rich, and there is no way in hell Fred deserves 146,000$.

OP: Only name up there I actually like is Smosh. The rest are mediocre. Also, I'm suprised =3 wasn't up there.