So they are kicking me out of my job.

Bird Evil

New member
Oct 1, 2009
I used to work at a internet cafe and it was probably my 2nd best job ever(this current job is my best one because I finally feel like a proper IT guy and I am my own boss) and one day out of the blue the manager decided to fire me, his reason was because I bought toilet paper for the store.... he seemed to think this was unacceptable due to the fact they had spares up in the office I was never told about. I think his real reason for firing me was because I was starting to become aware of how much he was actually ripping me off salary wise(I was on $6 an hour which is half of what kids get working at mcdonalds in my area) but yeah that was total bullshit but it inspired me to goto college and get a Diploma in IT which lead me to getting a job in the government so if I hadn't been fired from that job I wouldn't be where I am today/


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Kilgengoor said:
So, I'd like to know if any of you fellow Escapists have been through something similar. I'm just ranting here, but I think would be nice to share experiences on the subject..
While I've never been actually fired from a job, I did leave when I knew I was going to be. A couple years ago I worked as a general associate at a gas station which I won't name. My job was to keep things stocked, clean, bag ice when needed and fill propane tanks. The station was always busy and I was hired after another worker left to pursue a career he'd gone to school for, so I was to assume full-time hours ASAP. Before accepting employment there, I had to make sure the manager knew I needed time off to go to a cousin's wedding a few months down the road and after I would need a flexible schedule when I went back to school, and also that I was hoping to transfer to a store closer to me when I wasn't needed as much at that location.

I was hired and after three weeks I started working full time, with most of my schedules being spent outdoors, in the sun, in 95+ degree heat with high humidity. When I would take my only lunch break at a reasonable time, between 12-1, even though I'd only use five minutes tops I was told that I had to wait at least 2 hours after starting a shift to grab something to eat, and if it was 2 hours until I was out, I could wait. This lead me to losing about 20lbs during the summer because I couldn't grab regular meals in between filling propane tanks and keeping stock on the shelves, and I still managed to make sure I did what I was supposed to do, and pick up anything the person before me left behind. I received a few customer thanks for doing extra jobs for them that were relayed to the manager, and any tips that customers insist I take I gave to the stations charity bucket.

After I came back from my cousin's wedding, I found out I only had five hours a week for the two months I would still be there. I asked my manager repeatedly for more hours, saying I could work after my classes and on the days when I didn't have class, which would still make me a part time worker. No dice. She said that it would disrupt the schedules of the other workers, (even though I'd been asked numerous times to work outside my established schedule, and twice with only six hours over night between shifts) and that I'd have to deal with it until more things opened. Not a week went by before I got my first performance review stating I hadn't done a single thing satisfactorily, that I'd been disrespectful towards customers, and that my schedule was too confusing and I'd refused to work around school hours. After hearing my manager would speak to me only in the presence of the district supervisor, I told her that a meeting would only waste both our time and gave turned in my uniform saying she shouldn't schedule me anymore.

The whole time I was there, she favored one guy who routinely stood around talking with friends, making costumers wait and leaving messes behind, because he was her neighbor. So yes, I do understand (somewhat) what you're feeling. That job was an escape from an even worse one that I'm currently back in now so I'm able to get some form of money. It's not fair and it's completely uncalled for, but people are jerks (to be polite) and that's never going to change.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Murais said:
Poop on everything of value. That'll make the message clear.
...and never get him another job in a hotel, and wreck his chances everywhere else. No pulling any Slaters here.

OT: That sucks horribly, and I hope you get another job quickly. I've only held two jobs (still doing the second one), but I somehow managed to get into everyone's good graces, and held that first job for four years (despite being expendable AND not unionized AND a rather slow worker). In your next job, try to get on everyone's good side as soon as possible, it'll keep your job safer.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
After a particularly heated discussion with my boss on the 15th where she seemed really concerned about my comments in which I call her a nazi-werewolf witch that feeds on the tears of children and my grades on her particular subject,
You're fired.

No really. You didn't actually say this, right? Or post it online somewhere where she could read it and link the comments to you?


Nov 11, 2009
Johnnyallstar said:
Funny, I just quit my job because I couldn't take the BS anymore. Well, that company's BS, anyway.
I think this is the main reason most people quit/choose to get a new job.

Finding the perfect job is hard, so it saddens me that when people do, they still don't end up happy :(


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well I was going to say that in entry level positions like hotel reception, management does like to phase people out and keep new staff whenever possible. It reduces per employee cost once your employee makes it to a 1 year marker or better. After 1 year it becomes cheaper to hire someone new, instead of retaining someone.

However, and this is just me, given the level of excuses and justifications it feels like they were within their rights and had enough justification to let you go. You might be completely justified, however its worth your employers risk that they can find someone who wont need to explain or justify themselves.

I do understand where your coming from, I had a similar job that I adored once, So I wish you the best of luck in finding something else.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
The following may sound harsh but Im trying to be as blunt and straight to the point as possible from how I see it without being insulting, please keep that in mind!

Dude, you were doing shift work as a hotel receptionist. During that time you constantly asked those around you and your bosses for validation of how well you were doing and to point out what mistakes you were making if any. You basically showed a lack of confidence in an entry-level job.

If I was your boss, a) I'd expect you to get on with the job and stop spending so much time worrying about if you're doing it right and b) be pretty concerned that you had so much self-doubt in such a role. I'd also be getting annoyed if you were asking for an official evaluation outside of the preset agreed times - I would be happier if you just asked off-hand rather than expect an proper meeting.

If I were a co-worker of yours, I'd be getting pretty pissed off if you asked me every day to tell you if you had done something wrong - I'd expect you to know if you had done something wrong and not rely on me to correct you.

Going by everything you've said here it sounds like your face just didnt fit the crowd. Jobs like that tend to become very social and if you're the odd one out then sadly this is what happens. If this is the career you really want to pursue then fingers crossed you'll find another hotel to work for with a different selection of people who you click with.
My advise to you though would be to get some confidence, stop asking others to check your work (you may not see it like that but thats how it will be coming across if you're asking them to point out your mistakes).

Also whenever you need to communicate to management do it by email and save the sent email. That way you have a good paper trail to back up communications made.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
First off, you have not officially been canned, The meeting may be to promote you or even welcome you into the team full time. Some companies have an active recuitment policy and are always taking trainees on.

Secondly if you are sacked, it's probably because (no offence) you are annoying.
Your bosses and co workers are probably sick to death of your constant suggestions, questions and repeated "tell me what to do" style comments.
As silly as it sounds your apparent need for affirmation just makes you look like you are clueless. IF you are sacked its probably because everyone has the impression that you can't even wipe your own ass without asking someone if you did it right.

My advice for any future job would be to stop being an ass kisser and just get on with it. If you screw up someone will tell you. Your line of business isn't exactly rocket science, asking people if you did it right is probably the worst thing you can do. It makes you look like a retard.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Kilgengoor said:
One thing's for sure though, I'm going to make sure I express very clearly how shitty my bosses are at her jobs by ignoring whatever involvement they asked for in the first place, not to mention any other reason they may pose such as doing any mistakes or not getting along with my companions, which I have pretty much covered because of my interest in this job as I previously specified. I won't say anything rude, mind you, but least I can do is try and make them feel as shittier as I can.
I'd do the same and perhaps worse. Forget all that "head held high" bullshit because it's not gonna be a great comfort to you when you're out of job and desperate for money. Of course they'll ignore you and ultimately it won't make any difference, but if you're certain they're firing you for all the wrong reasons you're at least entitled to let them know how pissed you are.

I have a similar (part time) job and I often have to deal with inexperienced managers, irresponsible co-workers, self righteous arrogant assholes and very fidgety people all the while facing a possibility I could be fired at a whim. Still I suck it up, put a smile on my face and do what they tell me without questioning;whitout giving them any reason to do so.

As for your problem, well sometimes people are just not open to new ideas, and don't take their job seriously. Perhaps your ambition, willingness to improve yourself, suggestions and need for affirmation was misinterpreted, so they're firing you to make their lives easier. It's selfish and it sucks, but at least it's a good indicator what not to do on your next job. I'm not saying you shouldn't be ambitious, or ready to improve yourself (because you definitely should) just don't be so vocal about it, do your job and show some confidence.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Aurgelmir said:
Johnnyallstar said:
Funny, I just quit my job because I couldn't take the BS anymore. Well, that company's BS, anyway.
I think this is the main reason most people quit/choose to get a new job.

Finding the perfect job is hard, so it saddens me that when people do, they still don't end up happy :(
Yeah, well it was only a job, not a career. The real trouble is deciding on a career and going for it. For me, warehouse work is easy and rather mindless while I continue studying for my medical degree. One day I'll be a doctor, and all my problems will start to come to fruition.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Kilgengoor said: that I'm near the end of my six months they are training a new guy and asking me for a meeting in four days.
It's been well over four days, so what happened?