So, what encourages your faith in the human species?


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
I am not cynical enough to underestimate the power the the general public yet.

Every time a huge issue or even comes up, for example Sopa and the Japan Tsunami incident as recent examples. The out pour of effort, concern and action is staggering.

Do something stupid or insane/outrageous enough and you have to deal with the multi-headed hydra that is humanity willing to fight for what they believe in


New member
Aug 3, 2010
What encourages my faith in Humanity? The Fact that, despite everything, there are people that are even slightly like me out there.

But this is completely overshadowed by everything that makes me lose faith in humanity.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I never lost it, i see a lot of dumb shit on the news/internet, but i rarely experience it in real life. Why am i even bothering to type this, Strain42's comic sums it up nicely.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Very little.

So little, i cant even think of an answer better then that >.>;
Thats really how little makes me think humanity isnt F*CKED.

I guess..... Notch, and his shows of humanitarianismness. Makes me hope he has a dozen children who all go on to rule each Nation on the planet creating a Utopian society.

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
Wave Summers said:
Honestly (and not trying to be one of the anoying gotta post it everywhere ones) bronies have restored my fait at least a bit in the human race. a group of poeple of all creeds, races, religons, sexual orientations, and genders coming together with the express goals of spreading love and tolerance in this day of internet ragers, XBOX Live profanity slingers, and Jersey Shore initaters, made me feel that maybe, just maybe we can all just get along and make the world a better place
awwwwwwwwww, I kinda agree, bronies are people who just wanna enjoy there show, a fan of which I am, whenever I see a butthurt fan of something else, I just think, a brony is a true fan, butthurt ones are just butthurt people.

Also haveing watched the greatest speech ever a few times helps too :).


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Thespian said:
What encourages it?
Well it quite obvious why once you played Bastion, Sacrifice, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Killer7,
Irisu Syndrome, Fate Stay Night and IJI


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Vault101 said:
it doesnt need encouraging, its always been there
Arontala said:
Um.... Nothing?

What, exactly, am I supposed to be having faith in? I never "lost" my faith either, because it was never there to begin with.

I think humanity can do some pretty cool things, and I also think that it can do some pretty shitty things. I don't really have any other feelings on the matter.
Colour-Scientist said:
Nouw said:
Nothing. I don't need to encourage my faith since it's already there :). Maybe I'm not cynical enough yet, but I see no problem in the human species significant enough to care about. Yeah we're not perfect, but that in itself is a perfection.
I'm a fan of the human race as a whole. Sure there's the odd person I'd like to slap into next week but I don't see why a few bad apples should make me hate everyone.
Nouw said:
Nothing. I don't need to encourage my faith since it's already there :). Maybe I'm not cynical enough yet, but I see no problem in the human species significant enough to care about. Yeah we're not perfect, but that in itself is a perfection.
I'm glad so many people see it this way. Yeah, I myself have never "lost faith in humanity" (whatever that even means) so I tried to word the title in a way that didn't suggest that you'd have to have lost faith in our species as a pre-requisite. So, I guess I should have said "What bolsters your faith in the human species?"

MasochisticAvenger said:
So you're proud of the fact you're calling someone out who was, like you, simply expressing an opinion and probably trying to give their condolences to the War Veteran in their own way. Even if you disagree with their sentiment, that seemed like a pretty low thing to do. Not something I would really be bragging over, in my opinion.
I figure someone would see it that way, and I'm glad you posted it.
First off, I wasn't really bragging - At least, I didn't mean to be. I didn't link the video because I didn't want to come off all "Look at what I did!" because I don't really care about the comment dealy.
Yes, I was calling someone out, (though not them in particular, just the mindset that they represented) but it's not like I was preventing them from having an opinion. I merely heard theirs and expressed my own in response. I don't think it's a terrible thing to openly disagree with someone. I wasn't implying that they had any bad intentions, I know it was quite the opposite - My entire point was that that breed of thinking is harmful in a less obvious way, without meaning to be.
I don't see how voicing the fact that I disagreed was a "pretty low thing to do". I didn't do it with the intent of "winning" top comment, or taking their place... I just saw something I disapproved of, and gave my contrasting opinion. I really don't see what's immoral about that.

And please, I don't think they were giving their condolences to the man in question... First of all, he had already passed on, of course... It was for no one's gain but their own. That's not a bad thing, or a selfish thing, it's just a human thing. But it was a youtube comment - Had it been a eulogy and I barged into the wake and shouted my opinion on a bullhorn, I could totally understand where you are coming from. But the person I argued with had no more personal a stake in the matter than I did.

And finally, no, I'm not proud of it. It's not about what I did, all I did was ramble on about what I thought. I was surprised, pleasantly so, to see that so many people agreed with me. It wasn't about what I did, just such a viewpoint could be endorsed by people.

Oh, and for the record, I don't think my comment even got more thumb-likes than the last one, but it's more recent or something so it was put up the top of the page... Or something... It wasn't about "sweet, I won", hope that's clear.


New member
Jan 17, 2012
- The underlying Ideals ambitions and ethics one can see in Movies, Literature and other forms of Art.
- The fact that in ANNO 2070 most people vote for Ecos
- That so many people went to the streets to protest against things like SOPA/ACTA
- The constant Ambition to leearn more, to experience more and to be more
- The fact that so far I don't see anyone who would want to bring complete destruction
- That during darkest times when it is deadly to act outside given guidelines people still struggle
- That while life often seems pointless people usually get their s**t together and carry on
- that despite our natural urge to fight and conquer we all want to live in peace
- Our Potential, our determination to understand and overcome every frontier we encounter and that despite our dark past, our foggy future and flawed existence we still are human

Of course ther are many buzzkills that make me angry when looking at a "busy" crowd, make me want to slap people blabbing about pointless things and makes me question our worth.
But the stuff above keeps me interested.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
The "unsung heroes". People who, in times of distress or disaster great and small do amazing things for other people with no ulterior motives. They do it because they feel it's the right thing to do even if it causes them hardship. The fact that so many people are willing to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak, is always heartwarming to me.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
We, as a species, are striving for cultural, scientific and societal excellence.
There are a thousand things I could say to justify just how awesome we are, and how we are using that awesomeness to make us even more so.
Basically, just because there are rotten apples doesn't mean every apple is bad.
All ravens are black, but it doesn't mean all that is black is raven.

In conclusion, humans kick ass. That is where I get my faith.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Probably above all else, the directorial works of Paul Thomas Anderson.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Can we please stop using the word faith in this context? It beffudles me that the OP in particular seems rather averse to religion would use a word that represents an illogical concept to begin with to measure one's affinity with the species as a whole. *sigh* Really, I can't get worked up about this kind of thread or humanity too much, I feel rather dispassionate towards both. It really doesn't matter whether or not I approve of humanity; that's going to make fuck all difference as to what actually occurs, bewailing over the years of genocide, avarice, slavery, oppression, bigotry, wealth disparity etc. humanity is responsible for isn't going to make it go away and chiming out niceties about our societal/technological progress and brief spouts of altruism won't negate the atrocities either. My opinions have absolutely fuck all impact on anything this grand of a scale, so it's rather pointless to get incensed over the injustices and what have you. Nothing I ever say or do will hold any significance in this scale as I do not possess the affluence, connections, determination, willpower, selflessness, talent or general epistemological breadth to help change things for the better. Consider that last sentence a fuck you to anyone with the temerity to ask something along the lines of 'well if you don't like it so much why don't you do something to change it' that often get's churned out in these threads. Whether or not you approve of the general state/direction of the species as a whole isn't going to change advancements and atrocities aplenty from a-happening, so it's a rather pointless topic to dwell on or concern yourself with.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Thespian said:
MasochisticAvenger said:
So you're proud of the fact you're calling someone out who was, like you, simply expressing an opinion and probably trying to give their condolences to the War Veteran in their own way. Even if you disagree with their sentiment, that seemed like a pretty low thing to do. Not something I would really be bragging over, in my opinion.
I figure someone would see it that way, and I'm glad you posted it.
First off, I wasn't really bragging - At least, I didn't mean to be. I didn't link the video because I didn't want to come off all "Look at what I did!" because I don't really care about the comment dealy.
Yes, I was calling someone out, (though not them in particular, just the mindset that they represented) but it's not like I was preventing them from having an opinion. I merely heard theirs and expressed my own in response. I don't think it's a terrible thing to openly disagree with someone. I wasn't implying that they had any bad intentions, I know it was quite the opposite - My entire point was that that breed of thinking is harmful in a less obvious way, without meaning to be.
I don't see how voicing the fact that I disagreed was a "pretty low thing to do". I didn't do it with the intent of "winning" top comment, or taking their place... I just saw something I disapproved of, and gave my contrasting opinion. I really don't see what's immoral about that.

And please, I don't think they were giving their condolences to the man in question... First of all, he had already passed on, of course... It was for no one's gain but their own. That's not a bad thing, or a selfish thing, it's just a human thing. But it was a youtube comment - Had it been a eulogy and I barged into the wake and shouted my opinion on a bullhorn, I could totally understand where you are coming from. But the person I argued with had no more personal a stake in the matter than I did.

And finally, no, I'm not proud of it. It's not about what I did, all I did was ramble on about what I thought. I was surprised, pleasantly so, to see that so many people agreed with me. It wasn't about what I did, just such a viewpoint could be endorsed by people.

Oh, and for the record, I don't think my comment even got more thumb-likes than the last one, but it's more recent or something so it was put up the top of the page... Or something... It wasn't about "sweet, I won", hope that's clear.
The low thing to do was coming here and bragging about the fact you had a go at someone simply because you didn't share their beliefs. You're trying to act like you don't really care about it, yet you used it as "proof" it is still worth having faith in humanity. There really isn't much higher honour you can bestow upon something. Tell me something, what did it matter this person wanted to believe the war veteran would be forgiven? Explain to me the great harm that would fall upon humanity if some people wanted to believe the story had a happy ending? How does that in any way deminish the tradegy of someone having to kill someone else, largely because they came from different countries?

A lot of people believe people can hear them even after they die. It's why they talk to loved ones in their graves. Even if you don't believe in it yourself, do you really need to go around attacking them for it? Also, way to have a double standard there: in your original post you state the fact people agree with you is awesome irregardless of the fact it was on YouTube. However, apparently this guy's comment doesn't mean anything because it was posted on YouTube.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
The fact that as much as I do for other people (I'm not perfect but I do go out of my way to help more often than not) there are millions out there that do more for less.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Our still being alive due to lack of nuclear war, thank god for the lack of escalation in the cuban missile crisis


New member
Sep 11, 2010
MasochisticAvenger said:
The low thing to do was coming here and bragging about the fact you had a go at someone simply because you didn't share their beliefs. You're trying to act like you don't really care about it, yet you used it as "proof" it is still worth having faith in humanity. There really isn't much higher honour you can bestow upon something. Tell me something, what did it matter this person wanted to believe the war veteran would be forgiven? Explain to me the great harm that would fall upon humanity if some people wanted to believe the story had a happy ending? How does that in any way deminish the tradegy of someone having to kill someone else, largely because they came from different countries?

A lot of people believe people can hear them even after they die. It's why they talk to loved ones in their graves. Even if you don't believe in it yourself, do you really need to go around attacking them for it? Also, way to have a double standard there: in your original post you state the fact people agree with you is awesome irregardless of the fact it was on YouTube. However, apparently this guy's comment doesn't mean anything because it was posted on YouTube.
Whoa, a few things you seem to have misunderstood here...
1. How am I bragging? My point was nothing to do with the fact that I made a comment or whatever. You seem to be getting side tracked by the whole youtube comment thing which was only an example, nothing more. I used that story to demonstrate that I'm glad that people are able to favour a rational but inconvenient truth over a nice, but altogether fanciful one.

2. I used it as "proof" that it's worthwhile to believe in humans? ... How? All I did was say that this encouraged my personal faith in the human race, not that it was empirical evidence that things are going well. Maybe I should have clarified the point of the thread, but it's really just for anything that makes you feel good about the world and stuff.

3. You said I attacked the people for what they believe... What? How? All I did was state my opinion! I didn't even reply or address directly to any comment-maker in particular! All I did was state an opinion that was contrary to theirs. If that's "attacking someone" then by that logic, they "attacked me" when they made a comment that I disagreed with. Man, that is such a warped perception of things.

4. Yeah, that's not what a double standard is. I don't think you fully understand the term. You can't just pick up on me using the same phrase twice in conflicting points. What you've done is changed too many variables.
Besides, I never said that guy's comment meant nothing because it was on youtube - I said they couldn't have been attempting to console the vet (as you suggested) because it was on youtube. I never implied that the fact that it was on youtube negated the importance of it.
And while I'm at it, I didn't mean people agreeing with me was awesome despite being on youtube... I just meant that, well, Youtube comment sections don't have a great rep, so if you find sensible thinking (Or what I perceive to be sensible thinking) there, then logic dictates it must be elsewhere.

So yes, I said the words "On youtube" in two very different sentences. Doesn't make it a double standard, because the contexts were entirely different.

Now, I like a goo civilized debate, especially about such an interesting topic, but to respond to your questions (The ones along the lines of "What harm does this sort of thinking do?" and whatnot) would be to go entirely off topic... An also get wrapped up in an argument that wasn't really the point I was trying to make, but I guess I ramble too much.
Still, you ha some good questions so if you want to continue this in messages I'd be more than happy to oblige.