So, what is it you

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Quantum Roberts said:
Chances are, if your on The Escapist, videpgames are pretty high on your "Stuff I like to do" list but I'm curious. What else do you guys like to do? What are some of your hobbies, your other interests, what else preoccupies your time that isn't either study or work?

Myself, I grow bonsais with my father just to name one thing.

What about you guys?
Ohhh, cool Bonsais.

Well for me I like to watch a lot of movies, I'm trying to get back into the habit of reading which is harder than Hilary Clinton's tits on a cold day if you've gotten out of it for quite some time. I like to go on Wikipedia and learn about random interesting things.

Aw man thinking about this topic makes me want to do more stuff like learn Piano, or learn to speak Russian, if I only had the money.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
I love to dance. It started out as a little hobby (After seeing the music video for "Smooth Criminal" when I was about 11 if you want to know)
I don't know if I'm good or bad. I'm very shy about it IRL, and havn't shown anyone or filmed myself. Thank god for internet anonomity, huh?
I also draw cartoons, occaisionally

A BigCup of Tea

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Guffe said:
ELCTea said:
Guffe said:
soon I will be in the army for 360 days with about 20 free weekends in that time...
dont take this personally but i hate you.....i want to join but can't
Really? About 80% of the people who go there don't want to and about 15 more % don't care and 5% look forward to it. Where are you from with that attitude? The deal here in Finland is that every male has to do at least 6 months of military service unless he has mental instability or a physical thing that stops him from doing it.
I live in england and i can't join because im diabetic otherwise i would


New member
May 21, 2010
Pirate Kitty said:
I read and write a lot. Also have music on all day.

And I love to flirt :p
THe only unfortunate part of music is that I can't listen to it at work. So I WISH I could have it on all day...

Flirting is good too. Always great to hit that reaction!


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I read. I write. I play pick up games of hockey, football (american), sometimes baseball.

I fence. and I mean, I FENCE! Like, competitively, though I'm not in a team or anything.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Well, I love to play tennis. One of the reasons I don't like winter is there's less tournaments (I live in MN.)

I'm also really into EM. So, stuff like techno, trance, dub, and whatnot. This also grew into a love to dance so I learned stuff like the melbourne shuffle, dnb step, and liquid just to name a few.

Otherwise I'm doing anything that takes my interest. Lately, that's been reading up on psychology. Oh, and being Slaaneshi in general.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Let's see:

I'm a married man with 3 cats
I have a youtube channel that I really would like to do more on
Did a podcast with a friend of mine
Getting ready to start a D&D essentials campaign as the DM

umm...that's all I can think of right now.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I have a avid fascination for American football and watch it a lot, as well as playing madden NFL 11 a lot, and I'm English and live in England., yes really. I am a soccer referee at a weekend and I also do roller hockey. Video games are used just to fill in the gaps between these activities.

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
I play guitar and bass regularly, though I'm not that good at either. Listening to music is a much bigger hobby to me, I love many many different kinds of bands from just about every modern genre of music.

i love camping, hunting, hiking, and generally outdoorsy stuff.

I own two guns and a bow which i use pretty frequently, also I'm a member of the NRA and an avid gun-rights activist.

I snowboard and longboard whenever I am able, my apartment complex has speedbumps which ruin me.

I've been in the military for four years and some change as a radiology tech; I also am quite involved with that field.

And of course, I like to play video games, read some, homebrew various beers, go to shows (concerts), and hang with friends and family


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I play piano obsessively. It dominates my life entirely... to a possibly unhealthy degree.
I also listen to music a lot, too. Again, it's a bit obsessive... and... well, constant. If I'm not playing music, I'm listening to it.
Sometimes I'll draw (badly) or write (badly) or sprite (, but just for some new sort of creative outlet. I used to play basketball when I was a wee lass, but that's really the only sport I ever did. Not a sports person. Ummm... I also read..? I think that's it.
Oh, and I got a new puppy two months ago! He's so sweet/BAD HE'S SO HYPER. Nowadays I'm chasing him around. He likes to snatch my, uh, undergarments and go running out into the backyard. I have old ladies living on either side of me, so it's generally an embarrassing experience.

I apparently enjoy talking about myself or something, too. Either that or I'm just bored right now (probably bored). .____.;
Also embarrassing.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I write stories and read lots of books.

On nice days, I take walks.

And in the spring/summer, I have a garden. :D (It's hard to grow things in winter here because the weather's so damn schizophrenic. One day it'll be nearly 80 and the very next it'll be freezing and sleeting all over the place... otherwise, I'd have a year-round garden!)


Swarm Agent
Sep 12, 2008
Sports, indoor soccer to be exact, twice a week.

Technical repairs, psychological repairs for friends (counseling)

Epic third wheel with friends, even large groups.

Professional fake boyfriend to my friends in the clubs.

Running, organizing group stuff and such.

Doing all this either being a "lone wolf" or massive flirt. I can never decide.

Omega Pirate

New member
Sep 20, 2010
Mmm, I play video games, watch anime, and normal movies. However Minecraft has cannibalized much of my entertainment time. Ssssssssss....

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
Every weeknight, I'm either training in Boxing, or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. Occasionally, I'll have to host shows on the radio at nights, which gets in the way of my training. Once a month, I'll take a Friday off of Boxing to do some indoor rock climbing.

On weekends, I'll either hit the gym or go to a nearby track to do some sprints.